Jarasans Blog

Just the facts.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Dictator style.

The way the fascists and commies do it.   You think it was bad before it has gotten worse.  From the Washington Times. by Stephen Dinan and Susan Crabtree.

President Obama used his recess appointment powers Wednesday to name a head for the controversial Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three new members to the National Labor Relations Board — moves Republican lawmakers said amounted to an unconstitutional power grab.

The president acted just a day after the Senate held a session — breaking with at least three different precedents that said the Senate must be in recess for at least three days for the president to exercise his appointment power. Mr. Obama himself was part of two of those precedents, both during his time in the Senate and again in 2010 when one of his administration’s top constitutional lawyers made the argument for the three-day waiting period to the Supreme Court.

Mr. Obama tapped former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head the CFPB, and named three others to the labor board — all of which had been stymied by congressional Republicans who said Mr. Obama is accruing too much power to himself through those two agencies.

In strikingly sharp language, Republicans said the Senate considers itself still in session for the express purpose of blocking recess appointments, and the move threatened to become a declaration of war against Congress.

“Although the Senate is not in recess, President Obama, in an unprecedented move, has arrogantly circumvented the American people,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican.

GOP House Speaker John A. Boehner called the move “an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab by President Obama that defies centuries of practice and the legal advice of his own Justice Department.”

“The precedent that would be set by this cavalier action would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our Constitution,” the Ohio Republican said in a statement.

The White House, though, argues Republican senators have been stonewalling his nominees for so long that Mr. Obama had no choice but to circumvent them.

The president introduced Mr. Cordray during a trip to Ohio Wednesday, telling a supportive crowd that the Senate Republicans’ ongoing blockade of his nomination “inexcusable.”

“I refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer. I’ve said before that I will continue to look for every opportunity to work with Congress to move this country forward. But when Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them,” Mr. Obama said.

CPFB supporters has said the lack of a top executive has blocked the fledgling agency from taking on a number of tasks in its mandate to police the financial sector and protect consumers from fraud. Mr. Cordray was accompanying the president on the trip, and briefly spoke to reporters.

He said he would begin work immediately, adding: “We’re going to begin working to expand our program to non-banks, which is an area we haven’t been able to touch until now.”

The Constitution gives the president the power to make appointments when the Senate is not in session and able to confirm them. Traditionally, that has been understood to mean when the Senate has adjourned for a recess longer than 10 days, and a Clinton administration legal opinion said a recess must be at least three days.

Mr. Obama’s own top constitutional lawyers affirmed that view in 2010 in another case involving recess appointments. Asked what the standard was for making recess appointments, then-Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal told the justices the administration agreed with the three-day rule.

“The recess appointment power can work in a recess. I think our office has opined the recess has to be longer than 3 days,” Mr. Katyal said

“I refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer. I’ve said before that I will continue to look for every opportunity to work with Congress to move this country forward. But when Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them,” Mr. Obama said.

Dictators speak like that. 'No' and 'without them' should worry everybody.
Remember, it's not a war if you're not shooting back. ;-)
In the south they would call him a " Suck Egg Mule " that's polite to what I actually call this J O...!
He is in My opinion, is not worthy of being called nothing but a dictator..!
A better title might be, "Dictator, American Style".
Come on guys, Mr. George W. did it cowboy style. It's time PRESIDENT Obama grew some balls.    'bout time he come up swinging with both barrels. He's taken too much crap from the Republicans.
@t Jesse Jackson wanted them cut off.   WTH>>>>>>>>>>? Can you please stay on topic for once. I am hoping the Holy Spirit visits you soon and turns your brain back on.

This makes Mussolini look like a reasonable bloke. Anybody that thinks or believes this is good politics needs to READ and COMPREHEND the ramifications of this fascist fatwa'.
I remember a time when they would impeach a president for sexual shenanigans. The last two guys have committed much more serious crimes and been allowed to get away with it.
Looks like he made three labor board appointments too. Hes going for all or nothing.
The man is out to make for major confrontations with the republicans.
It is going to be like this all year.
He is pissed about this Ga court thing about eligibility. Time to move into dictatorship.
We The People...not me the dictator.
Congress rendered itself useless 2 years ago, The democratic congress that is...
Most of our military leaders have no use for the idiot in charge, things will change.!
Thanks everybody! Let's get the fascist out of office, pass the word along, no more dictators!
Thank God this bozo is on his way out.
This, the greatest nation on Earth, could not survive another term.
And that's a fact.
Good politics? You got to be kidding, jarasan. All the crap, blocking, stonewalling and hate, hate, hate with a vengeance that's been slung at our president and black people is so ugly, I think we were in the 60s all over again. Nothing is sacred, not even his Christmas card.

There ain't no rules in Republican politics. Not this time. They lost everything. If the pubs hadn't screwed everybody maybe their own people won't have voted them out. Complete wipe out. Skunk.

You guys are having a helluva time getting back in and using whatever it takes, slavery, race cards, lies, deception, and a lot of crying.

Obama ain't go no mo cheeks to turn. He's already turned all 4 of them too many times. It's time for him to sling the power in his balls and I hope he continue to do so. He should have came against was was left of the Republican Party like this from the very beginning.

Don't talk to me about good politics. I guess the buzz work now is "dictator" Go ahead cry "dictator", cry babies.
I guess the Holy Spirit hasn't visited you.
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