Monday, October 25, 2021

Oh Dear God, Help us all.

Read several articles, this story is viral.

You can choose your own publication to read from

The Hill, The Star Democrat, New York Post, Yahoo news, Newsweek, The Sun, Tmz etc.

 The headline is heartbreaking,  Fauci allowed Beagle puppies to be abused.


Bipartisan Legislators demand answers from Anthony Fauci on why he provided grant money to labs in Tunisia who were torturing and killing dozens of Beagle Puppies.

Allegedly, their vocal cords were removed, so researchers wouldn't have to listen to their barking and screaming.

The puppies heads were placed in boxes and hungry sand flies were released to feed on the Puppies.

This man belongs in prison, call your Congress Person and complain.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

There's plenty to see here, exposing false claims.

Well, there are some false claims that Wisconsin has been fully audited and there was no fraud found, just irregularities.

Let's dive it.

2020 election results

Biden --1, 630,866   votes

Trump--1,610,184    votes

A difference of 20,682 ( keep this magical number in mind)

 Here are some excerpts from the MacIverinstitutenews.

 Auditors were not allowed to handle election results, the clerks told them. (ahem) 

Auditors tried to survey every municipal clerk, only 48% responded ( so much for fully audited, Half the freaking State is missing) 

Of the ones who did participate, they didn't do their job very well. They didn't consistently act on potential matches from DHS to inactivate voter registration records of people who had died. 

They did finally manage to identify 20,614 deceased who voted.

They also ignored 45,665 2020 voters who drivers licenses did not match DMV records, there is still another 13, 800 to be checked.

They also had 11 State election law violations.

almost 80,000 votes that should have been removed, looking like Trump may have won, but to be fair, we still don't know what happened in the other 52% of the State, because they were NOT AUDITED!

This is the most half azzed audit I ever seen, and we got morons jumping for joy over fake news.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Hey special buddy

Your inbox is full, hugs.