Thursday, June 26, 2014

Take care of your Teeth

Went for my dental check up, all is well. I did however get some disturbing news from my Dentist, In 2 years under Obamacare he will no longer be allowed to write prescriptions for antibiotics or pain killers.

He told me, if I were to get an infected tooth, I would have to go to my primary care provider for the medicine.

This can be a disaster, What if your Dr, cannot see you right away? What if they are not sure of the exact medicine and dosage you need?

This is scary for many reasons, you can die from an infected tooth, it can spread to your heart and cause a lot of damage.

What if your medical coverage doesn't cover your teeth, we have separate insurance for these 2 things.

He also stated, many will just opt to have teeth pulled out, even ones that can be saved, thus causing bone loss in your jaw.

My advice, whether you have dental insurance or not, get a check up, some places run specials.

Brush and floss without fail and don't wait for a cavity to become so bad it's infected.

Sadly, it seems many have taken their health for granted, GUILTY! I smoked for 30 years and my mouth is proof,

even though I brushed flossed and rinsed, the nicotine damaged my gums, causing cavities at the gum line.

I went through months of agony until they healed, and they did, but this was 100 percent preventable.

The pain from hot, cold, the constant visits and out of pocket expenses, took it's toll.

Now more then ever, staying healthy is important and the first place you start is your mouth.


At 4:43 AM, CARBOB said...

This is some, if not the best advice, ever posted in this forum. There are people unaware of the danger with bad teeth. I had a friend, who was hospitalized from an infection, with his teeth. He came close to dying.

At 9:49 AM, rcbbuckeye said...

I had an infected tooth earlier this year that took some really strong antibiotics to kill. It was so bad it went into my jaw bone and I couldn't open my mouth to eat. My dentist prescribed my meds to take care of it.
Oh well, thanks Obummer.

At 9:58 AM, sully16 said...

Thanks Guys, When people can't get antibiotics right away, maybe, just maybe they will wake up.

At 10:10 AM, emilyg said...

Thanks sully - good advice.

At 8:18 PM, jarasan said...

I have a friend that is wheel chair bound unable to speak normally, walk, play the piano, go to the bathroom etc. because a staph infection made it's way to his brain from a tooth infection issue and created a brain lesion.........the surgery to remove was devastating.

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