This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Pork in the budgets



Sunday, July 31, 2011


The U.S. have a debt problem?

Dam right they do. They have a spending problem.

770 million for this.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Got an earfull the last two days

Been watching and listening to the house and senate the last two days to get this right out of the horses mouth.

The debate has been very informative on what is going on. Beats reading and watching it come from the news media

Friday, July 29, 2011


Debt problem

I am not an economist but to pay the current monthly obligations or any monthly obligation when credit is available I can see one option.

With debt due in full plus interest and the monthly revenue the gov't takes in they need to cut expenses to cover the interest. Pay the full obligation plus interest with expense cutting to cover interest. Immediately sell new debt bonds or notes to cover the principle paid prior.

With the Gov't bailing out these financial institutions they could help in this matter.

Pay off, sell new bonds or notes, Debt limit not increased.

It will need to be a timely maneuver on the paying and reborrowing. Better make sure they have buyers for new bonds or notes.

Now they will need to get their budget in order on cutting here and there to operate with only revenue taken in and to pay down the principle.

They are not going to like cutting here and there. When in debt you work your way out of it.

I seen a headline this am where bondholders are going to be priority. Pay the bonds and reborrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Some history; Quotes & a movie

Do you think they have reason to be afraid of the tea party. 

 Check the dates on these quotes. This is something that has been known for a long time.Something not recently uncovered.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Why buisness incentive in America is dead

This guy was going to start operations and said the hell with it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The rallying call worked

I was wondering which way the callers were going to go when I heard his speech last night. If what I quoted in this article is correct I found out.Green laugh

Looks like the rallying call by pres O got something done. Jack-in-the-Box
"the overwhelming number of calls are actually urging members to oppose President Obama's approach to increasing the debt ceiling and calling on Congress to cut spending and not raise taxes.

Read more:

Monday, July 25, 2011


I think I have it figured out

Pres O is waiting for the members of both parties in congress to agree on a plan for the debt crisis. Both houses will pass the plan. Pres O will veto the plan. With both house in agreement they will vote to override the veto.
Pres O will end up having no responsibility of cuts and what not. Will spin it for his reelection.
Any wagers

Monday, July 25, 2011


This is insane/They gonna agree at some point

 Time to step up and do something.


Lets not forget Pres O's current political rally speeches.

Cutting off his money supply to move his agenda forward is what I think he is ****** about.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Are we being prepared

Are news stories and movies coincidental.


Monday, July 18, 2011


Exposing others with the whistle

I mentioned in a post June 20th about blowing whistles.

I am not saying this guy was murdered BUUUTTTTTTTT. Seems like bad things happen to those who blow whistles.

Friday, July 15, 2011


If Rahm can do it in Skunk City

He should give O a call on the phone and give some tuteledge on how it's done.

I almost fell out of my chair reading this one. I could not believe it coming from this guy. This is not like a dem to do such a thing.

Hey maybe he has plans to be a backup candidate on the 2012 presidental ticket.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Grand plans cost money

Can not run a country on debt, thats for sure. Where are these grand plans getting us. Things have only become worse in 2 years.

Looks like a 2 year old article.

budget projection for 2011 made in 2009 in above article.
2011  deficit $970  billion
looks like the actual deficit for 2011 may be 1.65 trillion or there about

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Debt ceiling: why is he getting testy

On Aug. 4, $90,785,744,400 in U.S. Treasury bills will come due

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Can social security not pay recipients

Looks to me like S S is funded for a few years ahead yet. From what I read in this article social security payments are funded by taxation into the fund not from borrowing.

scare tactics as usual.

Some reading for ya on deficits and social security.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The debt ceiling debate

Looks like he tells it like it is. Well I enjoy has analysis wether in print or on t v.
He has the background to figure someone out.

His bio is impressive anyhow.

Monday, July 11, 2011


On current debt ceiling & tax debate

I think they painted themselves into a corner.



Just seen this in a comment about the debt ceiling and taxes.

 "We all have skin in the game now - it's called the USA!"

Sunday, July 10, 2011


She tells it like it is


If not her in 2012 at least someone with that mentality.

Hows that hope and change working?

There is still hope left for this country.
There no doubt will be changes made too.

So there is still hope and change available from my viewpoint anyhow. Depends on the direction of the hope and change you are looking for. Big Grin

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Mowed the lawn

I am not mad or nuthin. Green laugh

Mowed the front Thur about 15:30 hrs and it was a bit warm and not much shade. Got a little light headed but finished it.

Just finished the back about 20 minutes ago. Did not get light headed but the heart got thumpin. Exercise the heart muscles. Green laugh

May do the weed eater another time.

If you want to e-mail Michelle and bitch about the garden in the news I saved you a few minutes lookin for it.


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