Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's here!!

We all have been hearing about the upcoming rationed healthcare, well , it's here.

We have insurance through my husbands work, we have medical, dental, optical, we pay through the A$$ for this.

Our Dental will now be rationed, on our old plan we were allowed 2 family check ups per year, with a 80/20 co-pay, we will no longer be allowed to have 2 check-ups, if we want the second check up, we must pay the whole thing.

Wow, First of all, I have had 3 root canals, being a former smoker I did damage to my gums, my fault completely.

I made a vow when my son was born, that he would never have the pain or cost of dental procedures, like me.

He is 13, and had no fillings, no cavities, no need for braces. My best kept promise.

I not here to pat myself on the back for being the best mom I can be, but cavities happen, and a 6 month check up can help find a problem early.

The receptionist, wasn't pleased with my compaint, she informed me that many people don't have medical or dental insurance, KISS MY AZZ B*tch!

We pay for this, it is not my fault that others don't have dental insurance, it is not my fault that others don't practice good oral health, or teach their kids to brush and floss, and I am now going to pay more for less coverage, I feel this is the tip of the iceberg thanks to obamacare, insurance companies will run amuck with new rules and cost cutting measures. THIS IS RATIONED HEALTHCARE.!!!!

I truly feel bad for anyone with a toothache, really I do, it is the most aweful pain, for a child to have to go through that kind of pain is heartbreaking.

An abcess tooth can be life threatening if the infection spreads to your heart or other vital organs, don't wish this on anyone.

But, and this is a big but! We not only practice preventive measures, we pay everyweek out of my husbands check, that means we sacrifice, we go without the things we want, to make sure we have the things we need. Many are unwilling to pay for this even when the have jobs that offer it.

It is not okay for the government to force me to pay for those who don't have dental or medical, it is not okay to punish me for the actions and bad choices of others, and in the same breath limiting my healthcare.

Now, think about this, at what point does the government get tired of paying for those who don't take care of themselves, what happenes to the takers when they have taken to much, and how will those children suffer then!


At 10:34 AM, MADDOG10 said...

It's because the Democrats and Obama absolutely DO NOT CARE. When people FINALLY realize what a LIAR this Political party has been and actually see what they have to pay and what services they are being afforded, watch how quick this gets repealed. No ONE should be forced to do anything, this is AMERICA, not A Communist Country>>   Pansy politicians...!!!

At 10:50 AM, dallascowboyfan said...

Welcome to lazy America home of the free stuff.

At 11:01 AM, sully16 said...

Very true, by the way, that receptionist, got in big trouble, she won't open her fat mouth again.
How much will the insurance companies get away with now? Like I said, dental checkups are just the tip, I am sure the stories will trickle in when insurance companies deny more coverage.
Just like my albuterol, I am only allowed to refill it once a month now, guess I'll breath shallow so I don't use up my supply.
Anyone with internet, which costs about 30 a month, national average, that's 360 a year, there's your dental insurance, anyone leasing a navigator vs a contour, that's 1200 a year, there's your medical insurance.
You got money for hair, nails, jewelry, casinos, lottery, booze, cigarettes, than you have the money for your healthcare, no government intervention needed.
We have a nation of women who are now giving birth out of wedlock at epic levels, they have no jobs, or low paying ones, the fathers do not contribute or support these kids, and somehow I am the bad guy for not wanting to support them?
" Sully, you don't have a heart"...Wrong, I would never go get knocked up and bring a kid into this world that I couldn't feed, clothe or provide for, you single mothers who are birthing children into poverty, you are the ones with no heart. The suffering your children will experience is on your hands, not mine.

At 1:55 PM, Coin Toss said...

As a sage once said, "If you can't feed 'em don't breed 'em."

Good post, Sully.

At 2:37 PM, Jani Norman said...

You guys make excellent points with what you say, thanks for schooling those of us who don't know it all

At 3:08 PM, emilyg said...

Coin Toss - correct.

At 6:24 PM, jarasan said...

barrycades barrycare barry scary. I swear this sh1t is going to go away, people are awakening.

At 8:38 AM, sully16 said...

Thanks everyone, I ran the numbers last night, it will be cheaper to pay for 2 family checkups out of pocket, so maybe we really don't need the dental coverage, the only problem I see may be my mouth, but nothing serious, so the optical is going bye bye and just maybe the dental, going to talk to my dentist today. I am sick of insurance companies , time to fight back.

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