Saturday, February 27, 2021

If you fakers really cared.

5 Governors put sick covid patients in to nursing homes, causing an explosion of death among seniors.

My Governor went one step farther, she not only put covid patients in nursing homes, she had sick inmates transferred to the nursing homes. 

Not only did they spread the disease to the elderly, they refused to allow family to visit or to take their loved ones home.

That piece of garbage Rachel Levine, she/he took his mother out just before he put sick people in that nursing home.

Michigan, California, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. All of those Governors need to be removed from office.

So if you really really care, start making phone calls and stop blaming Trump . 

and on a personal note, if you have a problem being blocked on MY blog, to bad, I paid for this.

If you have a problem with me posting or how much I post, again to bad, I paid for that as well.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Will the real Dictator please stand up!

Been listening to Liberals calling President Trump a Dictator or worse Hitler for 4 years.

Here are some facts, yes facts those pesky truths you chose to ignore Lefties.

  1. Trump never censored free did.
  2. Trump never used the media to silence his political did.
  3. Trump never threatened to take away the peoples did.
  4. Trump never threatened to put people who disagreed with him politically into re-education did.
  5. Trump never endorsed cancel did.
  6. Trump never put sick people in nursing did.
  7. Trump never cost Americans their jobs with the stroke of a did.
  8. Take a good long look in the mirror, Trump was not the are.