Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2020 visions

Danny Hanlon felt like he was the luckiest man on Earth that day, he just drew a coffee ration from his weekly government food ration, been a long time since he seen coffee.

Danny Hanlon was born September 3 1957 and today was his 63 birthday, most of his friends and family his age were gone, they didn't survive government healthcare, he was blessed with good health.

He lives on the 50th floor in a 10 x 12 room, a small window to help charge his solar light, government buildings were not allowed to have big windows, and since only, government employess were allowed electricy, he knew he would have to be careful to keep his solar powered coffee pot charged, he might have to go without light, He was very careful with his water ration, so he knew he would enjoy that coffee.

He kinda felt at his old age,( only government employees lived past 60 ) that they put him on the 50th floor, hoping he would have a heart attack going up and down the stairs, no electricity, no elevators.
Danny still had to pull his share, they had him working in the recycling center, he worked everyday, did not want his food ration cut.
.to be cont.


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