Thursday, June 26, 2014

Take care of your Teeth

Went for my dental check up, all is well. I did however get some disturbing news from my Dentist, In 2 years under Obamacare he will no longer be allowed to write prescriptions for antibiotics or pain killers.

He told me, if I were to get an infected tooth, I would have to go to my primary care provider for the medicine.

This can be a disaster, What if your Dr, cannot see you right away? What if they are not sure of the exact medicine and dosage you need?

This is scary for many reasons, you can die from an infected tooth, it can spread to your heart and cause a lot of damage.

What if your medical coverage doesn't cover your teeth, we have separate insurance for these 2 things.

He also stated, many will just opt to have teeth pulled out, even ones that can be saved, thus causing bone loss in your jaw.

My advice, whether you have dental insurance or not, get a check up, some places run specials.

Brush and floss without fail and don't wait for a cavity to become so bad it's infected.

Sadly, it seems many have taken their health for granted, GUILTY! I smoked for 30 years and my mouth is proof,

even though I brushed flossed and rinsed, the nicotine damaged my gums, causing cavities at the gum line.

I went through months of agony until they healed, and they did, but this was 100 percent preventable.

The pain from hot, cold, the constant visits and out of pocket expenses, took it's toll.

Now more then ever, staying healthy is important and the first place you start is your mouth.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dear Hillary

Dear Hillary,

     I was very disturbed to hear you are broke. I thought maybe I could offer some tips to helps a working woman survive the every day hassles of life.

     First you have to have a family meeting, everyone must be on board for the family to make ends meet.

   Let's start with those credit cards, cut them up and if you can't pay with cash, you shouldn't buy anything.

     Dining out, that will eat your budget ( no pun intended) it has to stop.

     Make a weekly menu and clip those coupons, remember to go through the sales ads and decide which store best suits your needs for the week, and if your like us, there may be a few meatless meals, so check out some recipe books and a nice stroll to the local library helps in 2 ways, you get exercise and save gas.

     We have a shower limit, got to keep the water bill down, 2 minutes, get in scrub and get out!

     Laundry can tear into a budget, cold water only,  and maybe Bill will string you some lines outside to dry clothes, the exercise is great and it makes your clothes smell nice.

     Keep those drapes open, sunlight is free and why waste electricity burning bulbs.

     There is a few things that will have to go, just until you get back on your feet, no movies, no cd's, no eating out at all, no vacations, no salon appointments, trade in those gas guzzlers for fuel efficient cars.

   Keep your thermostat at 68 in winter, 74 in summer, which reminds me, keep a needle and thread handy, sweatshirts and sweaters always need repairs.

   We have a no waste rule, so we eat leftovers for lunch and our water comes out of the tap, not a plastic bottle.

     I was thinking maybe you could get a part time job working with me. My husbands check gets eaten alive by taxes and higher health care costs now, so I don't have a choice, I have to work, I feel your pain, because at one time , we were solidly middle class, a shrinking pay check and inflated goods and services , we barely break even any more.

Maybe when the furnace breaks down or the roof springs a leak or the car needs a brake job, you can come over and cry yourself to sleep because the stress of making ends meet came be overwhelming at times, or maybe the heartbreak of constantly telling your kid ( No we can't afford that anymore) will get to you!

     I understand how you must be struggling , now that we are up in age the hard work is taking it's toll on our bodies.

     Hope I offered some sound advice, got to go, looks like rain and I have to bring the laundry in.




ps. I probably won't vote for you if you run for President, because I will vote for whoever gives us back some of the money WE EARN....WE EARN! And obamacare sucks and it needs to go away.