Saturday, July 30, 2016

Zika Virus

This is a Mosquito born illness.

Symptoms include, Rash, Muscle aches, Fever, Joint Pain.

There are currently just over 1200 confirmed cases in the US, 4 of them are now considered American contracted, that means these 4 people did not travel outside the US.

These 4 cases are in Florida, 2 in Dade Country and 2 IN Broward County.

Zika is also transmitted through blood and body fluids, you can contract it through Sex.

For most healthy adults, the symptoms are not very severe, but a pregnant woman can pass this to her unborn child and this will cause very severe birth defects.

Things you can do...

Where mosquito repellent, even during the day.

Get rid of all standing water near your home.

Spray your around your home.

Do not feed the birds and squirrels, Mosquitos will be drawn to these animals, feeding these animals also invites rats and mice. They can feed themselves.

If you own pets, make sure they don't bring mosquitos in on their fur. If they have an outdoor water dish, empty every couple hours and give them fresh water.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Yes he does want to be President.

Another attack in France, Our weak and failed leadership is refusing to call it what it is, Islamic Terrorism.

France has been hit hard, we have been hit hard, We most certainly will see another Orlando, we cannot sit by and wait.

As President, Trump said he would call on NATO ( The North Atlantic Treaty Organization). There are 25 countries that are our allies , He would call on them to stop the terrorism and wipe this very form of brutal terrorism off the planet.


LilIdiot would have you believe he would just Nuke em, that is not the way this would be fought, as they are all over in pockets, the largest concentrations in the Middle East would be wiped out by Air Attacks, which is what odummy should have done, instead he let them spread, called our troops back, and let the bad guys get our weapons, tanks, trucks, ammo, medicine, and all kinds of other military supplies left behind. Still don't need nukes for that.

The little terror pockets all over the world would be found out through intel, this is where NATO works together to share, find, and arrest.

Lilsplodeyhead is irresponsible for spreading unfounded fear.

Mr. Trump was asked about Nuclear weapons, his response was that he would not take them off the table.

No we cannot surrender our weapons as a Nation as we have many countries who are building a massive arsenal of their own Nuclear Weapons.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why I refuse to vote for Hillary.

I do not trust her with the well being of Americans.