This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The Libyan conflict [ the revolutionaries ] update

You watch the revolutionaires in the Libyan conflict in news clips.

found the video of rebels retreating by vehicle. About 1 minute in.

Strong comparison with the Mad Max road chase. Just watched a news clip where the revolutionaires were high tailing it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Times are tough, gotta eat

We are getting back to our ancestral heritage on survival and they pull this at a meat market.

The meat market only needs is for it to pass USDA inspection.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The propoganda lies for the media [got caught in the strategy]

Most of us knew that this went on.

Got caught Jack-in-the-Box

2012 can not come fast enough

Liberalism is a disease with no cure.

Monday, March 28, 2011


read this one but be warned

Heard this on the radio this afternoon. Said he was going to have it up on his site.

Foriegn oil interest in Libya.

Has his opinion why we followed the E U in

Monday, March 28, 2011


Encourage oil & gas drilling in the U S [yeah right]

Looks like more foriegn oil & gas exploration at U S taxpayers expense. Of all places New Guinea.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It could happen here [ an eye opener ]

The story speaks for itself.

Monday, March 21, 2011


What did my investigation dig up today [ an eye opener]

I was investigating that supposedly upcoming million man muslim march and found this.

Might as well bring myself up to date straight from their own website. Get your info firsthand as written.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Was reading comments about the Libya thing


in a couple news articles I read.

Giving back what they gave Bush.

Not many liberal defenders out tonight. Must be their day off.

You see what Farrakan said? Whew

Even got the Dems in congress in a wad.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Pres Obama was right

From what I gather he wanted to stay out of the internal turmoil in Libya. Yep I agreed with him on that.

The U N got in on it for the no fly zone backed by the Arab league. Then we had Clinton And U N ambasador Rice in on it.

Can you trust the Arab League? Not if things do not go as they planned.

Now what?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Thought so, political shenanigans

These guys got caught in the act of fraudulent election criteria.

There has been previous news of this suspicion.

These guys could go up the river for a long time. Was it worth it?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Heres the Michigan bill being kicked around

Want to find out if an elected offical can be fired or not?

Looks to me like the governor wants fiscal responsibility all the way down the line. Gives local gov'ts and school districts time to get their budgets in line. Otherwise an emergency financial manager will be installed.

I reckon it is part of the job of a governor to see that his state is run on a sound financial basis at all levels.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Kiss future nuclear power plants in the U.S. goodbye

With the nuclear problems they are having in Japan right now the U S will not see any new nuclear power plants.

Might better take these sewage treatment plants across the U S and turn them into methane producing facilities to generate electric as a by product.

They better get their merde together on producing more coal for the added consumption also.

lets see 250,000,000 people can produce about 250,000,000 pounds of merde per day. Not counting all the livestock on farms.

Friday, March 11, 2011


High gas prices, oil drilling in the news

Check out drudge and politico for news articles on it.

The blame game is on.

Makes me want to Pukeand Green laughat the same time.

I am going to visit with my bird for awhile before he is covered for bedtime.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


They are diggin into it. [30 billion dollar what]


Naaaah this can not be true.

an excerpt:

"Under the guise of helping homeowners hurt by improper foreclosures, regulators are attempting to extract a staggering payment of nearly $30 billion for unspecified conduct. The $30 billion would most likely fund a new slate of housing programs long sought by the administration, but previously rejected by Congress."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Whats with P E T A jumping on Mike

This mictuates me off on what P E T A is doing demonstraing against Mike and his show about racing pigeons.

The man enjoys racing pigeons. The sport of racings pigeons has been around a long time.

P E T A needs to get a life.

Search pigeon racing and you will find many articles on it.

I use to raise pigeons for a hobby in my teens. (Barn pigeons). Big Grin

As a matter of fact there are all kinds of different breed of pigeons if you want to look them up.

Ever hear of squab served under glass.

Monday, March 7, 2011


A movie you may want to see


update: Found this while visiting the Ayn Rand site

Monday, March 7, 2011


Congress is at work [Refreshing news] updated


Just a note on what regulations cost. My electrical rate has gone up 10% within the past year. I received a notice earlier most of the increase was due to new regulations.

Congress is working on fixing who regulates with bi-partisan support I might add.


Just seen this on the sidebar in the link page if anyone is interested.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Brain Food [WARNING it's politics LOL]

Read it, digest it, Research the facts,


I go out and get a couple articles I previously read. What are they about?

Oil drilling in the gulf. Getting permits is a disaster.

Then they are onto continuous spending policies by the administration to create jobs.

updated: 21:45

The M S Media can not be doing this now.NAAAAHHHHHHH

They working on that budget. Big Grin

heres one a commenter put in. I have not checked it out but should make good reading.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Story from my childhood [ a substitute teacher]

When I first started going to school.

That was before they had kindergarden LOL. Most of us already knew our A B Cs and could count to 100 and read some.

Any how I went to a one room school house. Outdoor privys, Small building for coal storage, Central heat was the coal stove at the rear of the class room, Yes we had electric lights LOL. A recreational area with a ball diamond, swing set, tetter totter,

Oh, We use to walk to school. I walked maybe one mile each way. Got a little older I had a bike to ride.

We always had the same teacher for the 8 grades in the school. Went to high school they had one centralized building for that.

Any how one year the teacher was out for a length of time and we had a substitute. I was maybe in the 3rd or 4th grade. Every morning before classes started she use to read us a few pages from a childrens book. The stories were from the Uncle Wiggly series.

I use to enjoy listening to her read those stories in the morning. I have forgotten the story lines in the books but I always remember her taking the time to read them.

Thank you Substitute Teacher.

The book series. I just looked them up to see if they were located on the web


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