This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My quit smoking update.

I posted a comment on a blog who was quitting smoking that I was working on quiting.

My update is that I smoke very little now. I might buy a pack of cigarettes now and then. Have had maybe 2 packs in the last month. I also buy a few cigars now and then.

My kick now is that I had a small can of peach snuff I purchased about a year or two ago and did not really use it but once when I bought it. Well I pulled down that can of snuff and now I take out my full set of upper dentures and take the snuff and sprinkle it on my dentures that go to the roof of my mouth. Re insert my dentures and wa la a nicotine fix. Keep that there for an hour or so and then take out the dentures and rinse them clean and rinse my mouth out. Do that two or three times a day. That little 1.5 ounce can of snuff has lasted over two weeks now. Have about two more shake outs left in the can.

Sounds nasty but effective. Green laugh

They can take their tobacco tax and stuff it.ROFL

I probably save something like $200.00 a month now.Big Grin

Monday, May 11, 2009


Whats happening with "I" lately

"I" stops in from his space travels now and then to see how things are going. Got a replacement for the spaceship he crashed. Got an up to date model. More eco friendly. Green laugh

Has been asking about the new president so I have been filling "I" in on up to date details. Said he may stop at the white house to pay a visit. I may go along for the ride.

Eveything is going along fine on his planet. Has been going great on his planet for the last couple centuries since they have an eco system that runs along smoothly and no wars to contend with there. Eveyone is employed on his planet so that makes things run smoothly too.

I may decide to go there now and then as an advisor on their home construction as their is a demand for historic home constuction up there like our historic homes here. Since their eco system has regenerated a lumber supply from the last devastation from a tree larvae that was wiping out tree growth. They took care of the tree larvae so that should not reoccur for a few hundred years.

They have set up schooling up there for carpenters as that has been a lost trade for a great length of time. No lumber you know. They have been building homes without lumber but have been using manufactured material made in their factories.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ascending order center digit system

Figure out what center digit is going to drop will give you a list of numbers.

combined draws profile

Game Profile for File SC3 ASC.DMG : All Records               05-05-2009

     Drawn By Position |          Draw Frequency            |    Since Drawn  |       Most Frequent
    P1     P2    P3         Ttl|       P1     P2     P3           Ttl|   P1   P2  P3   |     Pairs        Doubles
0: 259   25              284|     3.5  36.4                    3.2|      1    2           |      9 (61)       6 (5)
1: 195   74     7       276|     4.7  12.3 129.9         3.3|      3    1  97    |      7 (59)        7 (5)
2: 153 114   20      287|     5.9     8.0   45.5         3.2|      4    4    3    |      7 (62)        0 (5)
3: 118 126   44      288|     7.7     7.2   20.7         3.2|      5  16    1    |      2 (60)    2-9 (5)
4:   77 129   57      263|   11.8     7.0   15.9         3.5|      0  11    2    |   3-9 (53)    0-7 (5)
5:   42 122   88      252|   21.6     7.5   10.3         3.6|    24    0    0    |      3 (56)        8 (4)
6:   31 115   90      236|   29.3     7.9   10.1         3.9|    13    6  25    |      4 (47)        9 (5)
7:   26   94 153      273|   35.0     9.7     5.9         3.3|    41  24    8    |      2 (62)        9 (7)
8:     7   83 185      275| 129.9   11.0     4.9         3.3|    43  13    6    |      9 (56)        2 (9)
9:     1   27 265      293| 909.0   33.7     3.4         3.1|  659    5    5    |   0-7 (61)        7 (6)


South Carolina (SC) Pick 3 Past Winning Numbers Draw Date   Results 
 Sun, May 03, 2009 0-4-0 01234 56789  004
 Sat, May 02, 2009 2-1-1 01234  56789  112
  Fri, May 01, 2009 9-9-3 01234  56789  399
 Thu, Apr 30, 2009 5-1-9 01234  56789  159
Wed, Apr 29, 2009 1-1-4 01234  56789  114
  Tue, Apr 28, 2009 4-5-1 0123 56789  145
 Mon, Apr 27, 2009 8-9-6 01234  56789  689
  Sun, Apr 26, 2009 4-8-5 01234  56789  458
   Sat, Apr 25, 2009 4-3-0 01234  56789  034
    Fri, Apr 24, 2009 3-6-7 01234  56789  367

I will guess the 6 in center digit to come shortly for eve draw

x6x 067 068 069
       167 168 169
       267 268 269
       367 368 369
       467 468 469
       567 568 569
       066 166 266 366 466 566 667 668 669

If you know your ascending order center digit you have these
numbers to fit the digit.
the no match for each number will vary from 8 to 20 no match

00x 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009

x1x 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019
       011 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

x2x 023 024 025 026 027 028 029
       123 124 125 126 127 128 129
       022 122 223 224 225 226 227 228 229

x3x 034 035 036 037 038 039
       134 135 136 137 138 139
       234 235 236 237 238 239
       033 133 233 334 335 336 337 338 339

x4x 045 046 047 048 049
       145 146 147 148 149
       245 246 247 248 249
       345 346 347 348 349
       044 144 244 344 445 446 447 448 449

x5x 056 057 058 059
       156 157 158 159
       256 257 258 259
       356 357 358 359
       456 457 458 459
       055 155 255 355 455 556 557 558 559

x6x 067 068 069
       167 168 169
       267 268 269
       367 368 369
       467 468 469
       567 568 569
       066 166 266 366 466 566 667 668 669

x7x 078 079 178 179 278 279
       378 379 478 479 578 579
       678 679
       077 177 277 377 477 577 677 778 779

x8x 089 189 289 389 489 589 689 789
       088 188 288 388 488 588 688 788 889

x99 099 199 299 399 499 599 699 799 899


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