Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Warning Warning, Massive tax hikes that will destroy your life.

Over the next couple weeks as time allows, I am going to bring to you the massive tax hikes in Obamacaretax.

The are 21 tax hikes, The government has no business being in the healthcare business, they are going to force us to buy insurance or be taxed for it.

They are expanding the IRS to watchdog over us, you can actually end up in jail.

The people who will be the hardest hit are those who earn between $30,000 and $150,000 dollars.

We will of course be forced into providing healthcare for anyone under the poverty level, people we already support through welfare, their welfare allotments will not be considered income, so someone collecting $2000 in food and another $1500 in cash, which is $3500 a month, will escape the massive tax hikes, and we will continue to support them, they will never look for work.

This is another massive entitlement that will crush our economy.

Dis-ability cheats are the latest trend, we will continue to support them as well.

The first tax hike...


Starting in 2014 anyone not buying QUALIFYING Health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the HIGHER OF THE FOLLOWING

Pay very close attention to this,

2014- 1% adjusted gross income or $95 first adult ( remember the higher, so if your AGI IS 50,000.00 YOUR GOING TO SHELL OUT $500 IN TAX.)

           1% AGI OR $ 190 SECOND ADULT

           1% AGI OR $ 385 3 ADULTS

2015- 2% AGI OR $325 FIRST ADULT

           2% AGI OR $650 SECOND ADULT

           2% AGI OR $975 THREE ADULTS

2016- 2.5% AGI $695 FIRST ADULT

           2.5% AGI OR $1390 SECOND ADULT

            2.5% AGI OR $2085 THIRD ADULT

There have already been special exemptions made, when you see the rest of the tax hikes you'll understand just who will be stuck paying for this.

700 companies exempt, most Obama union supporters

illegal aliens,

those earning less the the poverty level, yes, you will shell out for gang bangers, drug addicts and anyone else that refuses to stand on their own 2 feet.

Religious objectors...prove your muslim or amish or scientologist

Members of Indian tribes...take if from the Indian, government healthcare sucks, you don't have a choice in your treatment, your doctor, you get the cheapest care possible. Thats why my husband and I have our own.

Now when you really think about this, we are having our hands tied behind our backs, no choice, either get health insurance, which will suck, or pay giant taxes that get progressively worse each year, Remember the higher of the 2, and expect a letter from the IRS.


At 5:11 PM, time*treat said...

Exemptions (and other govt promises) ... well, you know what those are worth. I sure don't expect the next Congress to repeal this, members of the (pretend) opposition party are already saying it'd be "difficult" to get rid of.

At 5:13 PM, sully16 said...

Time to go Amish

At 5:58 PM, scorpio said...

i bet the martians are exempt too.if you make 50,000 dollars a year x 2 in family,husband and wife,500 dollars is not a lot.

At 6:16 PM, sully16 said...

Doesn't matter how much it is, it's not okay to tax someone for NOT buying something, plus theres still another 20 taxes to go.

At 8:04 PM, scorpio said...

i beg to differ,it does matter how much it is,if you don't have anything.are you talking of sales taxes,i thought those were state run.think of the jobs that can be made with those taxes.

At 8:07 PM, sully16 said...

This is the tax, for not getting insurance, they are already taxing us half to death, and it's not creating jobs.
Inflation is on the rise and the economy is collapsing.
This is one of the 21 tax hikes in Obamacaretax.

At 8:33 PM, rdgrnr said...

Good blog sully.
I know you're telling the truth cuz dorkio is already starting to squirm in agony.

At 8:50 PM, Tenaj said...

Tax/penalty is a matter of semantics.

Even if you collect unemployment you are taxed 3 times, the first time they take it out your check (calling it insurance) secondly when you receive it (taxed higher) if you are infortunate to have to use it and third when you file income taxes. Hell vacation and holiday (bonuses) time is taxed higher. If you don't pay your income tax, you get penalized or is that taxes on taxes or is it a penalty. Crab about that.

In my state if you don't pay your taxes you can't get car tags until you pay and cars has to be inspected 30 days prior to the new registration or no go. But I live in a crazy state when it comes down to DMV.

And if you don't get your tags you get a ticket and penalized or is it a tax. If you don't pay for the ride in the ambulance they will snatch it out of your state tax and last I heard hospitals were private industry.

Some states take advantage of the debtor's prison that's still on the books, they throw you in jail for not paying hospital bills.

Tax/penalty - you still have to pay.

Republicans Tea Party Obama haters are basing their argument and crabbing about a matter of semantics.

At 8:57 PM, sully16 said...

I am sick of the medicaid cheats also, that is a system the government allowed to become abused, billing fraud used to be a big deal, I know when I got hurt and didn't have insurance I didn't qualify for any help, even though I paid in to it for years and years, Doctors and hospitals just got used to bending the rules.
Theres more, and these taxes have nothing to do with healthcare, yet there they are in the healthcare bill.

At 9:22 PM, scorpio said...

true,one cannot live without paying some tax,water tax,crap tax,tv tax,etc..i was taxed on my 401k while earning it in n.j..then when i moved here this state taxed it as income because i drew it out here to buy a house.i don't especially like the irs.

At 9:47 PM, Tenaj said...

The healthcare bill has fraud prevention for medicaid. Bills shouldn't be within bills but that's our fault for allowing it to happen and go as long as it has.

At 10:11 PM, sully16 said...

Janet, I agree, tax / penalty same difference, it's wrong, it's wrong to tax us into poverty, there are still 20 more to go.
In my state if you renew your drivers license after your birthday, you have to pay a 10 dollar fee, you have to pay for being late for your own birthday, it's wrong.
Thhere could be a hundred reasons, why they were late in renewing, doesn't mean they were driving.
It's insult to injury if the person had to save up just to renew, just like when banks charge for dropping below a certain level, they charge you for being broke, it's wrong.
Are there things in Obamacare that are good, sure there is, but the brunt of these taxes will fall on lower middleclass, anyone below 150,000.
WE PAY TO MUCH IN INCOME TAX, PROPERTY TAX, you name it, they tax it, it's wrong.
Then they waste it, live like kings and intrude into our lives, it's wrong.
They are keeping us down, and I am sick of it, they pay themselves quite well with our money, and they think they are going to dictate to us, it's wrong.
I have no use for any of them, and I am tired of working for others, I am tired of watching the fraud day in and day out,
I got my bonus check, and yes it was taxed to pieces, the rewards of working are gone, my bonus that I worked so hard for, will go into the bank and be used for paying bills.
Once upon a time, my bonus was for whatever I wanted, now it's for what I need.

At 10:47 PM, jackpotismine said...

One of the many reasons people are leaving the USA.

At 12:34 AM, rdgrnr said...

You're voting for the guy who is hiring 16,500 more IRS Agents so don't complain about the IRS.

At 2:24 AM, Tenaj said...

Ain't nobody trying to leave the country jackpotismine and I wouldn't want to live in China but I would love to visit. It's one of my favorite cultures. But, don't get it twisted. We really do love our country.

At 9:23 AM, rdgrnr said...

To the contrary Janet, there is a flood of wealthy people leaving the country right now rather than pay extra tens of millions in taxes only to see it pissed away by this administration.
Last year nearly 1800 multi-millionaires expatriated to other countries with less confiscatory tax policies, which was a record.
Denise Richards, ex-wife of Billionaire Marc Rich just became a citizen of Austria recently because of Obama's plans to confiscate her money.
We are hemorrhaging badly needed capital because of Obama.

At 10:08 AM, maximumfun said...

more taxes... 16,000 new IRS jobs... I should consider changing careers...

At 10:35 AM, time*treat said...

"Ain't nobody trying to leave the country"

Meanwhile, back in reality ...

If no one is trying to leave the country, then does that mean the govt is making up the dozens of names published in the federal register every quarter of people who have chosen to do so? Do facts even matter, anymore?

At 2:04 PM, rdgrnr said...

Janet never lets facts get in the way of a good lie.

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