This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Thursday, December 1, 2022


My suggestion to MAGA candidates

Act and talk like you are a Republican or Democrat to the core. Get voted in and do your MAGA sh!t.

Power to the MAGA! Right on!
* The problem the Maga folks have is that they refuse to accept reality. Take your fallen leader: Refuses to concede because in his world, it is impossible to lose to anyone, including a more savvy politician. It doesn't end there- you have Karri Lake doing the same thing, not conceding. Then 45's hand picked " Senatorial choices" Dr Oz, Mastriano, & others, they all fell because they attempted to carry 45's message to the voters. Karri herself was welded to 45 at the hip, talked like him, acted like him & got defeated.
* The results in AZ proved a valuable point: Just as 45 was defeated because of him & his policies,  so was Lake. Had Lake prevailed, the message would have been" there had to be fraud because Karri won" and she was endorsed by Trump. They both suffered the same fate: Rejection! Just as the ancient Roman empire died,  so will the Maga movement. It's politicians are corrupt & when things don't go their way, they cry fraud.
* Just as you guys tried to force feed voters your brand of crap for another 4 years, you saw first hand that it did not work. Take a lesson from feeding a baby: You can feed it whatever you " think is GREAT for them" but guess what- if it does not like it..... it spits it up! Got it? Good!
Don't you know that in Arizona the Secretary of State is in charge of certifying the elections? Don't you know that the AZ SoS is Katie Hobbs, the same person that is running for Governor?
I'm Katie Hobbs and I'm running for Gov!!  It's also my job to certify the election results.
Am I going to lose the election, especially if it's close? NFW!!  What a dumb question.

You don't see any conflict of interest there do you?
* You have a pretty bad sense of direction & l will explain. Hobbs WAS the Sec of State & decided that she was " running for Governor " her JOB as such did not disqualify her of her obligation to certify or not simply because she was the winner- l repeat  " it was her job." This talk about " we need a new election" is horse manure.

*The people of the State of AZ went to the polls & made their voices heard loud & clear. Just because the results were not what the Maga people envisioned, does not give them the right for a do over.Elections are not FREE, and just because the voting was slow in certain areas or people were told to " try another voting place " because there was a problem with the machines does not made the election fraudulent.

* If Lake was ahead in the polls, she would not have made a fuss about this or that- her personality rubbed people the wrong way & she paid for it. She gave McCain the middle finger just as 45 did & the voters did not forget. Her addressing the press as though they were kids was another turn off. Telling them that she had answered " that question before, and that she was going to turn them into REAL journalists. Her brash attitude was to much to stomach, just like Trump's. No one in AZ misses Lake, especially the people who stood in line to vote Hobbs in. That same attitude was displayed by Mastriano, and he went down in flames as well. That clown from Colorado" bobblehead" almost lost as well & that was a wake up call for he , she squeaked in a win & her Democrat opponent " Conceded" because he said he was not going to be a spoil sport and turn it into a circus.
There is absolutely NO excuse for this. These machines should have been tested or dry run ahead of time. This kind of stuff is what leads to people not trusting election results.
Election day headlines...
Nov 8, 2022 � PHOENIX (AP) � A printing malfunction at 60 polling places across Arizona's most populous county slowed down voting Tuesday, but election ...
Nov 8, 2022 � Vote tabulation machines in about 20% of 223 voting centers in Arizona's Maricopa County were malfunctioning and not accepting some ...
Nov 8, 2022 � PHOENIX � Problems with vote-counting machines at some polling locations in Maricopa County, home to more than 60 percent of Arizona's ...
Nov 8, 2022 � Technicians were dispatched to polling sites across Arizona's largest county on Election Day to fix dozens of malfunctioning vote tabulation ...
Nov 8, 2022 � An hour into the election, Arizona voters and poll workers at some sites started reporting issues with tabulators not working.
Nov 11, 2022 � A series of technical glitches disrupted ballot counting on Tuesday at about one in four voting centers in Republican-led Maricopa County, ...
Nov 8, 2022 � The Maricopa County Elections Department said Tuesday that some of the machines weren't recording votes on Election Day.
Nov 12, 2022 � On Tuesday, equipment malfunctioned at scores of polling places in Maricopa County, already a hotbed of election denialism.
Nov 8, 2022 � The GOP asked for polls to remain open for another three hours in Maricopa County after numerous vote tabulators were unable to scan ...
Nov 8, 2022 � The machines that tabulate ballots at Maricopa County vote centers are having widespread problems, with about 20% of locations affected.
One or two machine malfunctions is way too many, but malfunctions at 44 of 223 sites (20%) is more than just a random glitch. That is a system wide screw up of major proportions.
* That's quite a list BUT it does not mean " fraud" was committed. When 45 lost- he to spoke of a " Presidential election RE-DO." Why is it always the Republicans who want a redo when they lose? Lake is just as much a loser as Trump. He figured out that despite his moaning, the country would fall behind him if he " got his way." Lake seems to think the same thing.

*That BS remark of 45 months earlier when he said " They only win if they cheat" got old real fast because he looked at the poll numbers months before the Nov election and saw that his campaign was taking on water. Both Trump and Lake have lost their way. Now l read that your fallen leader is tweeting at 2 am going on about whatever is on his mind. How is it that you folks do not say " My guy has lost his mind?" If Biden had done that- Fox would have a field day, but 45 is given free rein, why? Perhaps because the party knows they dealing with a toddler.
Voting machines not working properly is not fraud? So what do you call it? Perfectly normal?

Only Republicans that want a redo, huh? Did the msm tell you that? This video says otherwise. Dems complain about it too. And been for a long time from some of the clips in it.
I have another video that I've posted here before of dems complaining that voting machines can be hacked in blog #486, but you tube took it down. What a surprise...
Nancy Pelosi on election integrity in 2005.
* Btw, l looked at that Youtube piece you directed me to, that's ONE person's word on what they heard, l can find no journalist deeo digging on what " Bill said or did not say"- anyway, enough of that.
* Present topic, let's cut to the chase- there are NO perfect elections. Unlike 3rd world countries where people are openly disenfranchised, America stands as a beacon in having fair elections: Then we have POOR losers, you know them all to well.
* Remember that movie " 2000 Mules?" If what that guy was putting out was TRUE, while did the GOP as a whole claim that they had the " smoking gun?" How about the movie " Hunter Biden?" Wanna know why? Cause like sane people out there: They view it as Entertainment, something a lot of these guys on the hill are pushing. Like that Congressman who's going to be in charge if the " Oversight Committee ," a guy who raced to add his name to not recognizing Joe as the winner of the 2020 election. Suddenly he stands for " truth." He already has claimed without evidence that Joe " is the Big Guy."
* Personally l hate corruption on both sides: When Bill got nailed for his bj, l looked at it as a personal affair- both adults & the economy was red hot, but no, we had hearings, really? It started on Whitewater & ended up in sex, give me a break.  When 45 attacks democracy and the end result is people killed, to you folks, its " No biggie." See what l mean?
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