Jarasans Blog

Just the facts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Govt. Healthcare.

What is Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA Health System?   Do young, healthy, people that don't need healthcare or want to pay for it,  pay involuntarily?  What about dental and eyecare? 

If the govt. gets involved anymore in the healthcare business it'll be a bottomless pit for money thrown away.

The panacea of a nationalized electronic medical record (EMR) is a hoax to create further depedence on govt. and have the govt. making healthcare decisions for people.

The EMR technological hurdle, to achieve, is infinite,  another huge agency will have to be created.  What if you lose your EMR and someone uses it for nefarious purposes.  Compliance by healthcare providers will drain resources and increase costs, legal battles will ensue.  What will happen to the insurers and HMO's?

HIPAA kills, that is the last big idea to come out of congress. 

To give you an idea, you ever hear of Social Security?  Do you know that the SS system databases are on archaic systems that cannot be migrated via. electronic means?  In other words the data of all USAmericans would have to be keyed manually to update the systems used by SS!  They can't do it, it would take 25 years of 10,000 people typing continuosly to achieve a manual update! Never going to happen.  SS maintains COBOL programmers, ever hear of COBOL?

Now imagine trying to have the govt. manage the nations medical records!  The govt. should remain involved as a payer only for Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA health system and let the doctors and hospitals take care of those who need healthcare and those who want it.

" They can't do it, it would take 25 years of 10,000 people typing continuosly to achieve a manual update!"

Now if someone could come up with a program to enable a transfer of info they could make a couple dollars.
Considering how often they currently release 100s of thousands of peoples' SS numbers and other info "into the wild", just imagine how well they are going to "protect" everyone's medical records. In 20 years, the only people able to get decent jobs will be those who hardly ever get sick. The chronically ill will also find themselves chronically under-employed.
Thanks TT! Another analogy of the complexity of upgrading migrating systems is the air control system, in order to migrate foward you gotta shut down the thing, that means no planes in and out from that airport.   And to top it off by the time they upgrade it, the upgrade is obsolete!

As a side note, they are ready to legislate the private aircraft operators into commercial operators under the same rules as passenger jets, they don't want anybody but them controlling just about all aircraft.

Another thing is that we keep hearing the comparison between economies of the past and now. I believe some of these comparisons are mute, because of the much higher number of people and different economic dynamics.

I just heard a talking head make a great comparison: "adding more money to this problem is like giving someone vodka to cure a hangover," since this boon was all built on debt.
Wow, Jarasan. Ever hear of the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act? The Bush Administration’s privatization of Medicare called "Medicare Advantage" doubled the costs of traditional Medicare. These programs stuffed the pockets of private companies, mostly managed care plans, to process claims for Medicare beneficiaries.   This a FACT according to the Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Budget Office, and the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.

By acting "as a payer only" a very lucrative plan for private insurers was created while restricting benefits to Medicare recipients, leaving the taxpayers stuck with billions, yes billions, in extra costs. (estimated $54 billion over 5 years) This privatization, or as you put it, letting "doctors and hospitals take care of those who need healthcare" ended up in so many overpayments, that in the end, seniors received poorer benefits while private insurers enjoyed windfall profits.

Although the new President & his administration have only been in office for 5 weeks, they've drastically cut government funding to Medicare Advantage so the money can be directed to proper use, that is, helping people get affordable health care, be treated with dignity and fairness, instead of sending CEOs on luxury cruises.

Yup, I agree the system is a real mess. I knew you'd come around sooner or later!

WOW, as usual JX you are parroting propaganda from some source that hates Bush and is promoting the current administrations plan to spend $684,000,000,000 to have the govt. run healthcare.   You missed my point completely as usual. Let me clarify it for you,, the govt. is "incapable of administering healthcare". If so much stealing is going on by BIG INSURANCE wouldn't it be simpler to PROSECUTE and fix the problem instead of throwing almost another trillion at it? And as usual you conveniently forgot to address HIPAA (a govt. added costly mandate to increase complexity), the cost of HIPAA in money and lives is incalculable. You need to show us the "numbers" from the offices that produced them, not from hate Bush socialist/leftist agenda websites, thanks in advance.

You need to go to your local emergency room and look at the demographic sitting there waiting for triage and report back who they declined to admit.

I work in the healthcare industry and I personally care for my handicapped sister and elderly parent. I don't want any jackass govt. bureaucrat deciding any care for me or my family, this is what they are trying to do. They want as much control as possible you may like to be controlled but I don't.

Today I will visit a community hospital, a clinic, and a university run hospital (it's in Baltimore).   

I speak from direct experience, no one is without healthcare in this country, and the healthcare in this country is the best in the world. The current administration has socialist ideals that always fail and will really mess up the healthcare industry beyond repair, they have done nothing in five weeks other than to grow the federal deficit by $2,000,000,000,000, and they plan to spend another $4,000,000,000,000 next year. Wake up.

You have a POTUS that is like a teenager that just got a shiny new credit card and was let loose in their favorite store and is on spending spree without realizing it has to be paid back. The problem is we have to pay it back.
Today, instead of visiting 2 hospitals and one clinic, I visited 3 hospitals and 1 clinic, and spoke on the phone with at least 5 other clients.

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