Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jack Daniels friendship recipe

2 drinking glasses or more depending on the size of the group.


Tiki torches

Warm evening breeze

Pour drinks, neat, light Tiki torches, sit on patio enjoying warm evening breeze with wonderful friends.

Forget the rest of the world exists for a while, laugh and have fun.

Please drink responsibly and have guest room ready.


Sunday, July 27, 2014


The amount of Presidential executive orders does not mean a thing, it's the content and nature as to what they are being used for.

 When it's used to by -pass Congress or the Constitution, or the create laws, circumvent laws, then this is an abuse of power.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Dear Rachel

             Dear Rachel,

                Decided to tune into your show to see what you were spewing, I guess you want to get an early start on demonizing Rick Perry,  a Presidential hopeful. Yep, you put a big spin on the border crisis.

                 Texas Governor Rick Perry has asked the President to send National guard for a strong military presence on our border. Thousands of Children from South America are flooding the border, turning themselves in to our border agents. So, according to you, that's not what we need, because the children are turning themselves in.

                  Why did you omit the fact that because the border agents are busy with kids much of the border is now unwatched?

                  Why are you omitting the fact that adults and many carrying drugs are now coming in through unprotected areas?

                  Did you bother to explain many are coming from middle east countries as well as Mexico and South America?

                  How about the crime stats from illegal aliens?

                  It's a dirty rotten shame you have decided to smear Rick Perry instead of offering useful information, I guess you really have no use for your fancy college degree, since all you want to do is twist the truth.

                                    Maybe you should visit the border before you open your mouth.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dear "War on Women"?

          Dear Left Wing Loons

                    So sorry to hear War has been declared on you, How many of you have died during this battle?

Have you been shot? Someone throwing grenades at you? Any road side bombs? POW'S ?

                    Your lies and half truths are appalling to say the least, How do you live with yourself? I guess it's easy when you have the Liberal media covering your back.

                    Let's start with Hobby Lobby, A family owned incorporated business. Your first lie states, Corporations can't be people, WHAT! I guess you must think everyone your pandering to doesn't have any business sense. BUSTED!

                    There are many types of Corporations and types of businesses. You can be Private or Public and all can incorporate, even a business with one employee can incorporate. With that being said, A Family owned business is a person.

                    Now on to your second lie, Hobby Lobby is refusing to provide Birth Control and doesn't care about women's health issues, not true, they are in fact providing 16 forms of birth control, what they are not providing is 4 types of abortion pills. They don't believe in killing babies, plain and simple, if you use one of the 16 forms of birth control they offer, there is no reason for anyone to kill their baby.

                   The hard cold fact is you refuse to respect anyone's religious beliefs. Many of us feel that when the sperm meets the egg, a soul is created, don't care about fingers and toes, this is a soul, This is a creation of God. Many people do not want to be complicit to murder. Nobody is forcing their religion on you, they quite simply want no part of murder. Not only do you have no respect for others, you have no respect for life, makes me wonder if you even respect yourself.

                   I also have to bring into question some of your half baked logic...When conservatives or Christians say they oppose killing babies, you scream at the top of your lungs that it's your body and you don't want big business or Government in your bedroom. Why are you crying about the Supreme Courts decision to keep big business out of your bedroom? And why do we have members of Congress ( Government officials ) using your bedroom for political gain?

Shouldn't some of these women stay out of your business? Are you really falling for the fear they are spreading?

                   As a woman, I believe it's my body and no one has any say so over what I do with it, as a woman I believe in equal pay for equal work. Do I believe there is some sort of war on women ?, Hell no!

                    I believe in personal responsibility, you are responsible for your actions, If you don't want a baby, practice safe sex , that's on you, not your boss, not the government.






                                                                                       Don't fall for the BS
