Friday, June 29, 2012

Let's stick it to the government

Everything is taxed, Here are some money saving tips, and as an added bonus , we can screw the government.

1. Stop smoking..not only will you be healthier, you'll have some extra lottery dollars.

   The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is around 6 bucks depending where you live, thats almost $2190.00 a year if you smoke a pack a day, plus the cost of lighters and gas running to the store.

Cigarettes are a large source of tax for the government, in the long run, you'll live longer, have more money and won't have to spend large amounts of money on medicine when it catches up to you.

I know it's hard, I am a former smoker myself, think of it as living longer and feeling better.

2. Gasoline, the government collets 15% on every gallon you buy, if your not to far from stores, try walking, I most times walk up to the store to play my numbers, you'll save money on gas and have more for lottery.

Also, when you have a lot of running around to do, plan your route, try to do one stop shopping, why drive across town to save 17 cents.

Plan your meals for a week, I work in a grocery store, and I see people coming in 2 or 3 times a week because they didn't plan. Thats a lot of running around and wasting of Gasoline.

You will save money , and clip those coupons, especially on taxable items.

3. Have a garage sale, every dollar you make is tax free.

4. Don't want to have a garage sale...donate to a charity that allows you to get a tax deduction.

5. Hobbies and crafts, if you work with wood, yarn, make dolls, sew can sell these items tax free up to almost 25 thousand dollars, check your state for tax codes on hobbies.

6. Shut those lights off, unplug and conserve, utility bills are heavily taxed, add up the tax on your gas, electric, phone, cable, for a year, it hundreds of your hard earned dollars going out the door.

7. Grow a garden if you can, growing your own food can save a bundle.

Feel free to add your money saving tips.

Good luck and get yourself some extra lottery money.