Saturday, November 12, 2016

70 days

Governments first duty is to protect the people, not run there lives... Ronald Reagan

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall... Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from Pink Floyd's " Mother"

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?

Mother do you think they'll like this song?

Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?

Mother should I build this wall?

Mother should I run for President?

Mother should I trust the Government?


If you haven't guessed by now, I love Pink Floyd.

Couple months ago, I was driving down 5 mile road and saw one of the girls I work with wearing the orange community service vest, she was picking up garbage with about 25 other girls.

The next time I seen her I asked her what she did, she got caught driving without her seat belt, $150.00 fine, points on her license and community service, she said the girl she was hanging out with that day had to pay a $500 dollar fine, community service because a passenger in her car threw a cigarette butt out the window.

They are now criminals, that is going on their permanent record.

Do you know who else are criminals? EVERY PERSON WHO SNEAKS INTO THIS COUNTRY!

They are not treated like criminals, they are not fined, imprisoned or forced to pick up the garbage.

They get entitlements, hard working Americans get to help pay for their Food stamps, medical, dental, housing.

They get drivers licenses, and we now have Federally funded sanctuary cities.

Seattle, Portland, LA, Phoenix, San Diego, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, NY, Baltimore, DC, Miami, just to name a few.

Our tax dollars, 100's of millions, going to these cities that protect criminals.

Those are just a few ways illegal immigration costs this country, factor in drug dealers, drugs, illegal weapons, gangs.

The strain on our Police, Hospitals, emergency services, next time the ambulance takes to long to get to your house, and you are in a sanctuary city ?, ask yourself ?

Illegal immigration drives down wages, these people work under the table in most cases and pay no tax, all the while receiving Government handouts.

Identity theft, many of these people get their hands on stolen Social Security numbers, more times then not from deceased citizens, so yes they do file tax returns, but most get that money refunded.

We hear the argument that they pick our crops, yes migrant workers, have been doing this for a very long time, there are no crops in Detroit, Miami or Chicago.

No one has a problem with immigration, we have a problem with illegal immigration, where people come here and get handouts.

Couple years ago, in Detroit, the illegals held a protest, they weren't going to spend money that day, boy were they going to show us.

Very few seemed to notice the bigger picture, first they broke our laws coming here, second, the DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE. That right is for American citizens.

Third, who the hellll do they think they are dictating to us in our own country?

They would never pull this crap in their country, cause they would be shot, tortured or imprisoned.

With legal immigration, we got people coming here dictating to us that they don't like our laws, Sharia mean anything?

The removal of Jesus , God or anything Christian, Don't sit there and wonder why we saw a wall of red Tuesday November 8th.

The Obama admin, came up with the "Dream Act" what a disaster, the word was spread throughout Mexico and South America that you could walk right in and become a citizen.

This reminds me of the "Trail of Tears" The Cherokee were forced out of North Carolina and had to walk to Oklahoma.

Sadly many did not make it.

So now we have people South of us, walking, taking trains, getting here by any means possible, what many of these people went through was inhumane , I feel for them and I blame our Government, they walked through Heat, had to deal with gangs, rapists, and disease was spreading.

They flooded our border, what did our Government do? They put sick people on buses and shipped them all over the country, The Government sworn to protect us, put us all at risk.

I'll say it again, who does that to their own people?

Our Government does not enforce our laws, The Obama Administration is not the only guilty party, they all are.

Donald Trump ran his campaign on building a wall to keep illegals, drugs and sick people out.

He will stop funding to the sanctuary cities and hopefully deport the nastiest criminals first.

I feel bad that these people come from countries that are so awful, I do, but I am not going to be taxed into taking care of them.

I really don't want a giant wall, but I don't want people breaking our laws, rubbing my face in their Rhetoric, being called a racist, or wanting to break up families, hey!, no one told you to come here, if you get deported, well take your family with you, real effing simple.

Our Border patrol people have had there hands tied by our Government, untie them Mr Trump, enforce the law and maybe we won't really need a giant wall.

Friday, November 11, 2016

71 days

The Constitution is not a tool to be wielded for political expediency, it is the supreme law of the land and the Presidents responsibility to take care that it is followed, NOT outmaneuvered

                                                                                                   Trey Gowdy

And that's exactly what President Obama did, he refused to work with Republicans on job creating bills, wrote executive orders that were not only costly, but job costing . Turned around and blamed Republicans for not working with him, the Liberal media refusing to even read many of the Bills and proceeded to spread the manure.

Speaker Paul Ryan said in a news conference, that as soon as President Elect Trumps had comes off the Bible, they would hit the ground running.

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump have kissed and made up, probably not BFF'S  but they need each other and I believe they can accomplish much in the first 100 days.

When Paul Ryan ran with Mitt Romney, he laid out a plan to reduce waste and cut spending, I read much of what he wrote and this guy is one smart cookie.

Sadly, I woke up one day and discovered that my computer upgraded itself to windows 10, I did not approve or select or want this to happen, maybe you computer gurus can explain.

Anyhow, I lost much of my data from years of collecting political notes etc, if it's on my computer, I do not know how to retrieve it.

Back to Ryan, he knows where the pork and waste is, we actually spend millions on analyzing squirrel droppings near Nuclear power plants, a Geiger counter works just fine.

So I imagine, Trump will go down that Executive order list and undo everything Obama did.

Obamacare, kiss it goodbye, it is crushing the middle class and 2017 has some crazy increases. It's a massive tax and is doing more harm then good, it was crammed down our throats, an as an example of just how bad Obamas first term, it was voted on and passed by the Democrats who never even read the bill. THEY NEVER READ IT AND BLINDLY PUSHED IT THROUGH.This won't be easy, they still want people to have insurance, but they got economic gurus working on it and crunching numbers.

They will go after the job crushing EPA, Many of these people are fanatics, no one wants pollution or dirty water, they are going crazy overboard, thanks to lobbyists. Guess what Trump won't be bought. The Global warming money machine has made millions for many and caused much harm to the working class.

I believe we will see coal miners, Ranchers, oil rig workers, Lumberjacks all going back to work, hopefully sooner then later.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

72 days

72 days until President elect Trump takes the oval office.

President Trump, I like the sound of that.

Friday, November 4, 2016

How to win big.

You got 2 choices.

Trump, Believes in our Constitutional rights, and they are at stake in this election.

Hillary, Believe in taking millions of dollars from countries whose people would love to see us destroyed.

She wants higher taxes and given the chance, she will make sure she gets the most left leaning person to fill the vacant seat for the Supreme Court. Someone who would have no problem taking our Second Amendment rights.


Take our money and leave us broke, take our weapons and leave us with no real way to defend ourselves, and what do you have left?

Subjects, not Citizens.

We are far from perfect, think of all the people who fought and died for those rights.

Think of all the people who marched, sacrificed all, for our rights.

The United Nations would love to have more control over us, and if UN troops ever land on US SOIL, all will be lost.

Don't let all those who gave all they had for us to be in vain.

Don't be willing to give up your rights.