This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Pick three rant

689 fell tonight. I am  P***ed off.


Sunday, December 30, 2018


Kelly: 'To be honest, it's not a wall'

Did the Trump administration read my post about it being a wall or fence?

Looks like I could have been one step ahead of the crowd. Hiding Behind Computer

Green laugh

Kelly: ‘To be honest, it’s not a wall

"Trump has in recent days altered his messaging on the wall, attempting to argue that the structure could be called "fencing," and that it would be "artistically designed" steel slats instead of concrete."

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Two - zero - nine & Eight nine three

                                                   209 & 893
                                  Thinking of...

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Future prediction

The United States will cease to exist as being united. States will pull away from the Union and declare Themselves as an independent nation. Which they were to begin with before the creation of the United States.


Sunday, December 30, 2018


Deep rooted Deep State

I would not build up expectations if you want to see justice delivered to any member of the Deep State. 
It is not going to happen using the DOJ or FBI.



"The institutions of the DOJ and FBI are corrupted; not just a few people within it, but rather the entire apparatus has been weaponized, over time, by participating political members who have politicized every function within the institution.

Every level of the Department of Justice (Main Justice); every national administrative office inside the FBI; and every state office of the U.S. Attorney and field office of the FBI; is being run through the prism of politics. Every outcome is clear evidence therein."

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Two - zero - nine

                             Thinking of...

Saturday, December 29, 2018


The daily whine

Democrats need to get back to DC and pass this wall money Sunday or Monday December 30 or 31st. Democrats care more about open borders than keeping the Grubyment open.

Trump will close the border with Mexico on Jan 2 2019.  Big Grin

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Eight - nine - three

                                  Thinking of...

Friday, December 28, 2018


How To Destroy America

How To Destroy America

"Next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. Develop a mantra that because immigration has been good for America, it must always be good. Then make every individual immigrant symmetric and ignore the cumulative impact of millions of them."

Friday, December 28, 2018


Border walls

Friday, December 28, 2018


Close the border

Donald J. TrumpVerified account  @realDonaldTrump 1 hour ago

.....Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries - taking advantage of U.S. for years!

10,908 replies 9,125 retweets 35,049 likes



.....close the Southern Border. Bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs. Go back to pre-NAFTA, before so many of our companies and jobs were so foolishly sent to Mexico. Either we build (finish) the Wall or we close the Border......

6,655 replies 6,824 retweets 27,028 likes



....The United States looses soooo much money on Trade with Mexico under NAFTA, over 75 Billion Dollars a year (not including Drug Money which would be many times that amount), that I would consider closing the Southern Border a “profit making operation.” We build a Wall or.....

7,303 replies 6,989 retweets 27,185 likes



We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!

12,888 replies 10,761 retweets 41,382 likes

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Four - six - six

Welll whata you know

South Carolina (SC) Pick 3 Midday Lottery Results

Thursday, December 27, 2018

  • 4
  • 6
  • 6

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Six two six

   eve ball                                        626

                                          Thinking of...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


New years day whine


I am really upset about this whole thing with time.Green laugh

Why do they have the start of the new year on Jan 1? It would be more appropriate if the new year started on the exact time when any of the four solstices occur.
Every four years we add a day and that is still not accurate.

"The South Pole is the other point where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface, in Antarctica . Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun , but once every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds with respect to the stars ( see below ). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past. This is due to the tidal effects the Moon has on Earth's rotation."

Earth's rotation - Wikipedia


Includes time theories by noted scientist.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Two seven four


                                                                         Thinking of...

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Government shutdown whine

Congress played the game of dawdle [ wait till the last cat pisses] with this portion of the budget. Now their dilly dallying is cutting into their Holiday season. If they had taken this on a month ago this bull scheisse would not be occurring now.

Congress was singing Christmas carols until Trump made his move for barrier funding.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Brilliant move President Trump

As I see it President Trump does not want the big ruckus about shutting down the grubyment. It looks like he is going to hold off on signing future legislation that would not involve shutting down the grubyment.


Donald J. TrumpVerified account  @realDonaldTrump

The Democrats, who know Steel Slats (Wall) are necessary for Border Security, are putting politics over Country. What they are just beginning to realize is that I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security. U.S.A. WINS!

4:28 AM - 20 Dec 2018

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Wall, fence or barrier between Mexico and USA

From what I understand a wall is a solid structure.
A fence is a barrier you can see through.
From what I have seen on vids showing the border wall between Mexico and the USA you can see through.
Trump might want to rethink what he wants to call the barrier between Mexico and the USA.


a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.

a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.

a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The daily whine

Did not do much today. Ran a couple errands, Played mid-day three and lost. Did not feel like doing gym today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Victorian realities - how did they

I often wondered how Victorian women managed with all that clothing.


Victorian realities - how did they use the toilet??!

Monday, December 17, 2018


The daily grind

It’s Happening – This is “THE” Fight, There are Trillions at Stake…

President Trump is clawing back American wealth; inch by inch… bit by bit. This is the full monty. This is economic nationalism. This is for all the marbles.

This is it.

Everything is happening in a very predictable sequence. Few understand the MAGAnomic reset, and what was predicted to happen in the space between disconnecting a Wall Street economic engine (globalism and multinationals) and restarting a Main Street economic engine (nationalism/America-First). In 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 CTH explained where we would be today. With current Wall Street events, perhaps it is worthwhile remembering the dynamic.

Monday, December 17, 2018


Dow is down


Have you noticed since Democrats have taken control of the House the Dow has been diving?

Saturday, December 15, 2018


The daily grind

Since my birth 28,158 days, 

28,158 days can be converted to one of these units:

Friday, December 14, 2018


625 fell in SC

That pick for str8 took eight days.
I did not even play today's mid-draw.

Friday, December 14, 2018


The daily whine [that 9 trillion missing]

So the federal reserve was suppose to have lost 9 trillion dollars. 

Here is search results on multiple stories on the 9 trillion plus. They did not lose the 9 trillion from what I have read. It was given out by the feds to shore up financial institutions and big money interest during the financial crisis.

This has nothing to do with Trump.


Thursday, December 13, 2018


Government shutdown

Welll, the way I see it the fight is over the border wall which falls under DHS. I propose they decrease DHS staff at ports of entry and slow walk those arriving by air from foreign countries for entry.

The DHS patrols the southern border so I propose they close the southern border for entry until the wall is funded.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Today's pick three play

                                            Thinking of...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


SC pick 4

I think the triple 000 may fall shortly in the pick 4. Playing it box with the 4 ball.

Triples in the four game are nice bets if you can figure them out.

Monday, December 10, 2018


Wynonie Harris Grandma Plays The Numbers

Wynonie Harris Grandma Plays The Numbers

Monday, December 10, 2018


Did you know

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Monday, December 10, 2018


This & That

Up & at it for another day.
Still has rain possibility. Light rain right now.
Read another 91 pages of the book I am reading yesterday.
Going to play 825 st/bx this afternoon.
Will go to the gym this afternoon. Weight has been holding between 213 & 217. Depends on what snack goodies I have been eating.No No
Not much going on outside my normal routine.
The world is still here.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


This & That

It is raining today.
Same old scheisse in the news. 
The planet Earth is still here.
All living things are going about their day for survival.
Annual plants have completed their life cycle. Dropping and spreading their seeds for the continuation of their species.
Fur bearing animals have grown their winter fur for the cold season. 
Some animals have gone into hibernation.

I had my cup of coffee, a cup of rosemary tea, a bowl of porridge & my tobacky already this morning. Good to go for another day of an exciting adventure. 
Have been ready a book off and on the past week."The Thinking Woman's Guide To REAL MAGIC." On page 177 right now. About a woman who was transported to another planet when she entered a small cemetery that had an iron fence around it. The planet she transported to has regular humans, fairies, magicians and shape shifters.

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Power ball tonight

Stopped at the store on way to the gym this afternoon and spent two giant green dollars on a Power ball quickie.


Thursday, December 6, 2018


SC pick 3 rainbows


625 627 629

635 637 639

645 647 649

825 827 829

835 837 839

845 847 849

Mid day combo search

Game(s): South Carolina Pick 3 Midday
Combination Types: All box combinations
Date range: Past Three Years (Dec 7, 2015 - present)
 Combo   Times Drawn   Expected   Last Seen   Draws Since 
000 4 0.94 May 29, 2018 163
001 6 2.81 Jun 29, 2017 448
002 4 2.81 Mar 27, 2018 217
004 1 2.81 Jul 24, 2017 427
005 3 2.81 May 10, 2018 179
006 2 2.81 May 2, 2018 186
007 2 2.81 Apr 1, 2017 524
008 1 2.81 Feb 20, 2018 247
009 3 2.81 Sep 2, 2017 392
011 3 2.81 Feb 8, 2018 257
012 3 5.61 Aug 5, 2017 416
013 4 5.61 Dec 4, 2018 1
014 5 5.61 Oct 6, 2018 51
015 1 5.61 Jan 6, 2017 597
016 3 5.61 Jul 23, 2018 116
017 9 5.61 Sep 22, 2018 63
018 6 5.61 Aug 18, 2018 93
019 5 5.61 Nov 29, 2018 5
022 1 2.81 Sep 22, 2016 688
023 9 5.61 Mar 9, 2018 232
024 8 5.61 Feb 15, 2018 251
025 3 5.61 Apr 21, 2018 195
026 5 5.61 Nov 20, 2018 13
027 11 5.61 Oct 3, 2018 54
028 7 5.61 Sep 3, 2018 80
029 6 5.61 Nov 6, 2018 25
033 4 2.81 Jul 10, 2017 439
034 5 5.61 Oct 3, 2017 366
035 4 5.61 May 17, 2018 173
036 2 5.61 Jun 28, 2018 137
037 6 5.61 Sep 28, 2018 58
038 7 5.61 Nov 8, 2018 23
039 2 5.61 Nov 7, 2017 336
044 3 2.81 Nov 12, 2018 20
045 7 5.61 Nov 23, 2018 10
046 7 5.61 Jul 11, 2018 126
047 6 5.61 Jan 4, 2018 287
048 6 5.61 Jul 18, 2018 120
049 5 5.61 Jun 25, 2018 140
055 4 2.81 Jun 26, 2018 139
056 7 5.61 Aug 6, 2018 104
057 5 5.61 Sep 5, 2018 78
058 6 5.61 Jul 17, 2018 121
059 4 5.61 Jan 26, 2018 268
066 5 2.81 Nov 10, 2018 21
067 10 5.61 Oct 5, 2018 52
068 4 5.61 Jun 19, 2017 457
069 2 5.61 Oct 23, 2017 349
077 2 2.81 Oct 19, 2017 352
078 6 5.61 Jun 20, 2018 144
079 7 5.61 May 24, 2018 167
088 1 2.81 Sep 13, 2018 71
089 2 5.61 Oct 13, 2018 45
099 5 2.81 Nov 19, 2018 14
111 1 0.94 Sep 1, 2017 393
112 4 2.81 Sep 11, 2018 73
113 5 2.81 Aug 31, 2018 82
114 3 2.81 Feb 3, 2017 573
115 2 2.81 Feb 24, 2018 243
116 3 2.81 Mar 7, 2018 234
117 2 2.81 Nov 14, 2018 18
118 1 2.81 Oct 2, 2018 55
119 3 2.81 Jan 6, 2018 285
122 2 2.81 Dec 5, 2017 312
123 6 5.61 Nov 26, 2018 8
124 4 5.61 Jul 27, 2017 424
125 10 5.61 Sep 12, 2018 72
126 5 5.61 Oct 10, 2018 48
127 5 5.61 Aug 2, 2017 419
128 8 5.61 Aug 16, 2018 95
129 9 5.61 Nov 28, 2018 6
133 4 2.81 Nov 9, 2018 22
134 1 5.61 Jun 11, 2016 776
135 8 5.61 Sep 18, 2018 67
136 4 5.61 Oct 4, 2018 53
137 2 5.61 Feb 23, 2018 244
138 7 5.61 Nov 24, 2018 9
139 5 5.61 Aug 21, 2018 91
144 3 2.81 Sep 17, 2018 68
145 5 5.61 May 30, 2018 162
146 3 5.61 Jul 30, 2018 110
147 6 5.61 Apr 24, 2018 193
148 4 5.61 Aug 21, 2017 403
149 5 5.61 Mar 8, 2018 233
155 1 2.81 Oct 31, 2018 30
156 5 5.61 Apr 14, 2018 201
157 5 5.61 Oct 18, 2018 41
158 8 5.61 Oct 11, 2018 47
159 8 5.61 Nov 16, 2018 16
166 5 2.81 Nov 15, 2018 17
167 7 5.61 Jul 9, 2018 128
168 5 5.61 Oct 8, 2018 50
169 11 5.61 Sep 26, 2018 60
177 1 2.81 Jul 29, 2017 422
178 9 5.61 Dec 5, 2018 0
179 9 5.61 May 12, 2018 177
189 6 5.61 Dec 1, 2018 3
199 2 2.81 Jan 12, 2018 280
222 1 0.94 Apr 20, 2016 821
223 4 2.81 Oct 4, 2016 678
224 2 2.81 Oct 7, 2017 362
226 6 2.81 Aug 17, 2018 94
227 3 2.81 Nov 5, 2018 26
228 5 2.81 Aug 22, 2018 90
229 3 2.81 Aug 25, 2018 87
233 2 2.81 Sep 19, 2017 378
234 7 5.61 Dec 3, 2018 2
235 10 5.61 Jun 4, 2018 158
236 5 5.61 Oct 19, 2018 40
237 7 5.61 Jul 13, 2018 124
238 3 5.61 Sep 29, 2018 57
239 4 5.61 Nov 1, 2018 29
244 2 2.81 Jan 13, 2018 279
245 6 5.61 May 18, 2018 172
246 3 5.61 Jun 17, 2017 458
247 8 5.61 Jul 31, 2018 109
248 7 5.61 Oct 29, 2018 32
249 9 5.61 Sep 20, 2018 65
255 2 2.81 Nov 20, 2017 325
256 7 5.61 Apr 28, 2018 189
257 3 5.61 Oct 16, 2018 43
258 6 5.61 Oct 1, 2018 56
259 5 5.61 Sep 27, 2018 59
266 2 2.81 Nov 30, 2018 4
267 4 5.61 Sep 14, 2018 70
268 4 5.61 Jan 30, 2018 265
269 4 5.61 Sep 15, 2017 381
277 3 2.81 Apr 26, 2018 191
278 9 5.61 Jul 12, 2018 125
279 6 5.61 Jul 7, 2018 129
288 4 2.81 Mar 30, 2018 214
289 4 5.61 Jul 2, 2018 134
299 2 2.81 Apr 27, 2018 190
333 1 0.94 Jun 17, 2016 771
334 3 2.81 Apr 17, 2018 199
335 1 2.81 Jun 2, 2018 159
336 2 2.81 Sep 8, 2017 387
337 2 2.81 May 21, 2018 170
339 5 2.81 Oct 18, 2017 353
344 3 2.81 Sep 24, 2018 62
345 3 5.61 Jun 7, 2018 155
346 9 5.61 Oct 15, 2018 44
347 7 5.61 Mar 24, 2018 219
348 5 5.61 Aug 20, 2018 92
349 6 5.61 Oct 27, 2018 33
355 1 2.81 Dec 20, 2016 612
356 4 5.61 Oct 23, 2018 37
357 6 5.61 Aug 1, 2018 108
358 4 5.61 May 11, 2017 490
359 9 5.61 Nov 3, 2018 27
366 1 2.81 Mar 11, 2016 855
367 5 5.61 Jan 15, 2018 278
368 2 5.61 Jan 27, 2018 267
369 8 5.61 Sep 8, 2018 75
377 3 2.81 Aug 30, 2017 395
378 5 5.61 Aug 22, 2017 402
379 9 5.61 Jul 24, 2018 115
389 5 5.61 May 25, 2018 166
399 3 2.81 Nov 27, 2018 7
444 2 0.94 Aug 27, 2018 86
445 4 2.81 Oct 12, 2018 46
446 3 2.81 Aug 30, 2018 83
447 2 2.81 Sep 20, 2017 377
448 2 2.81 Jun 6, 2018 156
449 1 2.81 Dec 12, 2015 931
455 6 2.81 Nov 2, 2018 28
456 6 5.61 Sep 7, 2018 76
457 4 5.61 Aug 29, 2017 396
458 3 5.61 Oct 27, 2017 345
459 7 5.61 Mar 29, 2018 215
466 5 2.81 Dec 13, 2017 305
467 11 5.61 Jun 16, 2018 147
468 5 5.61 Nov 13, 2018 19
469 2 5.61 Dec 15, 2017 303
477 1 2.81 Jan 9, 2018 283
478 4 5.61 Mar 17, 2018 225
479 6 5.61 May 16, 2018 174
488 1 2.81 Sep 6, 2018 77
489 6 5.61 Jul 4, 2018 132
499 5 2.81 Jun 29, 2018 136
556 1 2.81 Apr 18, 2017 510
557 5 2.81 Oct 26, 2018 34
558 6 2.81 Jul 10, 2018 127
559 3 2.81 May 31, 2018 161
566 2 2.81 Jun 15, 2018 148
567 6 5.61 Feb 13, 2018 253
568 4 5.61 Aug 14, 2017 409
569 5 5.61 Oct 24, 2018 36
577 3 2.81 Sep 15, 2018 69
578 6 5.61 Nov 21, 2018 12
579 4 5.61 Nov 11, 2017 332
588 1 2.81 Mar 21, 2018 222
589 8 5.61 Oct 9, 2018 49
599 6 2.81 Dec 6, 2017 311
666 1 0.94 Feb 20, 2016 872
667 3 2.81 Jul 28, 2018 111
668 5 2.81 Jan 17, 2018 276
669 2 2.81 Aug 25, 2017 399
677 1 2.81 Dec 28, 2016 605
678 3 5.61 Aug 11, 2018 99
679 4 5.61 Nov 22, 2018 11
689 5 5.61 Jul 21, 2017 429
699 3 2.81 Aug 29, 2018 84
777 1 0.94 Dec 13, 2016 618
778 5 2.81 Oct 25, 2018 35
779 3 2.81 May 4, 2018 184
788 4 2.81 May 28, 2018 164
789 4 5.61 Mar 30, 2017 526
799 3 2.81 Feb 2, 2018 262
888 1 0.94 Nov 3, 2016 652
889 5 2.81 Aug 13, 2018 98
899 3 2.81 Aug 14, 2018 97

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Todays whine & moan

The arthritis pain level is back down to its normal level. Still take my cup of Rosemary tea which seems to help along with its other benefits. I do not like taking over the counter or prescribed medication. 

So I wonder who is under investigation with this Mueller/Flynn news that was released yesterday. Could it have something to do with someone other than the Trump people?

Monday, December 3, 2018


Mondays b!tch & wh!ne

The weather the last few days has my arthritis aching worse than normal. P***ed off

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Turned TV off

I generally just watch the news and tape a few programs to view at my leisure.

It is going to be Bush, Bush, Bush all week. Going to be an all week biography about Bush plus the funeral dates.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Going to store

And gamble 745 st/bx. 708 st/bx

While I am out I will stop at the Dollar Store and pick up a small tube of two part epoxy. Have a handle on an electric fry pan that snapped on one side next to where it screws into the pan. Has been broken for I do not know how long. The electric fry pan is vintage and can not get a replacement part. Probably from the 70s era. Still works great.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Container garden

Purchased one hyacinth plant in a 3 inch container. Put that in a 2½ gallon pail.

Purchased four six packs of petunias. Put a few in pails and the rest in three of my wooden containers.

All those are doing fine so far.

Took the hyacinth and took it out front to the shepherds pole and replaced the torenia plant  with the hyacinth plant. The torenia plant died off.

The two begonia plants in pails on the shepherds pole got frost bit. They had a flower in each pail of another variety that came up from seed that were growing in the begonia pails. A blue flowering plant and can not remember the name of them right now. I removed the begonia plant and moved the other flower to the center of the pail. Give them a chance for survival after their struggle to survive from seed. I felt sorry for them after struggling and did not want to rip their life from them by the roots. Big Grin

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Todays rant

Our government is so full of corruption it will never be cleaned out.

It just makes you want to Puke


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