Buy a whole weeks groceries for 15 dollars, That was everything for the week
Get a pack of cigarettes for 25 cents
gas wars at 20 cents a gallon
real good used car for about 300.00
yearly income 3 to 4 thou
brand new 4 bedroom home on a lot for about 18 thou.
farms for sale with house, barns, farm machinery and about 160 acres for 22 thou,
Built my own 3 bedroom home on a lot with an 80 dollar a month mortgage.
Went to store tonight to get my cash 5 plays before I forget to tomorrow. Walked up to the counter and slapped down an Andy Jackson and walked out with a smile on my face with 20 lines of play.
Whew: I use to buy a couple old cars for that kind of money. I can remember working for 60 dollars a week and had more purchasing power back then than money does today at 10 times that amount per week.
Nowadays people go out and buy 4 wheelers, snowmobiles for thousands of dollars.
Well back in my teens I lived where we had plenty of acreage with dirt roads on it. Some in the open fields and some winding thru the woods.
As a teenager I used to go out and buy old cars that were from the late 30s 40s and early 50s that no one wanted anymore for 5 or 10 dollars. They were in running condition so we used these as entertainment for running lickety split thru the dirt roads and sometimes not on the roads but thru the fields.
Had a real nice one one time. It was a late 40s ford 4 door sedan with a flathead v/8. Did that sucker move along.
I remember back in my youth in the 40s and 50s when cattle , poultry and hog feed used to come in sacks made of cotton with designer prints on the cotton sacks.
People that bought feed in these sacks use to take out the hem stitching in the sack to use the material. I would say there was a yard or so of material in the sack.
The material was then used to make clothing with this material back when people made their own clothes.
In the 60s I use to buy a mag called "mother earth News". That had a lot of useful info in it too. It is still around as I just pulled it up on the net to long ago.
Setting up and tracking by sorted position as posted on results pages gives me the option to select numbers by position. This allows me to use the filters by position to wheel the numbers for minimum cost.
I wheeled 10 numbers using filters gave me 20 lines.
A full 5 if 5 with 10 numbers would have produced 252 lines.
Draw # 4 complete no results. Testing on paper.
4 draws & $12.50 per draw = $50.00 x 2 test wheels = $100.00
numbers for the most part go 1 low 2 high , 2 low 1 high.
with this system it is for straight hits. I was looking thru my software the other night about 2 am when lightning struck me in the head.
I had the differnet groups separated at the time and was looking at each profile separately.
I was looking at the exact digit position profile and wow it hit me. Pick one digit for exact position either high or low digit that I will think will hit in a profit zone. insert in the 2 other positions the 2 high or 2 low digits. Real easy. it will give you the doubles in that deal too .
This is the good part. there are only 25 possible combinations this way.
This is for straight hits no boxing. Got your limit to return the accumulated bet amount
2 low 1 high [25 straight combos]
p1 [7]______________current out as of 7/29 41 skips most out 51 skips
p2 [01234]
p3 [01234]
1 low 2 high [ 25 straight combos]
p1 [56789]
p2 [56789]
p3 [3]____________current out as of 7/29 24 skips most out 52 skips
_________________in a hit skip pattern at 24 to 30 skips. After 32 skips may drop
_________________this one, well see
Looked at my cash 5 data and behind 4 draws on data entry. updated that and chose my numbers for mon 8/1
filtered for position and wheeled out 20 lines
Moving on to states I can win in..............................
draw number 11-15-26-27-31
an older wheel but I am in on it. have not really put my mind to it the last couple weeks.
I am impressed with it if I do say so.
Did not even play tonight.
1. 08-11-15-25-31
2. 08-11-15-25-32
3. 08-11-15-25-37
4. 08-11-16-25-31
5. 08-11-16-25-32
6. 08-11-16-25-37
7. 08-11-17-25-31
8. 08-11-17-25-32
9. 08-11-17-25-37
1. 08-11-15-27-31
2. 08-11-15-27-32
3. 08-11-15-27-37
4. 08-11-16-27-31
5. 08-11-16-27-32
6. 08-11-16-27-37
7. 08-11-17-27-31
8. 08-11-17-27-32
9. 08-11-17-27-37
I thought my eyes had a short circuit to my brain with the new blog feature.
Something new at Lottery Post all the time.
Great work
numbers for the most part go 1 low 2 high , 2 low 1 high.
with this system it is for straight hits. I was looking thru my software the other night about 2 am when lightning struck me in the head.
I had the differnet groups separated at the time and was looking at each profile separately.
I was looking at the exact digit position profile and wow it hit me. Pick one digit for exact position either high or low digit that I will think will hit in a profit zone. insert in the 2 other positions the 2 high or 2 low digits. Real easy. it will give you the doubles in that deal too .
This is the good part. there are only 25 possible combinations this way.
This is for straight hits no boxing. Got your limit to return the accumulated bet amount
2 low 1 high [25 straight combos]
p1 [7]______________current out as of 7/29 41 skips most out 51 skips
p2 [01234]
p3 [01234]
1 low 2 high [ 25 straight combos]
p1 [56789]
p2 [56789]
p3 [3]____________current out as of 7/29 24 skips most out 52 skips
_________________in a hit skip pattern at 24 to 30 skips. After 32 skips may drop
_________________this one, well see
Testing my wheeling system with my tracking data.
I could care less about chasing doubles. I want a high percentile of hits in the no match numbers for profit.
S.C. fri 7/29
I could do it myself but will go to Doc and have him do it.
Agggggggh that hurts LOL
All even and all odds due in S.C.
going to play the 117 tonight
07/27/05 1,1,7 Y 07/27/05 SC $0.25 $75.00
07/27/05 1,1,7 N 07/27/05 SC $1.00 $900.00
out in the heat all day. My brain is cooked
117 deg heat index
work till you drop
In my previous post about v-trac I could be wrong in some of the points I raised.
It appears to me that v-trac is a powerful tool to use once finally understood.
I had to pull my combo report to take a look at this. I only have 146 draw inputs in my system so it is a short run comparison. my chart is below compare.
Gotta go check powerball numbers to see if I won.
_134_023/578_____02-03/57-58 [023 most frequently i would think]
I am just rambling on here as I do not track v-trac numbers.I was just looking at the v-trac no match looking for comparisons. I used my system w/key pairs compared to the v-trac no match.
As I see it.
The 234 v-trac should be the most frequently drawn.[ I would think very frequently]
The 134 & 235 are next in line.
The 124-135 & 245 should be next.
Any v-trac users to give me feedback.
My system tracking below mid and above mid with different code input
013 01
023 02 03
024 04
123 12-13-23
124 14-24
134 34
568 56
578 57-58
579 59
678 67-68-78
679 69-79
689 89
I worked for four hours today lookin to figure out if v-trac can be used like my system. The difference I have is that I track the below mid and above mid separately with my lottery number input.
The v-trac numbers already have the hi-lo digits combined for a wheel. You are tracking both sides of the hi-lo at once. So what I see is that you have 20 numbers for a no match wheel when the v-trac tracking is calling for that v-trac number.
lottery #___0-1-2-3-4
lottery #___5-6-7-8-9
My system tracking below mid and above mid with different code input
013 01
023 02 03
024 04
123 12-13-23
124 14-24
134 34
568 56
578 57-58
579 59
678 67-68-78
679 69-79
689 89
I am thinking this system out as I go so it is [CREATIVE THINKING]
when the numbers are entered in my software a key pair in the number will appear that determines what number to enter. After entering the number that number will shift to current drawn.
If a pair other than the key pair in the number hits that number will not shift to current drawn.
This does not say that a pair other than the key pair will not hit as the digits are tracked in threes. So a pair listed has the same probability as the key pair.
So when tracking I am tracking the three digits as well as the key
pair(s). This factor could be used if needed to reduce the amount of plays.
The key pairs are listed here.
key pairs hi-lo wheel
013 01
023 02 03
024 04
123 12-13-23
124 14-24
134 34
568 56
578 57-58
579 59
678 67-68-78
679 69-79
689 89
key pairs even_odd wheel
Pulled the mid stats for doubles
with all the high balls hitting lately I may go all low tomorrow mid
Fri, Jul 15,___5-5-7
Thu, Jul 14,__0-8-8
Sat, Jul 09,___6-9-6
Mon, Jul 04,__1-1-5
Sat, Jul 02,___3-8-3
Wed, Jun 29,__8-8-9
Tue, Jun 28,___5-9-9
Mon, Jun 27,___1-1-0
Tue, Jun 14,___7-7-7
Mon, Jun 13,___0-3-3
Thu, Jun 09,____2-2-2
Tue, Jun 07,____7-6-7
Sat, May 28,____1-3-3
Fri, May 27,____0-1-1
Wed, May 25,___6-7-6
Thu, May 19,____3-2-2
Tue, May 17,____2-6-6
Sat, May 14,_____9-0-0
Thu, May 12,____7-2-7
Tue, May 10,____5-9-5
Just posted this in a reply to my blog. Had to go look up the stats for doubles in S.C.
have slightly above a 50% probablity of the double going 2 lo 1 hi or 1 lo 2 hi.
below mid 117 times
1 lo 2 hi__119 times
2 lo 1 hi__145 times
above mid 117 times
pretty well balanced there
so if I went below mid with 3 digits 012--001-002-011-022-112-122
above would be the same amount. Looks like we would have to keep an eye on the doubles to see which way they might go for filtering.
_____________posted in reply_____________________
would be nice if I could work in a double system with it. Have to see how the balls bounce when a double hits. Could maybe double the number on each side and wheel, Lets see I am thinking here. HMMM could go like this
012______00-11-22 wheeled 006-007-008-116-117-118-226-227-228
678______66-77-88 wheeled 066-077-088-166-177-188-266-277-288
I gonna have to look at draw reults and see how they fall 2 high 1 low etc.
I am beginning to like this type of tracking and wheeling a lot. No need to look any further in the pick 3 for system. This one is good to go for me. had about 3 hits from it this week if played. Maybe I did play them
Started tracking like I did before. will stay focused on one style of tracking. To many ideas lockup my brain with to much info. Need to focus on one level
reading some of my blog material from a year ago and it looks like I was into wheeling pick 3 by position. Need to go back and figure out how I did that,
Looks like I was doing pretty decent at it for just trying it.
That was a memory refresher.
I was just looking at my oldest blog entries from over a year ago and I was doing the filter system by hand. I remember setting up my software for positional research but deleted it out some time ago.
Now that lottery post has the wheels with filters eliminates manual errors. WOW
certainly would hate it if an error occured missing the jackpot doing it manually.
Been busy with the pick 3 again. Back to lookin at the cash 5 for tomorrow.
Guessed one line last night replayed the 37 ball the only ball that hit for me last night.
2-12-13-14-37 sequence 3 in a row
Went to work and was running some lumber thru the table saw. Board got twisted and kicked back on me catching my thumb under the nail and peeled it back with a half moon slice about 3/4 inch long down into the meat. Went and got stitches. So my thumb will be laid up for a bit.
I am impressed with myself. Was going to play the lines until the 37 hit in 5 spot.
Would have had winners in all 27 lines. Gives me encouragement to trek on.
Did not play last night. Just checked results
powerup was 3
WOW__________$36.00 profit
If I had for 4 of 5 [9 times would have been $2,700.00 WOW
Mon, Jul 18, 2005 | 02-03-22-29-37, |
After many years of searching for ways to pick numbers from one end of the game to the other I have finally settled on the last system of picking numbers.
Have tired of the search and am going on to other recreational things in life.
I like wheeling and the 2 group systems may prove to be a keeper.
To figure out how to track the 3 digit groups
I had to figure out how to enter it in my pick 3 software.
Looking at the column in position 1 col A the 0 & 5 will
always appear. Looking at the column in position 3 col C
the 4 & 9 will always appear.
In col B there will be a more mixed bag in col B of digits
in position 1 & 3. So I chose to enter col B in my pick 3
software for tracking.
In entering in my software I noticed that There is an
elimination of 3 digit combos cutting below mid and
above mid down to [6] 3 digit combos each.They are listed
at the bottom of page.
I personally do not enter doubles, below mid and above mid
numbers that have hit.
with this setup I am basically tracking the digits
as a group
July11,_2005_[ Evening ]_4-6-7_567-678-679--4
July12,_2005__[ Midday ]_1-0-8_012-013-014--8
July12,_2005_[ Evening ]_4-9-3_034-134-234--9
July13,_2005__[ Midday ]_1-2-7_012-123-124--7
July13,_2005_[ Evening ]_0-3-0
July14,_2005__[ Midday ]_0-8-8
July14,_2005_[ Evening ]_0-4-8_014-024-034--8
July15,_2005__[ Midday ]_5-5-7
July15,_2005_[ Evening ]_9-0-2_012-023-024--9
July16,_2005__[ Midday ]_7-1-9_579-679-789--1
July16,_2005_[ Evening ]_5-4-1_014-124-134--5
with 120 current entries in my software for S. carolina
this is the current hit frequency of each 3 digit group.
1 2 4___15
6 7 9___10
0 2 3___14
0 2 4___10
1 2 3___24
1 3 4____4
0 1 3____4
6 7 8___18
5 7 9____7
5 7 8____4
6 8 9____7
5 6 8____3
below mid pair groups
6 groups all possible below mid pairs covered
above mid pair groups
6 groups all possible above mid pairs covered
I chose to select just a few combos in the 2 low 1 high tonight. Could have played the 15 combos st/bx and with a hit a minimum of $25.00 profit.
541 drawn
posted this on the forum today
I am looking at these key prs for a couple days.
for 2 low 1 high combo
for 2 high 1 low combo
for the new players that looked at my 2 group wheeling system and are not familiar with the groups that can be created.
I personally currently do a 3 digit group for my pairing.
you will find that there are 3 groups that will fit the drawn pair. I will post part of my sheet below.
These groups are for 2 low 1 high , 2 high 1 low
012-013-014-023-024-034-123-124-134-234 lows
567-568-569-578-579-589-678-679-689-789 high
these groups are 2 even 1 odd , 2 odd 1 even
024-026-028-046-048-068-246-248-268-468 evens
135-137-139-157-159-179-357-359-379-579 odds
I do the 2 low 1 high and 2 high and 1 low method. I do not enter for all lows all highs or doubles at the current time.
The last digit on the right is the digit that the low or high pair hit with.
July1, 2005 [ Midday ] 3 0 9 013-023-034--9
July1, 2005 [ Evening ] 8 0 3 013-023-034--8
July2, 2005 [ Midday ] 3 8 3
July2, 2005 [ Evening ] 3 5 9 569-579-589--3
July3, 2005 [ Evening ] 6 8 4 568-678-689--4
July4, 2005 [ Midday ] 1 1 5
July4, 2005 [ Evening ] 4 7 3 034-134-234--7
July5, 2005 [ Midday ] 0 2 3
July5, 2005 [ Evening ] 4 2 7 024-124-234--7
July6, 2005 [ Midday ] 6 3 1 013-123-134--6
July6, 2005 [ Evening ] 0 3 4
July7, 2005 [ Midday ] 4 0 1
July7, 2005 [ Evening ] 3 1 6 013-123-134--6
July8, 2005 [ Midday ] 0 4 5 014-024-034--5
July8, 2005 [ Evening ] 8 6 9
July9, 2005 [ Midday ] 6 9 6
July9, 2005 [ Evening ] 6 7 5
July10, 2005 [ Evening ] 8 4 7 578-678-789--4
July11, 2005 [ Midday ] 9 6 8
July11, 2005 [ Evening ] 4 6 7 567-678-679--4
July12, 2005 [ Midday ] 1 0 8 012-013-014--8
July12, 2005 [ Evening ] 4 9 3 034-134-234--9
July13, 2005 [ Midday ] 1 2 7 012-123-124--7
July13, 2005 [ Evening ] 0 3 0
July14, 2005 [ Midday ] 0 8 8
July14, 2005 [ Evening ] 0 4 8 014-024-034--8
July15, 2005 [ Midday ] 5 5 7
July15, 2005 [ Evening ] 9 0 2 012-023-024--9
July16, 2005 [ Midday ] 7 1 9 579-679-789--1
You only loose half your money played not all of it
000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
001 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901
002 102 202 302 402 502 602 702 802 902
003 103 203 303 403 503 603 703 803 903
004 104 204 304 404 504 604 704 804 904
005 105 205 305 405 505 605 705 805 905
006 106 206 306 406 506 606 706 806 906
007 107 207 307 407 507 607 707 807 907
008 108 208 308 408 508 608 708 808 908
009 109 209 309 409 509 609 709 809 909
010 110 210 310 410 510 610 710 810 910
011 111 211 311 411 511 611 711 811 911
012 112 212 312 412 512 612 712 812 912
013 113 213 313 413 513 613 713 813 913
014 114 214 314 414 514 614 714 814 914
015 115 215 315 415 515 615 715 815 915
016 116 216 316 416 516 616 716 816 916
017 117 217 317 417 517 617 717 817 917
018 118 218 318 418 518 618 718 818 918
019 119 219 319 419 519 619 719 819 919
020 120 220 320 420 520 620 720 820 920
021 121 221 321 421 521 621 721 821 921
022 122 222 322 422 522 622 722 822 922
023 123 223 323 423 523 623 723 823 923
024 124 224 324 424 524 624 724 824 924
025 125 225 325 425 525 625 725 825 925
026 126 226 326 426 526 626 726 826 926
027 127 227 327 427 527 627 727 827 927
028 128 228 328 428 528 628 728 828 928
029 129 229 329 429 529 629 729 829 929
030 130 230 330 430 530 630 730 830 930
031 131 231 331 431 531 631 731 831 931
032 132 232 332 432 532 632 732 832 932
033 133 233 333 433 533 633 733 833 933
034 134 234 334 434 534 634 734 834 934
035 135 235 335 435 535 635 735 835 935
036 136 236 336 436 536 636 736 836 936
037 137 237 337 437 537 637 737 837 937
038 138 238 338 438 538 638 738 838 938
039 139 239 339 439 539 639 739 839 939
040 140 240 340 440 540 640 740 840 940
041 141 241 341 441 541 641 741 841 941
042 142 242 342 442 542 642 742 842 942
043 143 243 343 443 543 643 743 843 943
044 144 244 344 444 544 644 744 844 944
045 145 245 345 445 545 645 745 845 945
046 146 246 346 446 546 646 746 846 949
047 147 247 347 447 547 647 747 847 947
048 148 248 348 448 548 648 748 848 948
049 149 249 349 449 549 649 749 849 949
050 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950
051 151 251 351 451 551 651 751 851 951
052 152 252 352 452 552 652 752 852 952
053 153 253 353 453 553 653 753 853 953
054 154 254 354 454 554 654 754 854 954
055 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
056 156 256 356 456 556 656 756 856 956
057 157 257 357 457 557 657 757 857 957
058 158 258 358 458 558 658 758 858 958
059 159 259 359 459 559 659 759 859 959
060 160 260 360 460 560 660 760 860 960
061 161 261 361 461 561 661 761 861 961
062 162 262 362 462 562 662 752 862 962
063 163 263 363 463 563 663 763 863 963
064 164 264 364 464 564 664 764 864 964
065 165 265 365 465 565 665 765 865 965
066 166 266 366 466 566 666 766 866 966
067 167 267 367 467 567 667 767 867 967
068 168 268 368 468 568 668 768 868 968
069 169 269 369 469 569 669 769 869 969
070 170 270 370 470 570 670 770 870 970
071 171 271 371 471 571 671 771 871 971
072 172 272 372 472 572 672 772 872 972
073 173 273 373 473 573 673 773 873 973
074 174 274 374 474 574 674 774 874 974
075 175 275 375 475 575 675 775 875 975
076 176 276 376 476 576 676 776 876 976
077 177 277 377 477 577 677 777 877 977
078 178 278 378 478 578 678 778 878 978
079 179 279 379 479 579 679 779 879 979
080 180 280 380 480 580 680 780 880 980
081 181 281 381 481 581 681 781 881 981
082 182 282 382 482 582 682 782 882 982
083 183 283 383 483 583 683 783 883 983
084 184 284 384 484 584 684 784 884 984
085 185 285 385 485 585 685 785 885 985
086 186 286 386 486 586 686 786 886 986
087 187 287 387 487 587 687 787 887 987
088 188 288 388 488 588 688 788 888 988
089 189 289 389 489 589 689 789 889 989
090 190 290 390 490 590 690 790 890 990
091 191 291 391 491 591 691 791 891 991
092 192 292 392 492 592 692 792 892 992
093 193 293 393 493 593 693 793 893 993
094 194 294 394 494 594 694 794 894 994
095 195 295 395 496 595 695 795 895 995
096 196 296 396 496 596 696 796 896 996
097 197 297 397 497 597 697 797 897 997
098 198 298 398 498 598 698 798 898 998
099 199 299 399 499 599 699 799 899 999
Have not studied them much since last draw.
Played a few lines from last picks. Will be mad if a line has all and did not play it. WHEW
wheel 01-03-05-11-15-16-22-27-33-34-37
filters used
pos1 pos 2 pos 3 pos 4 pos 5
I picked a number on instinct today it was the 177. No winner
Pulled into station for gas and smokes for the ride home. Pulled up behind another car at the pump so I could get some fuel.
What was the tag number on that car 127.
S.C. cash 5
wheel 01-03-05-11-15-16-22-27-33-34-37
Ran thru full 5 if 5 of 11 wheel using filters ended up with 27 lines filtering out 435 lines.
I was looking for the 37 in pos 5 in the cash 5 . I find that the 37 likes to hit with a 3 decade in pos 4[ I guess that is what they call those group of numbers].
Wed, Jun 29, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 08-13-23-36-37, Power-Up: 3 |
Mon, Jun 27, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 01-10-18-28-37, Power-Up: 2 |
Wed, Jun 15, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 03-09-24-35-37, Power-Up: 3 |
Mon, Jun 13, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 13-16-27-36-37, Power-Up: 3 |
Mon, May 30, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 09-17-26-30-37, Power-Up: 4 |
Mon, May 9, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 06-14-22-31-37, Power-Up: 2 |
Wed, Apr 27, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 08-11-27-33-37, Power-Up: 4 |
Mon, Apr 18, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 21-27-31-33-37, Power-Up: 2 |
Mon, Mar 21, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 01-12-22-32-37, Power-Up: 2 |
Fri, Mar 4, 2005 | South Carolina | Palmetto Cash 5 | 23-27-32-36-37, Power-Up: 2 |
I have not looked at the search drawings before for cash 5 and above games before here at lottery post.
I find I can search numbers by position for those games too. That info will work well for setting my filters in the wheel.
That is the way I will be tracking the games along with the data from regular jackpot methods.
Good luck with your research and quest for hits.
did not play
Sat eve
Sun eve
Mon mid & eve
Took the money and played on the cash 5
I thought about it today. Play powerball for 5 white balls out of 53 is $100,00.00. Then the odds for the powerball For millions.
Play S.C. cash 5 for 5 white balls out of 38 is $100,000.00.
At my age catching $100,000.00 will do just fine So I think I will put my money and time into the S.C. cash 5 with better odds of 5/38.
Using the wheels with filters here at lottery post also increases my chances of a win. I played a 13 number wheel tonight with 2 correct numbers of the 13. Using filters I had many lines with the 2 of 5 .
I selected my 13 numbers real quick from the stats at lottery post as I have not as yet setup my tracking for cash 5.will do the tracking different for the cash 5. I will use my four game setup in my software for tracking. I will enter as this but will need to create 3 games to do it. Tonights draw was 09-15-16-18-35
0915 game 1 cash 5 pos 1&2 tracking the whole number in position 1&2, position 3&4
I can pull in my software exact order by position 1&2, 3&4 this will give me pos 1 in cash 5 [09] pos 2 in cash 5 [15]
This will allow me to find the data of each number by cash 5 position
position profile
The wheel example
I do not have position 4 and 5 done yet.
I would select my numbers by position and use
the filters in the lottery post wheel so the
numbers selected will only be in the line where
possible and selected to go. Some can not fit
in other positions.
I am doing my research by sorted position after
drawn lowest number to highest number as results
The post I had deleted was about a type of wheel by position idea.
I have found out by exploration that the type of wheel I needed already exists here at lottery post using filters.
Reasearch is no big secret so I will continue.
End of powerball strategy in my blog.
Just starting to get to the nuts and bolts on finishing
Gonna work on pick three predictions for this weeks posting.
You want any state I do not post ask for it. I post the same picks for all week
Giving away to much info for software creator thieves.
This has the data for exact position.
gonna whip out a new type of wheel for these 5 and more games. Creative. May talk to Todd about adding it to the wheels he has for 5 and more games.
Game Profile for File S.C. PWR FR 3.DMG : All Records 07-10-2005
Drawn By Position | Draw Frequency | Since Drawn | Most Frequent
P1 P2 P3 P4 Ttl| P1 P2 P3 P4 Ttl| P1 P2 P3 P4| Pairs Doubles
0: 8 16 17 41| 19.8 9.9 9.3 3.9| 9 2 6 | 1 (12) 7 (2)
1: 34 16 12 62| 4.6 9.9 13.2 2.5| 16 19 4 | 5 (19) 5 (2)
2: 19 10 16 45| 8.3 15.8 9.9 3.5| 1 1 3 | 9 (12) 3-5-8 (1)
3: 15 19 12 46| 10.5 8.3 13.2 3.4| 3 5 5 | 7 (14) 2-9 (1)
4: 15 15 13 43| 10.5 10.5 12.2 3.7| 7 11 8 | 5 (17) 6 (2)
5: 21 18 18 57| 7.5 8.8 8.8 2.8| 6 14 1 | 1 (19) 1-3-6 (1)
6: 12 17 21 50| 13.2 9.3 7.5 3.2| 25 9 17 | 7 (13) 5-7 (2)
7: 9 16 24 49| 17.6 9.9 6.6 3.2| 4 12 14 | 1-3 (14) 2-3 (1)
8: 12 12 10 34| 13.2 13.2 15.8 4.6| 0 3 10 | 3 (10) 1 (1)
9: 13 19 15 47| 12.2 8.3 10.5 3.4| 2 0 0 | 2-5 (12) 0-2-4 (1)
is'nt emocionante ele
899 back digit on the front three
only had the 09 tonight. no money.
Got one quick pick and had two white and powerball for $7.00.
The quick pick beat me.
I had this for the front three I picked from software
Ran these out and picked the # 22 for powerball #
Did not get to entering data for the back three so I am missing the last 2 picks of the five. I have these for the front three but just going to wheel them in the five numbers needed. Only had about 1 hour to look things over but what the. Have 8 plays for wheeling see how these turn out. You never know with a random drawing they could all hit in the 5 picks on the line. No time for the powerball pick. Just one at random.
ho hum, You gonna hit #s we will see when the time comes
Did not even play tonight.
Looks like it time for the powerball and Palmetto cash 5 games.
Play the three game in other states.
Front three last digit pairs. Interesting stuff here. I gotto figure what I want to play now. Had a lot of good stuff in the sums and roots too in the software. Might be a little out of alignment but youll figure it out.
Pair Report for S.C. PWR FR 3.DMG: All 55 Boxed Pairs 07-09-2005 157 Records
Hit Hit Current Skip Most
PAIR Hits Avg Median Skips Avg Out Due
1 5 19 8.3 5 25 5.9 25 Yes
4 5 17 9.2 8 10 7.6 25
1 7 14 11.2 8 3 10.0 32
3 7 14 11.2 6 14 9.2 27
1 4 14 11.2 5 23 8.6 23 Yes
6 7 13 12.1 10 9 10.4 31 Yes
0 1 12 13.1 6 18 10.6 29
5 9 12 13.1 9 10 11.2 44
2 9 12 13.1 3 29 9.7 29 Yes
2 3 11 14.3 16 2 13.1 43
5 6 11 14.3 11 16 11.8 45
0 5 10 15.7 9 5 14.2 32
1 6 10 15.7 5 44 10.3 44 Yes
1 9 10 15.7 10 12 13.5 37
5 7 10 15.7 9 11 13.6 56
1 3 10 15.7 9 17 13.0 41
3 9 10 15.7 11 4 14.3 41
3 8 10 15.7 13 2 14.5 44
2 5 10 15.7 13 0 14.7 38
3 6 10 15.7 9 22 12.5 37
2 8 9 17.4 17 2 16.2 47
1 8 9 17.4 12 3 16.1 41
4 7 8 19.6 16 11 17.2 40
0 3 8 19.6 17 7 17.8 39
4 9 8 19.6 18 10 17.4 42
6 9 8 19.6 15 60 11.1 60 Yes
0 6 8 19.6 12 8 17.6 42
2 7 8 19.6 16 13 17.0 41
6 8 7 22.4 17 9 20.1 51
2 6 7 22.4 15 52 14.0 52 Yes
0 2 7 22.4 31 6 20.6 38
0 7 7 22.4 19 18 18.9 63 Yes
0 4 7 22.4 30 6 20.6 40
7 9 7 22.4 19 12 19.7 42
5 8 6 26.2 21 5 24.3 41
1 2 6 26.2 8 47 17.3 51 Yes
1 1 6 26.2 21 25 21.0 37
2 4 6 26.2 16 6 24.2 75
8 9 6 26.2 23 15 22.7 45
6 6 6 26.2 13 58 15.5 58 Yes
0 8 5 31.4 30 5 29.4 65
0 9 5 31.4 35 1 30.2 50
3 5 5 31.4 13 46 21.2 65 Yes
4 4 5 31.4 9 81 14.2 81 Yes
7 8 5 31.4 10 3 29.8 65
3 4 4 39.2 40 7 36.5 63
0 0 4 39.2 31 8 36.2 66
9 9 3 52.3 60 1 51.0 59
4 8 3 52.3 62 23 43.7 61
5 5 3 52.3 71 16 46.0 70
2 2 3 52.3 96 0 51.3 95
4 6 3 52.3 59 81 24.3 81 Yes
7 7 2 78.5 71 14 70.5 132
3 3 2 78.5 76 4 75.5 93
8 8 1 157.0 157 41 115.0 115
Pair Report for S.C. PWR FR 3.DMG: All 55 Boxed Pairs
157 Records on 07-09-2005
PAIR Hit Hit Current Skip Most
SUMMARY Hits Avg Median Skips Avg Out
Doubles 35 4.5 9 0 11.4 37
No Match 122 1.3 1 0 .2 2
Consec's 85 1.8 4 1 4.0 32
Just pulled the combo reort of the front three last digit. Some interesting stuff here.
This is more fun than the three game. Go onto new horizons to challenge my brain. Sorta looks like a no match combo will be on my list tonight.
Combo Report for S.C. PWR FR 3.DMG: All 220 Combos 07-09-2005 157 Records
COMBO Hit Hit Current Skip Most
SUMMARY Hits Avg Median Skips Avg Out
Triples 0 157 157
Doubles 35 4.5 3 0 3.5 12
CD Doubles 8 19.6 22 1 24.9 52
CD Pairs 85 1.8 1 1 .0 1
No Match 122 1.3 1 2 .3 2
Wild Match 45 3.5 3 5 2.5 11
Consec's 5 31.4 37 9 28.6 43
2-Carried 19 8.3 5 6 7.6 34
0-Carried 53 3.0 2 0 1.7 8
All Even 10 15.7 11 6 14.1 43
All Odd 23 6.8 4 4 5.7 19
1 Ev-2 Odd 66 2.4 2 1 1.4 9
2 Ev-1 Odd 58 2.7 2 0 1.7 13
Got the idea real quick to take the front three to deflation. Can see it here better than in my software without a lot of search in my software. Mainly looking for exact reapeats which may not occur to often in jackpot games.Also looking at the overall like the three game. From looking at it I see some exact reapeats of the three in the last digit. With that I need to check out what the first part of the two part number it was in.
data Entered in my software real quick as I was not concerned with exact dates. only interested in other stuff.
Sign uo for a premimum membership and you too can have these tools to use.
Tier 7
Tier 5
Tier 4
549(495,549,945) 397(937,397,397) 016(160,160,160)
Tier 3
382(823,382) 591(195,159) 157(517,157) 167(176,167)
Tier 2
781(187) 580(850) 574(547) 257(257) 017(170) 138(318) 184(814) 115(115) 070(070) 405(045) 905(509) 982(892) 912(291) 676(676) 386(683) 685(568) 566(656) 153(135) 130(301) 569(569) 239(239) 644(446) 247(742) 401(104) 036(603) 926(296) 562(526)
Tier 1
225 909 933 402 304 060 768 791 737 198 556 139 857 893 282 925 118 730 308 820 258 818 147 523 132 470 236 493 929 271 161 375 696 551 419 117 502 150 546 248 355 134 605 102 896 126 499 233 972 686 113 961 232 494 290 276 809 244 750 002 976 727 837 374 230 474 452
225 909 382 781 933 580 402 304 060 768 549 574 791 257 737 198 556 139 017 857 138 893 763 184 637 115 514 591 282 925 397 118 195 730 070 937 308 820 405 258 157 818 905 147 016 160 523 132 982 167 912 470 236 493 929 271 159 161 676 375 696 386 685 397 495 551 566 419 823 153 070 170 549 117 502 547 130 569 239 683 150 644 247 187 546 248 355 134 605 102 367 135 401 509 896 126 415 499 233 318 036 945 673 850 382 291 972 926 296 686 603 113 569 562 160 301 176 451 167 115 397 961 104 742 232 814 494 160 290 276 676 514 257 809 244 750 145 002 976 517 656 451 526 446 045 568 145 727 367 837 157 374 892 230 239 474 452
Filters: No filtering selected
Classification | Matches | Percent | Matching Numbers | |
High/Low: | ||||
HHH | 15 | 9.6% |
768 556 857 676 696 685 566 569 896 686 569 676 976 656 568
HHL | 62 | 39.5% |
909 781 580 549 574 791 257 737 198 893 763 637 591 925 397 195 937 258 157 818 905 982 167 929 159 375 386 397 495 551 549 547 683 187 546 355 605 367 509 499 945 673 850 972 926 296 562 176 167 397 961 276 257 809 750 517 526 727 367 837 157 892
HLL | 65 | 41.4% |
225 382 933 060 139 017 138 184 115 514 282 118 730 070 308 820 405 147 016 160 523 912 470 236 493 271 161 419 823 153 070 170 117 502 239 150 644 247 248 135 126 415 318 036 382 291 603 160 451 115 742 814 494 160 290 514 145 451 446 045 145 374 239 474 452
LLL | 15 | 9.6% | 402 304 132 130 134 102 401 233 113 301 104 232 244 002 230 | |
Even/Odd: | ||||
EEE | 10 | 6.4% |
402 060 282 820 644 248 686 244 002 446
EEO | 58 | 36.9% |
225 382 580 304 768 184 070 308 405 258 818 016 160 982 470 236 676 696 386 685 566 823 070 502 683 247 546 605 102 401 896 126 036 850 382 926 296 603 562 160 104 742 232 814 494 160 290 276 676 809 656 526 045 568 892 230 474 452
EOO | 66 | 42.0% |
909 781 549 574 257 198 556 017 857 138 893 763 637 514 925 118 730 905 147 523 132 167 912 493 929 271 161 495 419 170 549 547 130 569 239 150 187 134 367 509 415 499 233 318 945 673 291 972 569 301 176 451 167 961 514 257 750 145 976 451 145 727 367 837 374 239
OOO | 23 | 14.6% | 933 791 737 139 115 591 397 195 937 157 159 375 397 551 153 117 355 135 113 115 397 517 157 | |
Sums: | ||||
0 | 0 | 0% | ||
1 | 0 | 0% | ||
2 | 1 | 0.6% | 002 | |
3 | 1 | 0.6% | 102 | |
4 | 2 | 1.3% | 130 301 | |
5 | 4 | 2.5% | 401 113 104 230 | |
6 | 4 | 2.5% | 402 060 132 150 | |
7 | 11 | 7.0% | 304 115 070 016 160 070 502 160 115 232 160 | |
8 | 5 | 3.2% | 017 161 170 134 233 | |
9 | 9 | 5.7% | 225 405 153 117 135 126 036 603 045 | |
10 | 13 | 8.3% | 514 118 730 820 523 271 415 451 514 244 145 451 145 | |
11 | 7 | 4.5% | 308 470 236 551 605 290 452 | |
12 | 7 | 4.5% | 138 282 147 912 318 291 750 | |
13 | 16 | 10.2% | 382 580 139 184 157 823 247 355 850 382 562 742 814 517 526 157 | |
14 | 14 | 8.9% | 257 905 167 419 239 644 248 509 176 167 257 446 374 239 | |
15 | 9 | 5.7% | 933 591 195 258 159 375 546 276 474 | |
16 | 14 | 8.9% | 781 574 556 763 637 925 493 547 187 367 673 961 727 367 | |
17 | 11 | 7.0% | 791 737 818 386 566 683 926 296 494 809 656 | |
18 | 8 | 5.1% | 909 549 198 495 549 945 972 837 | |
19 | 10 | 6.4% | 397 937 982 676 685 397 397 676 568 892 | |
20 | 6 | 3.8% | 857 893 929 569 686 569 | |
21 | 2 | 1.3% | 768 696 | |
22 | 2 | 1.3% | 499 976 | |
23 | 1 | 0.6% | 896 | |
24 | 0 | 0% | ||
25 | 0 | 0% | ||
26 | 0 | 0% | ||
27 | 0 | 0% | ||
Root Sums: | ||||
0 | 0 | 0% | ||
1 | 23 | 14.6% | 514 397 118 730 937 820 523 982 271 676 685 397 415 451 397 676 514 244 145 451 568 145 892 | |
2 | 14 | 8.9% | 857 893 308 470 236 929 551 569 605 686 569 290 002 452 | |
3 | 10 | 6.4% | 768 138 282 147 912 696 102 318 291 750 | |
4 | 20 | 12.7% | 382 580 139 184 157 823 130 247 355 499 850 382 562 301 742 814 976 517 526 157 | |
5 | 19 | 12.1% | 257 905 167 419 239 644 248 401 509 896 113 176 167 104 257 446 374 230 239 | |
6 | 13 | 8.3% | 933 402 060 591 195 258 132 159 375 150 546 276 474 | |
7 | 25 | 15.9% | 781 304 574 556 763 637 115 925 070 016 160 493 070 502 547 187 367 673 160 115 961 232 160 727 367 | |
8 | 16 | 10.2% | 791 737 017 818 161 386 566 170 683 134 233 926 296 494 809 656 | |
9 | 17 | 10.8% | 225 909 549 198 405 495 153 549 117 135 126 036 945 972 603 045 837 | |
Sum Last Digit: | ||||
0 | 19 | 12.1% | 857 893 514 118 730 820 523 929 271 569 415 686 569 451 514 244 145 451 145 | |
1 | 9 | 5.7% | 768 308 470 236 696 551 605 290 452 | |
2 | 10 | 6.4% | 138 282 147 912 499 318 291 750 002 976 | |
3 | 18 | 11.5% | 382 580 139 184 157 823 247 355 102 896 850 382 562 742 814 517 526 157 | |
4 | 16 | 10.2% | 257 905 167 419 130 239 644 248 509 301 176 167 257 446 374 239 | |
5 | 13 | 8.3% | 933 591 195 258 159 375 546 401 113 104 276 230 474 | |
6 | 18 | 11.5% | 781 402 060 574 556 763 637 925 132 493 547 150 187 367 673 961 727 367 | |
7 | 22 | 14.0% | 304 791 737 115 070 818 016 160 386 566 070 502 683 926 296 160 115 232 494 160 809 656 | |
8 | 13 | 8.3% | 909 549 198 017 161 495 170 549 134 233 945 972 837 | |
9 | 19 | 12.1% | 225 397 937 405 982 676 685 397 153 117 135 126 036 603 397 676 045 568 892 | |
Key Numbers: | ||||
0 | 37 | 23.6% | 909 580 402 304 060 017 730 070 308 820 405 905 016 160 470 070 170 502 130 150 605 102 401 509 036 850 603 160 301 104 160 290 809 750 002 045 230 | |
1 | 56 | 35.7% | 781 791 198 139 017 138 184 115 514 591 118 195 157 818 147 016 160 132 167 912 271 159 161 551 419 153 170 117 130 150 187 134 102 135 401 126 415 318 291 113 160 301 176 451 167 115 961 104 814 160 514 145 517 451 145 157 | |
2 | 42 | 26.8% | 225 382 402 257 282 925 820 258 523 132 982 912 236 929 271 823 502 239 247 248 102 126 233 382 291 972 926 296 562 742 232 290 276 257 244 002 526 727 892 230 239 452 | |
3 | 44 | 28.0% | 382 933 304 737 139 138 893 763 637 397 730 937 308 523 132 236 493 375 386 397 823 153 130 239 683 355 134 367 135 233 318 036 673 382 603 113 301 397 232 367 837 374 230 239 | |
4 | 38 | 24.2% | 402 304 549 574 184 514 405 147 470 493 495 419 549 547 644 247 546 248 134 401 415 499 945 451 104 742 814 494 514 244 145 451 446 045 145 374 474 452 | |
5 | 54 | 34.4% | 225 580 549 574 257 556 857 115 514 591 925 195 405 258 157 905 523 159 375 685 495 551 566 153 549 502 547 569 150 546 355 605 135 509 415 945 850 569 562 451 115 514 257 750 145 517 656 451 526 045 568 145 157 452 | |
6 | 44 | 28.0% | 060 768 556 763 637 016 160 167 236 161 676 696 386 685 566 569 683 644 546 605 367 896 126 036 673 926 296 686 603 569 562 160 176 167 961 160 276 676 976 656 526 446 568 367 | |
7 | 47 | 29.9% | 781 768 574 791 257 737 017 857 763 637 397 730 070 937 157 147 167 470 271 676 375 397 070 170 117 547 247 187 367 673 972 176 167 397 742 276 676 257 750 976 517 727 367 837 157 374 474 | |
8 | 32 | 20.4% | 382 781 580 768 198 857 138 893 184 282 118 308 820 258 818 982 386 685 823 683 187 248 896 318 850 382 686 814 809 568 837 892 | |
9 | 42 | 26.8% | 909 933 549 791 198 139 893 591 925 397 195 937 905 982 912 493 929 159 696 397 495 419 549 569 239 509 896 499 945 291 972 926 296 569 397 961 494 290 809 976 892 239 | |
Number Types: | ||||
Singles | 122 | 77.7% | 382 781 580 402 304 768 549 574 791 257 198 139 017 857 138 893 763 184 637 514 591 925 397 195 730 937 308 820 405 258 157 905 147 016 160 523 132 982 167 912 470 236 493 271 159 375 386 685 397 495 419 823 153 170 549 502 547 130 569 239 683 150 247 187 546 248 134 605 102 367 135 401 509 896 126 415 318 036 945 673 850 382 291 972 926 296 603 569 562 160 301 176 451 167 397 961 104 742 814 160 290 276 514 257 809 750 145 976 517 451 526 045 568 145 367 837 157 374 892 230 239 452 | |
Doubles | 35 | 22.3% | 225 909 933 060 737 556 115 282 118 070 818 929 161 676 696 551 566 070 117 644 355 499 233 686 113 115 232 494 676 244 002 656 446 727 474 | |
Triples | 0 | 0% |
225 909 382 781 933 580 402 304 060 768 549 574 791 257 737 198 556 139 017 857 138 893 763 184 637 115 514 591 282 925 397 118 195 730 070 937 308 820 405 258 157 818 905 147 016 160 523 132 982 167 912 470 236 493 929 271 159 161 676 375 696 386 685 397 495 551 566 419 823 153 070 170 549 117 502 547 130 569 239 683 150 644 247 187 546 248 355 134 605 102 367 135 401 509 896 126 415 499 233 318 036 945 673 850 382 291 972 926 296 686 603 113 569 562 160 301 176 451 167 115 397 961 104 742 232 814 494 160 290 276 676 514 257 809 244 750 145 002 976 517 656 451 526 446 045 568 145 727 367 837 157 374 892 230 239 474 452
got draws for past back to Jan 04
now I got to separate front and back three last digit.
well I think I will track exact order for power ball in my pick 3 software. Break the game up into front three and back three. Use this system in Mass for the front and back three but in my e-z pick system.
Will be able to find hit and skips by position and by exact pair position
front three
back three
Gotta go to store and gamble
cut my plays to this for mid 711-722-799-721-723-725-729-701-712-765
why am I foolin with mega mil. I can only play power in S.C. Geeeesh.
Think I better break out the whiskey bottle and clear the fog in my head.
exciting day isn't it.
could be worth figurin out. figure them even & odd by position and the H Ls.
the last digit on the ball cuts it down to a five ball game like the 3 and 4 game. Have 5 positions to figure exact.
those balls only have another number painted on it in front of the 0 thru 9 digit except the 1 thru 9 balls. figure exact order and wheel the numbers that have the other number in front of it.
fri, Jul 8, 2005 09-23-45-48-50, 9-3-5-8-0 OOOEE___HLHHL
Tue, Jul 5, 2005 22-38-48-50-55, 2-8-8-0-5 EEEEO___LHHLH
Fri, Jul 1, 2005 14-25-41-42-50, 4-5-1-2-5 EOOEO___LHLLH
Tue, Jun 28, 2005 02-20-37-43-46, 2-0-7-3-6 EEOOE___LLHLH
Fri, Jun 24, 2005 14-43-44-50-56, 4-3-4-0-6 EOEEE___LLLLH
Tue, Jun 21, 2005 09-13-40-46-50, 9-3-0-6-0 OOEEE___HLLHL
Fri, Jun 17, 2005 16-35-40-49-50, 6-5-0-9-0 EOEOE___HHLHL
Tue, Jun 14, 2005 01-10-29-48-49, 1-0-9-8-9 OEOEO___LLHHH
Fri, Jun 10, 2005 14-29-31-37-50, 4-9-1-7-0 EOOOE___LHLHL
Tue, Jun 7, 2005 07-14-28-46-47, 7-4-8-6-7 OEEEO___HLHHH
Fri, Jun 3, 2005 04-06-14-28-47, 4-6-4-8-7 EEEEO___LHLHH
Tue, May 31, 2005 05-13-22-37-38, 5-3-2-7-8 OOEOE___HLLHH
Fri, May 27, 2005 07-17-22-34-50, 7-7-2-4-0 OOEEE___HHLLL
Tue, May 24, 2005 09-28-39-40-45, 9-8-9-0-5 OEOEO___HHHLH
Fri, May 20, 2005 03-06-27-40-44, 3-6-7-0-4 OEOEE___LHHLL
Tue, May 17, 2005 07-09-10-29-44, 7-9-0-9-4 OOEOE___HHLHL
Fri, May 13, 2005 21-23-27-33-39, 1-3-7-3-9 OOOOO___LLHLH
Tue, May 10, 2005 11-25-38-40-42, 1-5-8-0-2 OOEEE___LHHLL
testing for exact position hit ratio
showing most due
1 even 2 odd
cd pair
Record Pos1 Pos2 Pos3 Pos4 Sum Root Even Odd
1 7 0 1 8 8 1 2 2 1
2 7 0 2 9 9 2 1 2 1
3 7 0 3 10 1 1 2 2 1
4 7 0 5 12 3 1 2 1 2
5 7 0 9 16 7 1 2 1 2
6 7 1 1 9 9 0 3 2 1
7 7 1 2 10 1 1 2 2 1
8 7 1 3 11 2 0 3 2 1
9 7 1 5 13 4 0 3 1 2
10 7 1 9 17 8 0 3 1 2
11 7 2 1 10 1 1 2 2 1
12 7 2 2 11 2 2 1 2 1
13 7 2 3 12 3 1 2 2 1
14 7 2 5 14 5 1 2 1 2
15 7 2 9 18 9 1 2 1 2
16 7 4 1 12 3 1 2 2 1
17 7 4 2 13 4 2 1 2 1
18 7 4 3 14 5 1 2 2 1
19 7 4 5 16 7 1 2 1 2
20 7 4 9 20 2 1 2 1 2
21 7 6 1 14 5 1 2 1 2
22 7 6 2 15 6 2 1 1 2
23 7 6 3 16 7 1 2 1 2
24 7 6 5 18 9 1 2 0 3
25 7 6 9 22 4 1 2 0 3
26 7 9 1 17 8 0 3 1 2
27 7 9 2 18 9 1 2 1 2
28 7 9 3 19 1 0 3 1 2
29 7 9 5 21 3 0 3 0 3
30 7 9 9 25 7 0 3 0 3
digit 7 pos # 1 past history Record from 06/02/04
the digit 7 in pos #1 is currently at 9 skips in my by digit tracking
Date______ Pos1 Pos2 Pos3
1 06/02/2004 7 6 9 1 0
3 06/08/2004 7 6 0 1 1
5 06/10/2004 7 7 4 1 1
7 06/15/2004 7 9 5 1 1
12 06/21/2004 7 1 3 1 4
13 06/22/2004 7 0 5 1 0
18 06/27/2004 7 8 8 1 4
19 06/28/2004 7 1 0 1 0
23 07/04/2004 7 9 8 1 3
26 07/13/2004 7 7 8 1 2
27 07/14/2004 7 9 0 1 0
28 07/14/2004 7 3 4 1 0
39 08/06/2004 7 5 5 1 10
41 08/13/2004 7 5 5 1 1
42 08/14/2004 7 2 4 1 0
43 08/17/2004 7 3 5 1 0
44 08/17/2004 7 1 4 1 0
45 08/24/2004 7 6 7 1 0
48 08/28/2004 7 9 9 1 2
50 09/01/2004 7 4 4 1 1
53 09/06/2004 7 1 1 1 2
54 09/08/2004 7 4 6 1 0
57 09/15/2004 7 5 8 1 2
59 09/19/2004 7 5 4 1 1
61 09/21/2004 7 5 2 1 1
62 09/23/2004 7 3 1 1 0
63 09/25/2004 7 0 6 1 0
65 10/04/2004 7 5 6 1 1
66 10/08/2004 7 7 0 1 0
67 10/08/2004 7 3 1 1 0
77 10/29/2004 7 3 0 1 9
86 11/15/2004 7 4 5 1 8
88 11/20/2004 7 9 5 1 1
92 11/27/2004 7 3 2 1 3
94 11/28/2004 7 1 8 1 1
95 11/30/2004 7 5 8 1 0
96 12/03/2004 7 1 0 1 0
99 12/08/2004 7 9 3 1 2
110 01/01/2005 7 7 9 1 10
111 01/01/2005 7 5 9 1 0
114 01/06/2005 7 0 3 1 2
118 01/13/2005 7 2 6 1 3
121 01/18/2005 7 3 3 1 2
122 01/19/2005 7 9 4 1 0
123 01/22/2005 7 2 6 1 0
124 01/22/2005 7 9 4 1 0
125 01/24/2005 7 0 7 1 0
126 01/25/2005 7 9 0 1 0
128 01/26/2005 7 3 3 1 1
130 01/29/2005 7 6 1 1 1
131 02/03/2005 7 8 6 1 0
132 02/10/2005 7 1 4 1 0
133 02/14/2005 7 6 3 1 0
135 02/16/2005 7 8 4 1 1
138 02/24/2005 7 7 2 1 2
139 02/24/2005 7 4 4 1 0
141 03/02/2005 7 6 2 1 1
146 03/21/2005 7 4 4 1 4
148 03/25/2005 7 1 8 1 1
149 03/27/2005 7 7 8 1 0
150 03/30/2005 7 6 8 1 0
162 04/29/2005 7 4 5 1 11
165 05/02/2005 7 1 3 1 2
167 05/07/2005 7 3 6 1 1
169 05/12/2005 7 2 7 1 1
170 05/12/2005 7 0 2 1 0
173 05/20/2005 7 6 1 1 2
175 05/24/2005 7 6 3 1 1
182 06/02/2005 7 0 7 1 6
183 06/03/2005 7 2 9 1 0
185 06/07/2005 7 6 7 1 1
186 06/08/2005 7 4 2 1 0
187 06/08/2005 7 9 5 1 0
188 06/10/2005 7 1 9 1 0
189 06/14/2005 7 7 7 1 0
Im workin on it
01234__29 low numbers
56789__27 high numbers
odds 28 numbers 12 low 16 high
even 28 numbers 17 low 11 high
__________________________________last digit
Tue, Jul 5, 2005 22-38-48-50-55, 2-8-8-0-5 EEEEO___LHHLH
Fri, Jul 1, 2005 14-25-41-42-50, 4-5-1-2-5 EOOEO___LHLLH
Tue, Jun 28, 2005 02-20-37-43-46, 2-0-7-3-6 EEOOE___LLHLH
Fri, Jun 24, 2005 14-43-44-50-56, 4-3-4-0-6 EOEEE___LLLLH
Tue, Jun 21, 2005 09-13-40-46-50, 9-3-0-6-0 OOEEE___HLLHL
Fri, Jun 17, 2005 16-35-40-49-50, 6-5-0-9-0 EOEOE___HHLHL
Tue, Jun 14, 2005 01-10-29-48-49, 1-0-9-8-9 OEOEO___LLHHH
Fri, Jun 10, 2005 14-29-31-37-50, 4-9-1-7-0 EOOOE___LHLHL
Tue, Jun 7, 2005 07-14-28-46-47, 7-4-8-6-7 OEEEO___HLHHH
Fri, Jun 3, 2005 04-06-14-28-47, 4-6-4-8-7 EEEEO___LHLHH
Tue, May 31, 2005 05-13-22-37-38, 5-3-2-7-8 OOEOE___HLLHH
Fri, May 27, 2005 07-17-22-34-50, 7-7-2-4-0 OOEEE___HHLLL
Tue, May 24, 2005 09-28-39-40-45, 9-8-9-0-5 OEOEO___HHHLH
Fri, May 20, 2005 03-06-27-40-44, 3-6-7-0-4 OEOEE___LHHLL
Tue, May 17, 2005 07-09-10-29-44, 7-9-0-9-4 OOEOE___HHLHL
Fri, May 13, 2005 21-23-27-33-39, 1-3-7-3-9 OOOOO___LLHLH
Tue, May 10, 2005 11-25-38-40-42, 1-5-8-0-2 OOEEE___LHHLL
Thinkin about the jackpot games. Thinkin how to pick the numbers
This one is the last digit theory. Just done this but am going to bed. Think about the odd digits and the below mid and above mid digits.
for those not familiar with below and above mid digits
below mid digits =01234
above mid digits= 56789
Going to figure more on it tomorrow. How about digits by position maybe the 36 in position 4 or 5
I only have power in S.C. but was going to post some for a wheel in MDs mega challange
__________________________________last digit
Tue, Jul 5, 2005 22-38-48-50-55, 2-8-8-0-5
Fri, Jul 1, 2005 14-25-41-42-50, 4-5-1-2-5
Tue, Jun 28, 2005 02-20-37-43-46, 2-0-7-3-6
Fri, Jun 24, 2005 14-43-44-50-56, 4-3-4-0-6
Tue, Jun 21, 2005 09-13-40-46-50, 9-3-0-6-0
Fri, Jun 17, 2005 16-35-40-49-50, 6-5-0-9-0
Tue, Jun 14, 2005 01-10-29-48-49, 1-0-9-8-9
Fri, Jun 10, 2005 14-29-31-37-50, 4-9-1-7-0
Tue, Jun 7, 2005 07-14-28-46-47, 7-4-8-6-7
Fri, Jun 3, 2005 04-06-14-28-47, 4-6-4-8-7
Tue, May 31, 2005 05-13-22-37-38, 5-3-2-7-8
Fri, May 27, 2005 07-17-22-34-50, 7-7-2-4-0
Tue, May 24, 2005 09-28-39-40-45, 9-8-9-0-5
Fri, May 20, 2005 03-06-27-40-44, 3-6-7-0-4
Tue, May 17, 2005 07-09-10-29-44, 7-9-0-9-4
Fri, May 13, 2005 21-23-27-33-39, 1-3-7-3-9
Tue, May 10, 2005 11-25-38-40-42, 1-5-8-0-2
I have thought about it today what I would do with millions won in the lottery.
I would buy a tv station that is going on the rocks like Ted turner did. It would be a 24 hour news station with the primary focus on good news.
What is good that is happening around the world.
Always thought about the news media always having preference for topics other than good news.
Could be a winner.
If I can pick and hit with 20 or more numbers for a positive return that is the way I will pick them.
Find a good workout with results and that is what I will use. Using the workout with no deletions of when a number may have hit last. Do not care if it was last draw or last week. Play the numbers as they are running.
Have been testing this week and have had some hits. Separated mid and eve but find that mid hits eve and vicey. Prefer to work the system combined draws.
had a straight today in Ill which brings the money return up. refining the system to cover even and odds and above and below combos.
Play what I see. Blah Blah Blah
I am always talkin about numbers and how a digit returns with a pair where the digit is sittin. The day of the month where digits and pairs return on the day blah blah blah.
I see the 762 been sittin out in the exact out position thingy. 762 are the longest out digits in each position. Blah blah blah
725 9816 043______x2x x8xx 604_______7x5 9x1x xx3
649 5872 301______64x x8xx 2x0_______xx9 x5x7 x31
280 9537 416______280 xxxx x46_______xxx x953 7x1
725 9831 604______x2x x8xx 604_______7x5 9x31 xxx
649 5817 230_316__64x x8xx 2x0_______xx9 x5x1 7x3
268 0953 741______268 0xxx xx4_______xxx x953 7x1
725 9831 460______x2x x8xx 460_______7x5 9x31 xxx
649 0581 723_401__64x 0x8x x2x_______xx9 x5x1 7x3
268 0953 714______268 0xxx xx4_______xxx x953 71x
725 9831 046
649 0581 723-034
268 0945 371
725 9836 104
643 9058 172-631
216 8094 537
725 9836 140
643 9058 172-427
217 6809 453
702 5983 614
643 9205 817-023
217 6809 453
702 5983 614
643 9205 817-023
217 6809 453
702 4598 361
643 9720 581-473
217 6803 945
702 1459 836
643 1972 058-115
217 6805 394
702 6145 983
643 1972 085-684
217 6804 539
702 6145 983
643 1972 508-359
217 6804 593
702 6145 938
643 1987 250-383
217 6804 593
702 6145 893
643 1987 250-803
321 7680 459
Got in my vehicle to go play the lottery just before noon. Caught Paul Harvey at the last end of his show. He was telling the story of what someone did.
Goes something like this.
The neighbor across the street just paid $500.00 for an indoor treadmill for exercizing. The other thing about it is he just paid $1,800.00 the week before for a riding mower.
Took that pick 3 break. Mind mostly cleared. See the game in a different light but 90% similiar to my E-Z pick method. See a better light on out digit sheet. Figurin out how to look at it differently.
Gettin towards mid-day, Gonna play some of my picks listed.
Looks confusing but you need to be a little eccentric
Good luck
mid picks 07/04-07/09
Buena suerte
eve picks 07/03-07/09
Καθισμένη παραμονή 07/02
Οι επιλογές μου για το απόψε καθισμένο 7/02
Sat eve 07/02
My picks for tonight Sat 7/02
Cleaned out the mouse a few days or so ago. Still having trouble with the pointer moving. Took the ball out again and noticed some lint wrapped around two spindles. Took a pair of small scissors to grab the lint and get it out.
Works like new again.
Was starting to get real mad at it too. Had to push and shove and kick the d_ _ _ thing.
February 2025 January 2025 December 2024 November 2024 October 2024 September 2024 August 2024 July 2024 June 2024 May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 February 2024 January 2024 December 2023 November 2023 October 2023 September 2023 August 2023 July 2023 June 2023 May 2023 March 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 April 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 March 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 September 2006 August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 April 2006 March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 December 2005 November 2005 October 2005 September 2005 August 2005 July 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004