Jarasans Blog

Just the facts.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


When are we going to stop this?

Ron Paul as usual to the point from the Washington Times:

Cheryl K Chumley reporting:

Former Rep. Ron Paul said the law enforcement that swarmed around Boston in the days following the marathon bombings was scarier than the actual terrorist attack.

“The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city,” he said on the Lew Rockwell website, Politico reported. “This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.”

The terror attacks on April 15 in Boston killed three and injured 264.

Mr. Paul, a former libertarian political candidate who served in Congress as a member of the Republican Party, said the door-to-door searches police conducted in Watertown for the bombing suspects were particularly alarming.

They reminded of a “military coup in a far off banana republic,” he said, Politico reported. “Force lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down.”

Mr. Paul reminded the surviving suspect, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was ultimately discovered by a civilian, and not due to police crackdown, Politico reported.

“He was discovered by a private citizen, who then placed a call to the police,” he said. “And he was identified not by government surveillance cameras, but by private citizens who willingly shared their photographs with the police.”

“This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.”
It was an opportunity for the government to put the fear of government authority into them. And it showed the people in this country how quick the government can muster up government forces to control the people.

What are the people going to do about it? Nothing just bitch.

All us serfs take note of this episode as a warning. Now move along before they come after you for bitching about it.

Even with locking down the Watertown neighborhood and terrorizing the residents there, the police still failed to find the bomber. It was a regular citizen who discovered the bomber in the boat after the police left.

I'm not sure you can say either the bombing or the searching was scarier than the other -- there is no moral equivalency -- but they are both horrendous.

Apparently the mainstream press will once again let this go without vigorous reporting because it would look bad for the Democrats in control of the city, the state, and ultimately for Obama. If this kind of thing happened in Texas, you would see vigorous reporting by the mainstream press, eager to make Republicans look bad.

So perhaps it is the mainstream press that is scarier than either the bombing or the search.
The Police and Media are both scary aspects. The protocol of both are enough to make people afraid of one another.
Give due respect to the average citizen and they'll do all they can to help, but when the Media and Police, FBI, and others try to outshine the other you have what happened in Boston...
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