Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I paid the taxes that built those roads

Well, Boys and Girls those nutty democrats are at it again, Obamas new ad ends with a crazy woman screaming that she paid the taxes that helped to build the roads that helped all the businesses succeed.

Somehow crazy lady believes she should frolick and baske in the glow of every business connected to roads.

This is more government propaganda, they want you to believe they had a heavy hand in everyones success. WRONG

Those same business people paid those same taxes.

Someone needs to explain to crazy lady that the roads are for every man woman and child in this country.

Anyone who pays for gasoline, helps the infrastructure.

Crazy lady needs to be reminded those roads, also lead to Hospitals, police stations, fire departments, ambulance services, all of which are there to help her.

Those roads, lead to her job, schools, parks, the doctors office, the dentist, the grocery store.

Those same roads, paved the way for her home to receive , power, water, gas, trash pickup, she enjoys all the cozy comforts those roads helped to bring.

Just because you buy shoes, doesn't mean you can stake claim to a business because the roads you support got you there.

Just because you shop at a certain store doesn't mean you can rub it in the faces of the owners.

Crazy lady, your on a long sad road to no where with thinking like that.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

pick 4 friends

Sum 19 missing from pick 4, here are some favorites, good luck

2593 5086 6319 7453 8254 1099 5509 6661

sum 15 for pick 3

807 906 357 267 159 366

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Warning Warning, Massive tax hikes that will destroy your life.

Over the next couple weeks as time allows, I am going to bring to you the massive tax hikes in Obamacaretax.

The are 21 tax hikes, The government has no business being in the healthcare business, they are going to force us to buy insurance or be taxed for it.

They are expanding the IRS to watchdog over us, you can actually end up in jail.

The people who will be the hardest hit are those who earn between $30,000 and $150,000 dollars.

We will of course be forced into providing healthcare for anyone under the poverty level, people we already support through welfare, their welfare allotments will not be considered income, so someone collecting $2000 in food and another $1500 in cash, which is $3500 a month, will escape the massive tax hikes, and we will continue to support them, they will never look for work.

This is another massive entitlement that will crush our economy.

Dis-ability cheats are the latest trend, we will continue to support them as well.

The first tax hike...


Starting in 2014 anyone not buying QUALIFYING Health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the HIGHER OF THE FOLLOWING

Pay very close attention to this,

2014- 1% adjusted gross income or $95 first adult ( remember the higher, so if your AGI IS 50,000.00 YOUR GOING TO SHELL OUT $500 IN TAX.)

           1% AGI OR $ 190 SECOND ADULT

           1% AGI OR $ 385 3 ADULTS

2015- 2% AGI OR $325 FIRST ADULT

           2% AGI OR $650 SECOND ADULT

           2% AGI OR $975 THREE ADULTS

2016- 2.5% AGI $695 FIRST ADULT

           2.5% AGI OR $1390 SECOND ADULT

            2.5% AGI OR $2085 THIRD ADULT

There have already been special exemptions made, when you see the rest of the tax hikes you'll understand just who will be stuck paying for this.

700 companies exempt, most Obama union supporters

illegal aliens,

those earning less the the poverty level, yes, you will shell out for gang bangers, drug addicts and anyone else that refuses to stand on their own 2 feet.

Religious objectors...prove your muslim or amish or scientologist

Members of Indian tribes...take if from the Indian, government healthcare sucks, you don't have a choice in your treatment, your doctor, you get the cheapest care possible. Thats why my husband and I have our own.

Now when you really think about this, we are having our hands tied behind our backs, no choice, either get health insurance, which will suck, or pay giant taxes that get progressively worse each year, Remember the higher of the 2, and expect a letter from the IRS.

Friday, July 6, 2012

923 Reasons to fire Barry

In 40 months the President has signed 923 Executive orders, we all know the most recents ones, but did you know about these?

Feel free to look them up and draw your own conclusions

Executive orders

10990- Allows the Gov. to take over all modes of transportation and control of all highways and seaports.

10995- Allows the Gov, to seize and control the communication media.

10997- Allows the Gov. to take over electrical power, gas, petroleum fuels and minerals.

10998- Allows the Gov. to take over all food resources and farms.

11000- Allows the Gov. to mobalize civilians into work brigades under Government supervision.

11001- Allows the Gov. to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

11002- Designates thereof all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration.

11003- Allows the Gov. to take overairports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

11004- Allows the housing authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned ans establish new locations for populations

11005- Allows the Gov. to take over all railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

11049- Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies consolidating 21 operative Executive orders issued over a 15 year period.

11051- Specifies the responsibility of the office of emergency planning and gives authorization to put into effect all executive orders  of increased international tensions and or,DOMESTIC ECONMIC OR FINANCIAL CRISIS.

11310- Grants authority to the department of JUSTICE, To enforce plans set out in EXECUTIVE ORDERS to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liason, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions and to advise and assist the President.