This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Sunday, October 31, 2004





Sunday, October 31, 2004


New Jersey updated 10/31


We'll see how these turn out.
See how I matched pairs for the picks. Matched exact pairs for the straight position.
Any questions you gotta ask.

New Jersey


_____________box order______________

_______________new Jersey______________
__________straight position__________


Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Election outcome


If John Kerry is elected it will be the start of the darkest days in American history.
The USA will no longer be what it has been.
This guy is bad news.  

Sunday, October 24, 2004


N.J. E-Z pick 5 straight 5 box hits


time to update the picks. Maybe today


9/26 to 10/23

530 bx
309 st
035 st
952 bx
812 st
605 bx
415 st
650 bx
105 bx
670 st

updated oct 6
this list




Friday, October 15, 2004


N.Js. pick 4 selections E-Z picks


So what can we do to pick some pick 4 numbers for New Jersey.
I am doing this. To only choose four numbers I will take the 3 in the 23 front pair in column 2 and make that 3 into a 4. I will have

for straight position I did not figure any. Lets see how they do in the upcoming draws. If you want to take a shot at straight positions take the 24 exact in the 2414 that was drawn on 10/12 mid and insert the 79-68-69-59 pair into it deleting a pair in the 2414 but keeping the 24 exact pairs.
example the 79 pair in my 2479 pick
So doing all 4 selections you will have 16 exact plays. If they hit they are winners. If not They are loosers.

Keep your data for the pick four game the same as the three game

10/14/2004 Evening  2 3 5 9 
10/14/2004 Midday   6 2 3 9 
10/13/2004 Evening  6 2 8 3 
10/13/2004 Midday   6 3 2 3 
10/12/2004 Evening  0 3 7 5 
10/12/2004 Midday   2 4 1 4 
10/11/2004 Evening  1 0 7 7 
10/11/2004 Midday   2 9 3 7 
10/10/2004 Evening  4 0 6 1 
10/10/2004 Midday   4 1 1 6 
10/09/2004 Evening  6 0 6 2 
10/09/2004 Midday   5 6 2 6 
10/08/2004 Evening  8 9 5 8 

________________box order________________



Thursday, October 14, 2004


New jersey pick 4 on a roll


Keep your data for the pick four game the same as the three game

10/14/2004 Evening  2 3 5 9 
10/14/2004 Midday   6 2 3 9 
10/13/2004 Evening  6 2 8 3 
10/13/2004 Midday   6 3 2 3 
10/12/2004 Evening  0 3 7 5 
10/12/2004 Midday   2 4 1 4 
10/11/2004 Evening  1 0 7 7 
10/11/2004 Midday   2 9 3 7 
10/10/2004 Evening  4 0 6 1 
10/10/2004 Midday   4 1 1 6 
10/09/2004 Evening  6 0 6 2 
10/09/2004 Midday   5 6 2 6 
10/08/2004 Evening  8 9 5 8 

________________box order________________



Thursday, October 14, 2004


N.Js E-Z pick 605 mid 10/14 hit


I chose the 056 combo when the 0 column was at the 055 combo.
No exact pair indicators for the 605 straight when updated.

when I said some of the picks may become stronger by what has hit since last chosen is that if you look at the 0 box column you will see the 006 & 035 . pairs have a tendency to return quickly at times. the 06 & 05 came back with the 5 in position two in the box order.making the 056


updated the new Jersey easy pick sheet. Added the 670-076-592 to the list. seen no reason to delete other selections but added more straight possibilities. Looks like some of the picks may become stronger by what has hit since chosen last.

New Jersey

_____________box order______________

Monday, October 11, 2004


N.Js E-Z pick hit straight 812


picked current drawn pairs in column 1 for a matchup for the 128 combo. In red.

_____________box order______________

__________straight position__________

I chose the one possibility when I made the list and that was the 812 as I seen the 8_2 split exact pr & the 81_ front exact pr.


Sunday, October 10, 2004


E-Z pick state research


If you desire to do any research for your state on the games to go with your e-z pick upgrade your membership so you can do research on stats in the game.

I upgraded to platinum and can research any state I choose on stats.

Very helpful to me.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


E-Z pick startup

N.Y. pd me off too

Each state must be set up separately for data sheets.
I find some states that are harder than others to figure out

1)  What time period is used for your chart

I start my charts at about 60 past draws. As I update
adding more drawn numbers I will delete out the older
draws in the box chart.
In the drawn exact chart I may keep more than 60 past
draws in it for doing exact pair reference.

2)  How many numbers are used

answered in question # 1

3) When making up your chart, how are the numbers

As specified below above each chart.

4) What does box order vs straight  mean

box order means from lowest to highest digit.
straight means that the number is placed in their
columns as drawn exact. As done below

5) How do you come up with the 6 way number
to play for the day and how are doubles determined
 Please give detail innormation
I have given some detail in other blog entries.
You need to set up your states chart and study
them carefully to see how the number has been
drawn from the box chart and to look for patterns
in the drawn exact chart.
This system takes time to learn from study. It is
not a quick system to learn.
Go to the lottery systems here at lottery post and there
is a lot of info to learn there on numbers.

You can look over your chart daily to see if you see any
new plays you might want to try

6)  What would be the next digits to play for
mid day and evening

I personally like to play my numbers daily mid and eve
that I have chosen to play depending on the amount
of numbers selected. If I want to change numbers
from draw to draw I will decide which group I want
to play.By that I mean I will look for the lowest
digit group that I think will hit like I may play
the numbers chosen that contain the 0s.
If you want to pick and choose you will need another
system to help narrow down your plays from day to day.

New Jersey draws
10/09/2004  Evening 3 4 2 
10/09/2004   Midday 2 4 2 
10/08/2004  Evening 7 3 1 
10/08/2004   Midday 9 5 2 
10/07/2004  Evening 7 1 5 
10/07/2004   Midday 1 3 5 
10/06/2004  Evening 6 3 0
10/06/2004   Midday 4 1 9
10/05/2004  Evening 0 3 5
10/05/2004   Midday 0 6 0
10/04/2004  Evening 2 9 3
10/04/2004   Midday 0 2 1
10/03/2004  Evening 8 1 8
10/03/2004   Midday 0 7 4
10/02/2004  Evening 1 2 4
10/02/2004   Midday 7 0 1 
10/01/2004  Evening 3 0 9 
10/01/2004   Midday 3 5 4
09/30/2004  Evening 5 7 0
09/30/2004   Midday 4 2 9
09/29/2004  Evening 8 1 0
09/29/2004   Midday 7 1 5
09/28/2004  Evening 7 7 3
09/28/2004   Midday 5 3 0
09/27/2004  Evening 9 3 4
09/27/2004   Midday 8 5 5
09/26/2004  Evening 8 9 4
09/26/2004   Midday 8 4 9 
09/25/2004  Evening 2 7 2 
09/25/2004  Midday  8 9 2 
09/24/2004  Evening 3 5 1
09/24/2004  Midday  2 7 2 
09/23/2004  Evening 2 3 1 
09/23/2004  Midday  6 2 1 
09/22/2004  Evening 6 6 1 
09/22/2004  Midday  5 5 0 
09/21/2004  Evening 1 0 0 
09/21/2004  Midday  5 8 6 
09/20/2004  Evening 6 7 7 
09/20/2004  Midday  2 5 0 
09/19/2004  Evening 4 5 9 
09/19/2004  Midday  5 4 2 
09/18/2004  Evening 5 0 4 
09/18/2004  Midday  4 9 8 
09/17/2004  Evening 3 0 8 
09/17/2004  Midday  9 2 4 
09/16/2004  Evening 0 1 0 
09/16/2004  Midday  1 7 3 
09/15/2004  Evening 2 4 8 
09/15/2004  Midday  8 7 4 
09/14/2004  Evening 3 7 8 
09/14/2004  Midday  1 5 7 
09/13/2004  Evening 2 2 9 
09/13/2004  Midday  6 4 6 
09/12/2004  Evening 1 1 9 
09/12/2004  Midday  5 4 6 
09/11/2004  Evening 1 6 2 
09/11/2004  Midday  2 8 9 
09/10/2004  Evening 0 8 1 
09/10/2004  Midday  8 0 9 
09/09/2004  Evening 3 7 4 
09/09/2004  Midday  8 2 8 
09/08/2004  Evening 8 3 1 
09/08/2004  Midday  4 6 8 
09/07/2004  Evening 2 3 1 
09/07/2004  Midday  1 5 5 

to setup your charts you will have two charts.
The box order chart and the drawn exact chart.

the box chart are the drawn numbers entered from
the lowest digit to the highest digit in a drawn
number in their respective column.Start with the
oldest draw and continue entering down in each
column until you come to the current draw.
After you have a few draws entered and enter
the next drawn number look thru your charts to
look for patterns.


_____________box chart______________________

Drawn exact chart are the drawn numbers as drawn
exact placed in their column containing the
lowest digit in the drawn number. I like to keep
them in these columns for easier cross reference


_____________drawn exact______________________

Saturday, October 9, 2004


N.Jerseys double hunting


I was looking for a double on todays mid draw and was looking in the exact draws but came up with the 772.

I was never to good at doubles but looking at the exact pairs you may find your double in the exact draws by matching up front, back and split pairs. All depends how many numbers you want to make. If I had looked closer at the exact draws and made more combinations I may have choosen the 242 in there. the 242 looks real obvious after you know whats drawn but we need to pick up on it before the draw so we can cash in on it.There are other possibilities for the 224 combo and it may come back again.

I was smelling a double on todays mid too. The doubles had been out awhile. Maybe that 277 combo will come back tonight. We will not know until after the balls are drawn.

I will hi-lite the 242 put together in the 2 column.


__________straight position__________



Wednesday, October 6, 2004


N. Jersey easy pick updated

updated the new Jersey easy pick sheet. Added the 670-076-592 to the list. seen no reason to delete other selections but added more straight possibilities. Looks like some of the picks may become stronger by what has hit since chosen last.

New Jersey

_____________box order______________

__________straight position__________


Tuesday, October 5, 2004


N.Js 035 came back straight

well the 035 came back straight as picked.
You never know in this game what may happen.

Time for an update on the sheets and review the picks for any changes but not tonight.

New Jersey

__________straight position__________New Jersey

Sunday, October 3, 2004


Ga easy pick and the 888 trip


if I was looking for the trip  in Ga I may have found it in exact pairs in draw results.
Look at the exact 88 exact pairs that hit prior to the 888. I will hi-lite them for you. Those 8 digits happen to come back at the same time in all 3 positions.
Just one place to look for numbers to play. This game is not exact science but we work with what we got.

Look at exact pairs in each column and you will see where a lot of numbers hit with a prior exact pair and the third digit filled in the blank. I will do one in some of the columns. And that is not looking in other columns to go in another column.
One thing about exact prs is how many times will they reapeat before they dry up for awhile and come back at another time.

This is where the big money is. In exact payouts. 


_______________straight position________________

Saturday, October 2, 2004


New jersey St hit 10/1 the 309


the 0 box column answers where I got the 039 from.See the 9 in position 3 in the 0 box column. Been out awhile as you see . I just pulled it down and used it in a selection.

In the straight chart the exact prs are hi-lited in red. I used those to select the 309 exact.


_____________box order______________


__________straight position__________

Friday, October 1, 2004


New Jerseys 354 mid 10/01


Looks like that 354 hit. That was not on my list.
Look in the straight position sheet and you will see the 3_4 that would have been a choice for the 345 combo if choosen. That 345 combo could come back at ya with a match up of exact pairs in other columns.
This sheet has not been updated so I do not know the other exact hits from when I made this sheet.

__________straight position__________


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