Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shopping etiquette, or are you stupid ?

On a rant here, Spent another wonderful night having my time wasted by stupid.

If your over the age of 12 and you can't find bread, milk or eggs in a store with 5 aisles, you got problems, these are basic things, are you stupid or lazy ?

The difference between a Hen and   A Tom turkey, THE HEN IS A GIRL AND THE TOM IS A BOY, YES MORON THATS WHY THE TOM IS BIGGER.

If your going to insist on having dolphin free tuna, well mush for brains, you might want to discard the bag of mahi mahi in your cart, yep its Dolphin.

Don't drag workers to the toilet paper aisle because you need to know the difference, if you haven't been cleaning your butt properly by the age of 42, it's never going to happen.

And for all of you who feel the need to pull money, keys and credit cards out of your underwear, don't act offended if we put on rubber gloves, we don't want to touch it...end of story.

No it's not okay to open food and snack away, then stash the unused portion, it's called stealing, not sampling.

You really want to know what I think about the chicken nuggets? It's garbage, I only feed real chicken to my family.

It's rude to yell across the store, no one thinks your cool, at this point you have many people sending bad karma your way.

Control your kids, nobody thinks they are cute, we'll turn the cameras off for anyone who needs to correct rotten nasty awful brats, yes that is what you created.

end rant for today.


At 12:53 AM, time*treat said...

Working with the general public is a lot like finding out how meat products are raised, fed, and processed. Just think, those at the top view all of us this way.

At 1:09 AM, sully16 said...

Good point Time, I needed to vent, it was needy night, nobody wants to find their own food anymore, where's the ranch dressing, where's the milk, in our store we have to take them to the product, no telling , no pointing, we get secret shoppers, so we have to stop what we are doing and shop for people.

At 2:06 AM, JAP69 said...

That was a great rant sully.
Feel better. LOL

At 7:40 AM, MADDOG10 said...

There are some people out there who don't realize what happens when some people venture into a public place, or ignore when they do see it.
Sometimes you just have to be a Saint just to get through a day,and Yes, venting does help.

At 9:49 AM, Rick G said...

A lot of stores have zombie employees who have the uncanny ability to see right through you. I would shop at your store because I know you'll answer my stupid questions.

But I think the policy of walking the customer to the product is unnecessary and time-wasting. Aisle number or general directions should suffice for most people.

At 10:52 AM, sully16 said...

I spent my night zig-zagging through the store for people who wouldn't spend the time to find their own food, I must have spent 20 minutes with one woman alone, bananas, oops, coffee filters, oops tomato juice, simple stuff, we are not personal shoppers, if you want to know the proper way to cook a prime rib, i'll be happy to help.
It's getting to the point where people walk in and want the employees to do it all, the newest trend are folks asking for carry-out service, we have to put their food in the car for them, then they don't even tip, healthy people, it's cold, it's snowing, it's hot, I just had my nails done. omg, never ending helplessness.

At 12:41 PM, rdgrnr said...

The ultimate slap must be after you do all their shopping for them - they pay with food stamps.
So not only are you doing their shopping for them - you're paying for it.
Nothing makes people lazier than a government check every month.

At 4:24 PM, Jani Norman said...

Sully16, you hit the nail on the head with what I have been saying all this time too, some people are just down right lazy, i work for a major store/food chain and I could just scream at the end of my shifts too... some nights you just wonder can I take another day of this.. but everything you say is so true....

At 10:44 PM, sully16 said...

Jani, my shoulder is always here for you, I understand sometimes it feels like the customers are sucking the life out of us. If you need to get it out of your system, I'll be there for you.

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