Nudge theory in practice
Turning behavioural insights into policy with Richard Thaler | 11.07.2011
Cass Sunstein Wants to Nudge Us
New EPA chief: Can everybody please “stop talking about environmental regulations killing jobs?”
NSA history, timeline
I gathered up a few articles real quick on NSA history.
If you would like more do a search for
NSA history
NSA pre 9/11 timeline
NSA post 9/11 timeline
OR what ever other search term you want to use for NSA or maybe the history of intelligence gathering.
Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying
NSA uses ‘terrorism’ to justify mass surveillance that started long before 9/11 and the Patriot Act
But as the evidence points out, such a claim simply isn’t true. The NSA was clearly working hard to create systems that would collect massive amounts of phone and Internet data in 2001, prior to the attacks. For a plausible explanation for this behavior, we have to look at one of the most important underreported stories of our time. Literally underreported.
In 1996, New Zealand based journalist Nicky Hager shocked the world with his exposé on a global surveillance system known as ECHELON. Hager wrote a book about his findings, which were controversial enough that elements within the British government wanted to ban the book from being sold in the U.K. In the U.S., a summary of Hager’s ECHELON revelations was published in the award-winning Covert Action Quarterly in its winter 1996/1997 edition. That same story went on to be named as one of Project Censored’s 25 most important underreported stories of the year in 1998.
The Making of the U.S. Surveillance State, 1898-2020
Obamacare's Cost Of Control
>Employers will no longer be able to write off the expense for coverage for their employees as a business expense, making them more likely to drop coverage.
>Employees cannot write off payment of health insurance premiums.
Watched the life of Siddhartha Gautama last night and his quest for meaning. I pretty much figured out what he was looking for before the story came to when he found his answer.
I have not studied Buddhism before or even knew who Siddhartha Gautama was.
They describe Buddhism as a religion in many articles I have just searched. I really do not consider it a religion. I consider it just passing on lifes meaning to the next generation.
I find this article to be of interest.
What is the purpose of life?
Religion teaches a person how to calm down the senses and make the heart and mind peaceful. The secret of calming down the senses is to eliminate desire which is the root of our disturbances. It is very important for us to have contentment. The more people crave for their property, the more they have to suffer. Property does not give happiness to man. Most of the rich people in the world today are suffering from numerous physical and mental problems. With all the money they have, they cannot buy a solution to their problems. Yet, the poorest men who have learnt to have contentment may enjoy their lives far more than the richest people do. As one rhyme goes:
'Some have too much and yet do crave
I have little and seek no more;
They are but poor though much more they have
And I am rich with little store.
They poor, I rich, they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live.'
How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures
Yesterday about 1 am I was looking at SC pick 4 stats for sc. I was looking at the trio stats in the inspector 4 for good performers and picked out the 249 trio. So after seaching stats on search drawings here at lottery post. Pulled one year of stats for the 249 trio and printed the results.
Picked out the digit 1 to go with the 249 trio. Think I played the 1249 box yesterday ( can not remember ). Played the 493 yesterday mid and 473 came out (pissed about that too). Did not play the 1249 today box or str8 and the damm thing came 9412 tonight.
HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.
Social engineering
According to HUD, long-term solutions include "helping people gain access to different neighborhoods and channeling investments into under-served areas." The mapping tool may guide development and zoning decisions, for example.
Sgt Reckless: Combat Veteran
Statue of Korean War horse Reckless to be unveiled at Marine museum in Virginia
Sgt Reckless - Korean War Horse Hero
Out giving speeches.
A lawyer looks at civil disobedience
Al Sharpton's true role in Crown Heights: Yankel Rosenbaum's brother speaks out
Baby declared dead ‘comes back to life’ after being placed on chapel altar
Liberal think tank says President can use military to push progressive agenda
November 18, 2010
By: Joe Newby
The group also recommended a virtual statistal collection agency which would, in part, "collect data on lesbian ,gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans in federal data surveys."
Are you 'cooking the books'?
Bachmann grills Bernanke over 'extraordinary' accounting measure
After re-election, Obama asked aides how to govern without Congress
Part 2 – Trayvon Martin Shooting – A year of drug use culminates in predictable violence…
Part-1 Trayvon Martin – What were the last 18 months like for him?
Sorted position 1 and 2 last digit of ball.
X0X0*X0X2*X0X4*X2X0*X2X2*X2X4*X4X0*X4X2*X4X4____out 23 draws most out 26 draws tracking 200 draws
sorted position 3 and 4 last digit of ball
X6X0*X6X2*X6X4*X8X0*X8X2*X8X4____ out 48 most out 39 draws tracking 200 draws
5 Speechwriting Lessons from Obama’s Inaugural Speech
The pictures Hitler wanted nobody to see: Images of Nazi leader looking half-crazed that he wanted destroyed
South Carolina (SC) Palmetto Cash 5 Lottery Results
Draw Date | Results |
Sun, Jul 14, 2013 | 02-07-14-32-36, Power-Up: 4?Prize Payouts |
There is my 3 even 1 odd last digit of ball in first four sorted positions.
Played four lines tonight for $4.00 and got back $2.00 on two lines having 2 of 5.
The 02 and 14.
On to tomorrow.
I just done a search for "moonshine stills"
See how many ads I get on that.
Done some more work on tracking system for the cash 5
Find this to drop soon. 3 even 1 odd in position 1-2-3-4 sorted position.
got these balls figured for tonight in those four sorted positions.
Done it again last night on missing 4 of 5 Had these balls figured to play a few days ago but decided against playing them for some reason. Would have had one line with 4 of 5 as I was going to do two lines. The 20*21*27 and 34 were my key plays.
Last nights numbers that fell 05*20*27*33*34
Sinai's Emergence as a Strategic Threat to Israel
Michael Herzog
Also available in ???????
June 21, 2012
U.S. Ambassador threatens Egypt on behalf of Muslim Brotherhood
Play the Lottery? You Bet
By Bill Saporito Monday, Dec. 05, 2011,9171,2100121,00.html
White House Has Known For Months Obamacare Implementation Wouldn't Work
Big Sis
We are going to miss you.
Farm Bill 2013
The Farm Bill is a comprehensive piece of legislation that guides and authorizes funding for most federal farm and food policies, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Every five years, Congress renews the Farm Bill through the reauthorization process.
The 2 Supreme Court Cases That Could Put a Dagger in Organized Labor
He is pushing it for the confirmation process. In the end it could be used for other legislation.
It just hit me why he wants it.
They want that so bad they can smell it.
I thought earlier today something out of the ordinary was going on with the actions by the judge in the Zimmerman trial.
Had 2 of 5 on two lines playing five lines. $2.00 of $5.00 back.
I enjoy the game and challenge involved buttt.
How ever I had kept one of the original play slips to get tickets with to keep track of the various payouts.
Was looking at the playslip on what I had filled out for four lines that night.
______________Had 03*15*23*28*32
Tonights draw results 08*15*23*28*32
I could live with the loss of $300.00 for 4 of 5 as I have done that countless times in the pick 3 game for $500.00 for not playing what I intended. Think I mentioned this in my blog years ago when I was doing the five game.
If that 03 was an 08 on my playslip would have been a 5 of 5 loss for $100,00.00 for not playing that playslip.
I try to catch the game with daily analysis and picks.
I would really have been pissed.
Think I best destroy my workout paper after the draw and destroy loosing tickets. I do not want to see the suckers again.
An odd coincidence happen yesterday. I was at the store getting tickets and a fella my age started talking to me about his experience with the lottery.
He had purchased his lottery tickets in Florida some time ago buying ten advance draws. He forgot about the lottery for some reason and did not purchase more advance plays for his picks. On the 11th draw all his numbers came out. 15 million dollar error.
We have heard that before EHHHH
No win.
Only caught one ball last night on my lines.
Still studying further and catching on.
Once a ball starts dropping again from a skip lapse it has a tendency to keep coming back. At least the hit skip data shows it.
The Tea Party was a major active force that showed their rallying force at town hall meetings and massive gatherings on an issue.
Those that opposed the Tea Party were taken by surprise and seen they had a force to deal with. Scared sh!tless as a matter of fact. So those who opposed the Tea Party used and is using every means possible to break up that force. We all know the tactics those who opposed and still oppose the Tea Party are using. I could dig up many tactics by those who opposed the Tea Party. Search for yourself you will find the tactics.
So what has happen to the Tea Party? They have been pushed back into the quiet zone.
Success by those who opposed the Tea Party.
So we have a nation in further decline.
Are to quiet and do not rally in enough numbers to counter an issue of importance.
When the majority do the forces on the other side use every means possible to break up the majorities show of resistance on an issue.
The majority only have themselves to blame.
B!tch about an issue but do nothing.
Thought I would jump back in my blog and see what I was doing. have not done that in ages. Jumped back to 2004 and seen I was working on the cash 5 game. Looks like one of my first entries.
I do not think I stayed on the five game very long. May go back again and pick up a few pointers I forgot. Looks like from this post I was doing it about the same way. Daaawmmm that is 9 years ago. time flys when you are having fun.
Meet the Black American Leadership Alliance, the Anti-Immigrant Movement's Newest Front Group
Black Leaders Plan to Protest Illegal Alien Amnesty
Just seen the news that Obama is going on road trip to push the immigration bill in the house. Kept a low profile in the senate about it. Except for having the white house staff in a senate office writing it.
The gang of 8 immigration bill. Nonsense. It ended up as a white house gang rewrite of the bill.
Pickin and choosin where he is going too.
Was watching Huckabee last night and someone has a film documentary coming out about the immigration mess on the border and elsewhere. Did not catch when or all of it.
Bought one line in cash 5 with one ball correct. The 08 ball
Bought four lines in cash 6 With the 14 ball correct on two lines.
One ticket had three of six on one line for $3.00 and two matching balls on the other lines on that ticket for five of eighteen for another $2.00. Giving me $5.00.
Was going thru some older tickets and found one worth $4.00 Had six of eighteen on that ticket.
Gonna take all my old tickets and have them checked at lottery terminal. Only been playing a couple weeks so not to many built up.
Gonna play one line in cash 5 tomorrow night. All even last digit of ball.
Big spender. Do not want to play to much money every day as it may take forever to hit some decent money in cash 5 and 6.
Did get lucky and won $140 some dollars a week or so ago on cash 6. Have it in my blog somewhere recent.
The secrets of J. Edgar Hoover
By John Hockenberry
Dateline NBC
updated 4/12/2004 12:10:40 AM ET
Of course today, the Hoover legend is not just about crime fighting. It has as much to do with playing fast and loose with civil liberties, with collecting vast secret files on innocent people — a powerful man with secrets of his own, including rumors of bizarre sexual behavior.
Largest Rivers in the
United States
[Of the 32 rivers listed here the 20 largest in three categories-discharge, drainage basin, and length—are ranked from 1 to 20 ; these ranks are shown in parentheses.
Most Everything You Need to Know About the White River National Blueways Designation
Origins of the Blueway System
On April 16th, 2010, President Barack Obama issued a memo establishing the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. This program was to be led by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture, the Administrator of the EPA and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and implemented with these agencies:
Land Grabs in Progress: National Blueways White River Watershed
US threatened by Russia's Christianity
It was not long ago when Communism soaked the land of Russia with blood and destroyed churches in its quest to bring happiness to mankind. Now the Russian Orthodox Church is strong and getting stronger thanks to men in government like President Vladimir Putin. Does America know how this happened and why their media still portrays it as the same evil Soviet Union?
Devout Russian Christians are on the march to conquer the world. Not like the Communist Soviet Union who spread wars like Obama and the US are doing now. These Russians are like Disciples of Christ who lovingly reach out to their brothers and sisters. Helping men and women in darkness enslaved by a materialistic society who are truly in need of Christ. Look to the East.
draw results 11*12*13*31*36
Had the 36 ball on three lines playing three lines.
The plays are on todays prediction board.
I will put them here for safe keeping in my blog for the days I want to look over spilled milk.
Member Predictions - JAP69
All South Carolina Predictions South Carolina
Just looking at my stats for sorted position 1 and 2 and see the 08*18* and not likely the 28 ball to drop in position 1 or 2.
Done positional search for the 28 ball in position 1 and 2 and see it fell only 2 times in past year in those 2 positions.
So I am key numbering 08*18 for position 1 or 2 until they pop
key number last digit 8 out 18 draws most out 15 draws since Jan 24 2013
position 2 and 4 is last digit of ball drawn
Number search of SC5 P 1 2.dmg: All Records Printed: 07-05-2013
Pos.1 = 8 Pos.2 = None Pos.3 = None Pos.4 = None Any Order, Any Numbers
28 Records Found 28 Selected Records Printed Page
Record Date P1 P2 P3 P4 Matched Skips
6 01/29/2013 0 8 0 9 1 5
14 02/06/2013 0 3 0 8 1 7
23 02/15/2013 2 7 2 8 1 8
39 03/03/2013 0 8 1 6 1 15
44 03/08/2013 0 3 0 8 1 4
46 03/10/2013 0 8 1 2 1 1
47 03/11/2013 0 8 1 4 1 0
52 03/16/2013 0 5 0 8 1 4
59 03/23/2013 0 5 1 8 1 6
63 03/27/2013 0 1 1 8 1 3
64 03/28/2013 0 1 1 8 1 0
65 03/29/2013 1 0 1 8 1 0
67 03/31/2013 0 4 1 8 1 1
72 04/05/2013 0 5 1 8 1 4
82 04/15/2013 0 8 1 9 1 9
87 04/20/2013 0 6 0 8 1 4
88 04/21/2013 0 8 1 0 1 0
99 05/02/2013 0 7 0 8 1 10
103 05/06/2013 0 9 1 8 1 3
111 05/14/2013 0 8 1 8 1 7
115 05/18/2013 1 6 1 8 1 3
118 05/21/2013 0 3 0 8 1 2
128 05/31/2013 0 8 2 4 1 9
129 06/01/2013 0 1 0 8 1 0
130 06/02/2013 0 8 0 9 1 0
133 06/05/2013 0 8 1 6 1 2
138 06/10/2013 1 5 1 8 1 4
145 06/17/2013 0 8 1 0 1 6
I have not done cash 5 in quite a few years and then it was for a short time. It is in my blog somewheres when I done it before.
I mentione I use my pick 3 and four software breaking the game down in segments of this and that.
In this case I will show tracking position 1 and 2 sorted position.
Looking for last digit of the numbered ball in position 1 and 2 I seen where the last digit 7 of the numbered ball had not fell in quite a few draws. Now that the last digit 7 of the numbered ball fell last night the last digit 7 fell again tonight.
You can see the history of the last digit 7 with what tracking I have. I do a search in my lottery software and it will give the hit skip of the last digit 7.
I use search drawings here at lottery post for a lot of stuff too.
This allows me to become familiar with different types of history.
For sorted position 1 and 2 it is impossible for the 37 ball to hit in one of those 2 sorted positions.
Position 1 and 3 are the decades that fell
Position 2 and 4 is the last digit of the ball
Number search of SC5 P 1 2.dmg: All Records Printed: 07-05-2013
Pos.1 = 7 Pos.2 = None Pos.3 = None Pos.4 = None Any Order, Any Numbers
26 Records Found 26 Selected Records Printed Page
Record Date P1 P2 P3 P4 Matched Skips
2 01/25/2013 0 6 0 7 1 1
3 01/26/2013 1 7 2 0 1 0
22 02/14/2013 0 7 1 3 1 18
23 02/15/2013 2 7 2 8 1 0
25 02/17/2013 0 7 1 6 1 1
28 02/20/2013 0 6 0 7 1 2
30 02/22/2013 0 4 1 7 1 1
32 02/24/2013 0 7 2 4 1 1
60 03/24/2013 1 0 1 7 1 27
69 04/02/2013 0 2 0 7 1 8
71 04/04/2013 2 1 2 7 1 1
80 04/13/2013 0 6 0 7 1 8
84 04/17/2013 1 1 1 7 1 3
91 04/24/2013 1 7 2 0 1 6
93 04/26/2013 1 1 1 7 1 1
97 04/30/2013 0 6 1 7 1 3
99 05/02/2013 0 7 0 8 1 1
104 05/07/2013 0 1 1 7 1 4
108 05/11/2013 0 7 2 3 1 3
113 05/16/2013 0 7 0 9 1 4
119 05/22/2013 0 7 1 1 1 5
132 06/04/2013 0 1 0 7 1 12
136 06/08/2013 0 6 0 7 1 3
140 06/12/2013 1 6 2 7 1 3
162 07/04/2013 0 7 2 1 1 21
163 07/05/2013 0 7 1 3 1 0
You can do the same in search drawings by entering the 07*17*27 in individual boxes for sorted position 1 and 2 and do positional search for the time period you want
All that work did not go as planned.
Caught the 19 ball on one line.
I was looking for jelly cupboard plans a couple days ago as I was thinking about building one for added kitchen storage. Wanted to build the added storage free standing so it will go with me in the event of moving or passing it on to family.
Seen this ad above the blogs (jelly cupboard plans) so I will check it out for plan styles.
I really only need a visual of a plan as I took drafting in high school and worked with blueprints most of my life in construction.
I can just draw it on on a piece of paper free hand to figure lumber quantity and rough dimensions. Have the fine details down in my memory bank.
Want to make it 24 inches wide 12 inches deep and 6 to 7 feet tall. Have a photo on file for roughly what I want. Be back with photo shortly.
I figure material will be something like $80.00 to $100.00
Looking at pantry cupboards in building supply stores the other day and they want something like $300.00 for one 24 inches wide 24 inches deep and about 7 feet tall.
I like this plan here but will make to my desired size. I like the look of natural wood too.
Thought all 5 sorted position last digit of ball would be all even. Added more tracking to the cash 5 game.
Still gonna play all even last digit all 5 positions
2 lines with all even last digit of ball in the 5 sorted positions
added 4 lines with 4 even 1 odd
$6.00 < big spender
Done sorted position 1 , 2 and 3 and find 2 even and 1 odd possible in those sorted positions.
Adding ball numbers
I do not track all the back draws. Just 86 for now. May add to Jan 1 when I feel like it.
boxed Combo Report for SC5 P 1 2 3 LD.DMG:
printed 07-05-2013 86 Records
COMBO Hit Hit Current Skip Most
SUMMARY Hits Avg Median Skips Avg Out
Triples 0 86 86
Doubles 20 4.3 2 4 3.1 16
CD Doubles 6 14.3 12 10 15.7 36
CD Pairs 48 1.8 1 1 .0 2
No Match 66 1.3 1 0 .3 3
Wild Match 24 3.6 3 0 2.8 9
Consec's 2 43.0 42 1 41.5 63
2-Carried 6 14.3 8 0 13.0 29
0-Carried 38 2.3 2 5 .9 5
All Even 9 9.6 6 12 7.2 21
All Odd 13 6.6 3 0 5.6 18
1 Ev-2 Odd 34 2.5 2 1 1.5 10
2 Ev-1 Odd 30 2.9 2 6 1.7 7
Last digit of numbered ball of 5 positions all even.
Position 4 and 5 looks like a lock on all even of last digit of the ball. anytime soon anyhow. When ever.
Playing XX - XX - XX - 22 - 36
_____ XX - XX - XX - 22 - 34
XXs 02*04*06*08*10*12*14*16*18
Cash 5
Ball 23 on one of two lines
cash 6
Ball 6 on two of four lines
Played $10.00, toatal loss 100%
Other individuals who are perhaps a LITTLE more educated, Satan has deceived by the millions, getting them to believe that there is NO GOD AT ALL and that one of HIS OWN (Satan's) political systems -- COMMUNISM -- is the answer to mankind's problems! These great numbers of the peoples of the earth are easy for Satan to keep in subjection because of such long-standing ignorance and the fact that Jesus Christ and His Gospel have not been preached to them -- His NAME has not even so much as been mentioned to many millions of these poor, degenerate human beings.
Video: Scott Walker supports path to citizenship for illegals
Got 2 0f 5 on one line playing four lines.
The 29 and 32 balls
Spent $4.00
got back $1.00
Got back 25% of my wager or lost 75% of my wager. Depends from which end you want to look at it.
Carolina 6 tomorrow evening.
Might play 2 lines of cash 5.
Got two out of five on two lines playing 4 lines tonight.
04 - XX - XX - XX - 31
Got $2.00 back on $4.00 played.
At least I got back half of what I played.
I am real upset about losing the other half of the wager.
Just like picking pairs 01 thru 38
You only need to pick the correct 5 pairs
Decent tracking method may do the job.
"Creative lottery systems strategy thru creative thinking"
That is going to work out real well.
That place is all going to pot over there.
Millions protesting the Morsi presidency and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama done real good on that one.
The Muslims in the white house no doubt are not too happy.
January 2025 December 2024 November 2024 October 2024 September 2024 August 2024 July 2024 June 2024 May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 February 2024 January 2024 December 2023 November 2023 October 2023 September 2023 August 2023 July 2023 June 2023 May 2023 March 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 April 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 March 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 September 2006 August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 April 2006 March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 December 2005 November 2005 October 2005 September 2005 August 2005 July 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004