This and That

Whatever this and that is for the day

Monday, April 30, 2018


Roof rabbit in my ground box again

Checking my ground boxes this morning that roof rabbit has been at it again. That roof rabbit is going to end up in one of my stirabouts one of these days.

Green laugh

Monday, April 30, 2018


I came up with a plan to hit Palmetto Cash 5

_________________________drawn__________the plan____
Sun, Apr 29, 2018    10-16-17-23-32   11-13-13-21-31
Sat, Apr 28, 2018    03-15-22-27-35   01-12-21-23-32
Fri, Apr 27, 2018    01-10-12-13-28   01-11-11-11-23
Thu, Apr 26, 2018    04-12-21-37-38,  02-11-21-33-33
Wed, Apr 25, 2018    01-10-12-20-24,  01-11-11-21-22
Tue, Apr 24, 2018    03-20-26-30-35,  01-21-23-31-32
Mon, Apr 23, 2018    06-16-19-28-36,  03-13-13-23-33
Sun, Apr 22, 2018    06-13-17-26-29,  03-11-13-23-23
Sat, Apr 21, 2018    02-05-13-19-34,  01-02-11-13-31
Fri, Apr 20, 2018    15-22-29-31-36,  12-21-23-31-33
Thu, Apr 19, 2018    03-04-13-33-38,  01-02-11-31-33
Wed, Apr 18, 2018    05-07-12-18-30,  02-03-11-13-31
Tue, Apr 17, 2018    14-24-28-30-36,  12-22-23-31-33
Mon, Apr 16, 2018    03-18-31-34-36,  01-13-31-32-33
Sun, Apr 15, 2018    10-12-13-19-35,  11-11-11-13-32
Sat, Apr 14, 2018    04-10-17-31-32,  02-11-13-31-31
Fri, Apr 13, 2018    06-09-18-35-36,  03-03-13-32-33
Thu, Apr 12, 2018    08-11-13-16-34,  03-11-11-13-32
Wed, Apr 11, 2018    02-18-23-35-38,  01-13-21-32-33

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Container garden [update]

Just got in from the back yard where I went behind the back fence spreading some Epsom salt on each ground box. Watered that in.

Noticed that the sun flower seeds are up in the two ground boxes I planted on the 24th. Five days and they are up.

The squashes are coming along on growth in the ground boxes. Does not get as much direct sunlight back there as I thought it would.

The three big boy tomato plants are doing well I planted in the ground box that had melon seeds in it that did not sprout.

If I want a home grown melon I will go to the farmers market in town when they are there. Help support the local growers.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Container garden [update]

Got to thinking about the tall chimneys for the plants. The cuke chimney is already up to almost six feet and I will need taller chimneys for other plants as they grow taller. Will need to purchase some 2 x 2 x 8 foot and cut them to proper height and fasten them to the side of the wooden container. Then take a long bolt with enough washers and nuts to fasten the steel chimney to the 2 x 2. One should be enough for each chimney. When the vines get high enough and there is a strong wind the chimneys could blow over. I do not particularly trust the legs on the steel chimneys to hold the tall chimney in place.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


My weight loss

I posted some time ago about working on losing weight. I forgot when it was, last year some time I think when I started using apple cider vinegar with mother daily. Any how it was about 18 to 24 months ago my weight was at 252 pounds give or take a few. Since that time I have continued taking the apple cider vinegar daily with Old Orchard pineapple orange drink which contains 5 grams of carb per serving. I have been watching my carb intake and cutting way back on starchy foods. Consume very little sweet snack food. I sometimes take a couple chocolate chip cookies and sandwich a good serving of peanut butter between them. Once in awhile a half serving of a cinnamon bun with peanut butter spread across the top. Hardly any bread or potatoes at all anymore. Substitute cottage cheese to take the place of potatoes. 

My current weight is down to 212 pounds. waist line has dropped about two inches. Time for some new pants of the appropriate waist size.

May have a day of celebration when I break below the 200 mark. Big Grin

Was to the doctor about a month ago and all appears to be healthy according to the blood test results. Blood pressure was low so under doctors orders the blood pressure medication has been discontinued.

Would like to get down to 185 pound or there about. It has been about 60 years since I weighed 185 pounds. Something like a 38 inch waist line.

Now if I can discover something to reverse aging, get rid of arthritis and rebuild the skeletal frame to when I was 18 years old would be nice. Green laugh

Still have a full head of hair yet. It has only slightly thinned the past few years. Full head of gray hair. Big Grin Started graying in my late twenties.

Friday, April 27, 2018


What have I been doing lately

Seeing how the garden is pretty much caught up I have been doing some small projects that needed doing.

Yesterday I skimmed back some popcorn ceiling that came loose. Had a flap in one section and cracks starting in other areas next to the flap. Peeled back to where it was solid stuck to the ceiling. The ceiling probably has been on there for 30 or 40 years. When they originally did it they never primed the drywall. I probably have about eight square feet exposed. Will need to purchase some drywall primer and sealer plus a can of ceiling popcorn. I have done this before in the bathroom, garage and laundry room. Another day for painting and popcorn repair.

Today I pulled out the frig, removed the back panel covering the mechanical portion and vacuumed in there. Vacuumed the floor and wall plus cleaned the floor. Pushed it back in and removed the air inlet at the bottom under the door and vacuumed the cooling fins. If you do not keep your cooling fins clear of dust lint the refrigerator will not cool properly and need to run longer to get the temp down. Those fins work like a radiator on a car. Cleaned the drip tray located behind the air inlet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Container garden [update]

Today I made the cuke box chimney [cage]. The sheet of concrete wire mesh was 42 x 84 inches long not 72 inches long like I thought. The wire mesh squares were 6 x 6 inches giving me seven rows on the width. So I decided to make an octagon chimney for the cuke box. I used the full sheet of wire mesh. I clipped off the wire that goes between the vertical row clipping up enough to have eighteen inches of legs to push into the container mix. I took my big plumbers pliers and folded the horizontal bands to pretty close to a 45 degree angle. I then had some wire mesh left that I cut into nine inch lengths. I then folded the ends of the rods giving me a six inch distance to each fold. Then I just connected them to each end of the octagon chimney crimping them into place which gave me my eight side. Just slid it into the container and done. The height of the chimney is about 5 foot 10 inches from the container mix to the top of the chimney.  Should be high enough for the cukes. Total cost of the chimney $9.00. A sheet of concrete wire mesh 42 x 84 inches is $8.97. So each one of the smaller chimney I made cost $3,00 each.

The cukes I transplanted yesterday perked up and are standing tall today. See how long they last.

Having some of the red leaf lettuce in my salad tonight. Washed it off real good with the hose that I have on the deck and inspected it real good. I had some salad the other night and when I had finished there was a green bug crawling in the bowl.Thud I washed the greens at the kitchen sink too. I will make sure I inspect the stuff from the garden real good from now on.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Container garden [pest control]

I had a bag of dust at the house for bug control plus I purchased a small container today that had bug control and disease control combined. I was reading the ingredients on the bag and container to see what was in it. So I was on the net today looking up pyrethrins and permethrin. While doing that I came across an article about chrysanthemums. I thought it was quite interesting as I already found an article on marigolds I posted about earlier. I may decide to get some Chrysanthemum plants to place around the deck area.
I really do not think much about dusting. I think I would like using a spray bottle instead. I think the bag or container said it could be put in water and used as a spray. Would make it easier to coat the underside of the leaves.


How to Use Chrysanthemums for Garden Pest Control

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Snake, Snake, Snake

I was walking around the perimeter of the deck dusting the veggie plants for bugs and diseases and spotted a snake scoot across the ground. It went over to the edge of the deck and got part way up [deck is about six inches off the ground] and turned and gave me a look see. It scooted up onto the deck and went under one of the containers. I do not know where it went from there. The snake was about two feet long, brownish in color except for the head which was close to black in color. I just kept on doing what I was doing.

Made six vegetable chimneys since Saturday. I will be staking the peppers and eggplant which is already done. May need longer stakes for the peppers later on. The eggplant stakes are about four feet tall. That should be tall enough for the eggplant. Still need to make the Chimney for the cuke box. Already have one concrete reinforcement wire sheet 42 inches x 72 inches long I have not cut into yet. May need to add more height to some of the tomato chimneys later. Some of the tomatoes reach a height up to six feet or so.

Still harvesting red leaf lettuce yet. Still a lot out there for being only six plants. I only snip off what I need for the day.

Transplanted cukes again today I purchased. Plus I have four seeds in the cuke box that I put in about a week or so ago. Dug one seed up today and it has just germinated. The first transplants did not do well. Get cukes from the transplants or the seed I planted.

Over in the ground boxes behind the back fence I planted two ground boxes with five seed in each ground box of sunflower seed today. The soil felt quite warm in the ground boxes. A couple boxes were not doing well with the plants that are in them.

Friday, April 20, 2018


Made a stirabout today

Chili with no beans.

7 grams of carbs per serving. Added half the required amount of salt.

Store bought chili is loaded with salt.

I like to make a lot of my own stuff as I am the one controlling the spices and salt that goes into it.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Gonna make something

An Armillary

I have an old brass lamp that stands about 10 to 12 inches tall which is very decorative and heavy. Probably a lamp design that came from the 1920s era. It has fancy lace work that goes around the lamp I think in two sections. I bought it about 27 years ago in a shop that probably dealt in consignment sales. It has been sitting since I purchased it as I never updated the wiring or the socket assembly that holds the bulb.

I thought I would remove the bulb socket assembly and then purchase some brass or copper tubing about 1/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter. I will bend the tubing something like in the shape of a globe. Maybe 4 or 6 oval loops like the planet earth. I could also take some brass or copper wire and duplicate the Longitude and Latitude lines that encircle the planet earth. I will attach that to the hollow stem that goes through the center of the lamp that currently holds the bulb socket assembly.

I like the design of this sphere. Something like that of an appropriate size that over powers the lamp size. When I get it done I could set it on the table which we have on the deck.

Update 11:59 PM

Yep, 1/4 inch copper tubing. about $1.00 per foot

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Container garden [update]

While out at the market this AM getting my lottery tickets I seen they had their 6 packs of flowers on sale for a whopping whole giant green dollar. I picked out one six pack of Begonias for an extra pail I had available. I put four plants in the pail and put one plant each in a tomato container.

Got my moisture meter out to check all the containers for moisture content. Only the two cauliflower containers were low on water. The plants are getting up to good size now so probably need more watering than the other containers right now. I was just reading up on cauliflower growing. Quite a complex process to grow vegetables.

Staked and tied most all the plants that needed supporting. Going to build some chimneys [cages] this coming week for some of the plants.The wind has been pretty brisk this past week.

Seen a flower on one of the sweet million tomato plants today.

I also put a couple Tbsp of Epsom salts around each of the pepper plants that are in the pails to see how it goes. Epsom salt contains 09.8% Magnesium and 13% sulphur. I understand peppers like slightly acidic soil. The PH before adding Epsom salt was almost touching 7. The PH looks like it needed lowering in the soil for the peppers plants anyhow. The sulphur in the Epsom salt will probably do the trick.

"Using a pH meter, confirm your soil has a moderate to slightly acidic pH range of 5.8 to 6.5."

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Container garden [cool at night]

Cool temps at night are raising he!! with the pepper plants.
Been down in the low 50s
Best Weather for Peppers

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Container garden [update]

When I done the transplanting in the ground boxes recently I removed all the wire and screen covering on the ground boxes. I looked over the back fence yesterday and that critter is back digging up a couple ground boxes. So screw it, I am not going to bother with the ground boxes over the back fence. To hard for me to get around with my bad hip and arthritis using a cane to mess with that sh!t back there. Let them go and I can water them when needed using my 100 foot hose without going around to the back. Get anything out of the ground boxes will not need that many trips around to the back to get what grows for eatin.

The vegetables on the deck containers seem to be doing well except for the cuke transplants which appear to be dying off. Will need to do something about that.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Container garden [Ferlizer content]

Went out Sunday afternoon after the rain stopped. The container mix was real moist and checked the ferlizerBig Grin content in all containers showing it was a bit low.
Monday [yesterday] I went out after the rain shower and put what I thought was an appropriate amount of ferlizerBig Grin in each container including the ground boxes.
Just went out today [Tuesday] and checked the fertility in the deck containers and it appears the fertility level has increased to a satisfactory level. Had more rain showers last night to help soak in the ferlizerBig Grin.

So far all the plants look healthy and growing nicely.

Still have my chimneys [cages] to make for some of the plants.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Container garden [moisture content]

Just went out about an hour ago to check the containers for moisture content. We have had overcast skies and rain the last couple days. So I wanted to check on the drainage of the containers.

Moisture level gauge was mostly on high moist.
temperatures at 40 to 50 degrees at night and currently at 52 degrees this hour.
Light meter shows about 400 lumen's.

So with the temperature and sunlight lumen's I would consider the container drainage satisfactory. Could be my percentage formula for the perlite on bottom section of the wooden containers and vermiculite percentage on the top half looks satisfactory. The five gallon buckets with just vermiculite was in high moist.

At least the gauge did not jump up to the wet portion of the meter gauge.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


We Fight...

We Fight…

"On October 13th 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered a speech that defines this moment in our nation’s history. Part of that speech was put to a video. The entire transcript of that speech is below."

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Container garden [the total cost to date]

From 08/01/17 to 04/04/18 the cost according to my receipts came to a total of $681.92

I ended up with seven wooden containers 16 x 16 x 16 inches deep with container mix.
One elevated wooden container about 3 feet x 4 feet x 8 inches deep with container mix.
One elevated wooden container about 4 feet x 6 feet x 6 inches deep. Which is now used for the 2 1/2 gallon pails.
Five five gallon pails with container mix.
Five ground boxes over back fence about 16 inches square with soil.
About 25 pails 2 1/2 gallons each with container mix.
Assorted other supplies.

No expansion planned so now it is just a matter of planting and tending to the vegetable and flower plants. Which are already planted in all containers.
No doubt there will be something for a fall crop here in South Carolina.

Friday, April 6, 2018


Container garden [update: the marigolds]

I thought this morning on what to do with those two six packs of marigolds I purchased the other day. I already had one 2 1/2 gallon pail with one marigold plant in the center of the pail. I decided to add four more marigolds to that one pail. Two of one color and two of the other color. Wanted to set the pail up with a lot of bloom to have ready for the one hook on the shepherds pole in the front yard that contains a viola plant that I expect to die off after this bloom.

The remaining eight plants I took and planted in the four wooden containers containing the tomato plants. Two plants in each container.

I also read awhile ago about planting flowers in the vegetable garden for pest control. I looked up marigolds this morning and found this article.

Using Marigolds Around Plants – Do Marigolds Keep Bugs Away

Friday, April 6, 2018


Container garden [update]

I had a couple 2 1/2 gallon pails available with potting mix in them.  A viola plant died off and the bunching onions did not come up in the other bucket. I decided to go and get a couple pepper plants today at Home Depot garden center and spotted these peppers. I do not ever remember seeing purple peppers. These should go very nicely in my 2 1/2 gallon pails.
I just pulled up the info on them and I am quite excited about the random purchase. Especially the size of the plant to fit the pails and thrives in southern climates.Hurray!


Purple Bell Sweet Pepper
"Plant size: 18 to 24 inches tall, 18 to 20 inches wide"
"This pepper tolerates high heat and humidity and thrives in Southern gardens."

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Container garden [update]

Done some work today on finishing my transplanting, straight eight cukes in one container I talked about, sweet million tomato plant replacement I talked about last post, one curly parsley I purchased that had about 4 or 5 plants in it [ I like fresh parsley in my stirabouts]. Looked for an oregano plant today while at Lowes and did not see any.

Picked up two six packs of marigolds today while out. Figure out something for those tomorrow.

Around five PM I got my snips out and harvested a few aragula leaves, a few spinach leaves, and a few red leaf lettuce leaves. Took them in and washed them up and added a couple green lettuce leaves from the bunch in the frig I purchased. Chopped that up and added some Parmesan cheese mixing in some zesty Italian. Delicious.Smiley

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Container garden [update]

Went to Loews and purchased one tomato plant that bears yellow regular size fruit and one sweet cherry tomato plant plus one container of yellow straight neck squash plus one container of parsley plants. Made up one bucket containing five gallons and one bucket that contains 4 1/4 gallons. planted my maters in those and when I was done transplanting the tomatoes I noticed the sweet cherry plants main stem was bent over and half broke. SOaB. Now I will need to go tomorrow and buy a replacement sweet cherry plant. Plus I am going to purchase a container of straight eight cukes. Not satisfied with the cuke box I put seeds in. Get R Done.

Took the container of straight neck squash out back to the ground boxes and split the container in half making two hills of straight neck squash.
The melon box seeds did not show. I had purchased a six pack of tomato big boy plants and only used two plants in my deck containers. So rather than throw the extra away I transplanted three of the tomato plants in the melon ground box and tossed the remaining plants over my shoulder into the drainage ditch that is near the ground boxes. If those maters produce anything will be a plus. Only have a strip of lawn back there about eight feet wide which we keep mowed to keep wild critters from living in the tall grass if we did not mow it. Seen a turtle in the drainage ditch one time. Did not check to see if it was a snapper or not.

Used up all my potting mix and all the vermiculite. Have enough containers now. That sh!t costs money, I have spent enough back there. I have all my receipts from when I started last year and will tally them up.

I do not smoke anymore [quit ten years ago] or drink alcohol [quit that 20 years ago]. So no big loss of money for a hobby back there.

But I sure do like my Stokers long cut tobacco. I use more than a pinch i will tell you. Reminds me when I quit smoking I was trying different types of chew tobacco and that canned stuff. Leaf tobacco was not that bad as I chewed it before but that snuff type tobacco is a different story. I put some of that snuff type tobacco between my cheek and gum and I will tell you that stuff knocked me on my ass. Things started spinning around. got dizzy and sick to my stomach.Puke  Took me a few days to get used to that stuff. Take a gob of that now between my cheek and gum is like candy to a kid.Big Grin

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Container garden [update]

Been working on purchasing flower and vegetable plants and transplanting them. The seeds in the ground boxes are not sprouting except for two soyas that sprouted in one ground box. Those ground boxes dry out quick too. Purchased zucchini and straight neck squash plants and transplanted the straight necks in two ground boxes by separating the plants in the one container. They had about six plants in one container. I thought six was a bit much for one hill [ground box]. Planted the zucchini in a five gallon bucket as I ran out of deck containers. I also made up two five gallon buckets with an eggplant in each one. Put the three five gallon buckets on the deck sitting on a pallet I modified for the bucket sizes.

Going out today and purchasing one more zucchini and put that in a ground box. Also going to pick up some herb plants. I already purchased a rosemary plant and put that in one of my vacant 2 1/2 gallon pails.

See what else they have for the extra ground boxes that are not sprouting.

Should be done with the transplanting this week. Except maybe over the summer I may need a flower replacement now and then. The violas I planted last year have/are reaching the end of their cycle and dying off. I am not going to play nurse maid to plants. Just replace with new plants.


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