Friday, November 9, 2012

We will no longer

The old cliche, Money talks, and BS walks, Many of us who work and support this economy, all the while an inept government spends our money recklessly. We will have the most massive tax hike in history crammed down our throats January 1, 2013.

A healthcare law that was signed by incompetant people who never read it, taxes so massive many will be crushed, a healthcare law , that is nothing more than price controlled rationed healthcare, 2 big winners, the insurance companies and the government, you buy the insurance or you pay the tax.

The losers, the tax payer for sure, small business, seniors, the terminally ill, once you reach your limit, thats it, your now banking on the generousity of hospitals and doctors, not many will be willing to go bankrupt treating you.

I predict, that we will probably see the highest mortality rates in the next 4 years than ever before, culling the population, Those of you who will get the healthcare for free along with your food, you might want to consider with your so-called inabilty to pay for the overage, that you might be on the lowest rung of the ladder, you voted for it, thank youself when your diagnosed with a terminal disease and all they will do is make you comfortable, Thats how government healthcare on the reservations work, Highest mortality rates in the world, tried to tell you, but you had potatoes in your ears.

Well with the gloom and doom being said, I and many of my friends and family will have to offset for the higher taxes we're going to get stuck paying, so we are taking steps now.

First, no more eating out, we'll save money and gas.

No more music cd's,

No more going to the movies, and let me tell you, thats a tough one, beacuse my Breaking Dawn part 2 comes out in a couple days, but oh well, Bella and Edward will have to do battle with the Volturi Vampires without me, As the blood sucking leeches in real life have left me with no choice if I wish to remain able to keep a roof over my head and food on the table.

No more books, we can walk up to the library.

No more impulse buys and my lottery money has been slashed.

Now what is all this offsetting going to do, and mind you, there are millions just like me, well it will hurt the economy.

It is not my intention to hurt small business, I was left with no choice.


At 12:36 PM, emilyg said...

I'm with you.

At 1:16 PM, MADDOG10 said...

Well said Sully, and you're not alone with that agenda...!

At 1:18 PM, inittowin said...

You are spot on Sully!

As Ted Nugent said, and I quote, 'Pimps Whores & Welfare Brats' Voted For 'Economic & Spiritual Suicide'

Wait until that husein ocare starts up. It won't be the free health care like they want us to believe... Instead of "drill, baby drill" it will be tax 'em, baby tax 'em!

At 2:14 PM, JADELottery said...

Yep, we are too!

At 2:18 PM, JADELottery said...

We have the money to spend, we're just not going to spend it.

Seems those Obamanites forgot just exactly who they should have been patronizing.

Maybe?? the other Half of America that still has the money to spend.

I'm voting with my wallet now, MF!

At 4:40 PM, rdgrnr said...

Another 4 years of trickle down poverty.
If we're lucky and the economy doesn't collapse first.

At 6:50 PM, reddog said...

I hope the Obama Claus rats get it first. You make your bed hard, you got to lay in it.

At 9:54 AM, GASMETERGUY said...

We can only wish the ObamaClaus rats get "it" first but that will not happen. The producers will get "it" first. And when the money runs out, when the producers join the ranks of the takers, what then? Who will produce our toliet paper?

Who will produce our cocaine and MJ?

Oh, wait, the Mexicans will produce those two for us. After all, the Mexican government does not have cradle to the grave health care.

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