Monday, March 7, 2016

Fire Blashill, yep I said it.

I was really rooting for you Blash, you're from my old stomping grounds the Soo.

I was one of your biggest supporters, but......

I realize I'm just a girl, What would I know about Hockey?

For starters, we got a Rookie Phenom, Judging by the amount of his starting salary, they knew they had something special in this kid, Yes I am talking about Larkin.

For some strange reason, he's never hardly on the PP or PK, iSN'T THAT WHY YOU GUYS HAVE PRACTICE?

You had the entire first half of the season to hone his skills, instead, you spent the first half cutting him down, downplaying his abilities, and pointing out all his mistakes. Well, Jeff, your veterans are making bigger mistakes. Is this your ego talking, your the boss wah wah wah.

We will not make the playoffs, and I put most of the blame on you.

Quite frankly I like to see Z drop the gloves on you and kick your a$$ UP AND DOWN THE BENCH, THE ICE ,THE DETROIT RIVER.

I really hope you prove me wrong and we make it to the playoffs.