Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Michigan welfare (How to run a business)

Hello Michigan, I am going to make it my mission to tell the whole world about the welfare fraud in our state.

I am going to give hard working people, who are in fact struggling a reason to vote you all out!

I work in a grocery store, so I see the fraud up close and personal, you have made it almost impossible to report the fraud, and when we try, the people in the DHS, COULD CARE LESS, YOU NEED TO FIRE THEM ALL!

Lets start with back to school stories.

1. Had a woman come in, shopping for back to school snacks, Oh, they weren't for her child to consume, No, her child gets free lunch, because she's so poor, No, she was buying massive amounts of Grandmas variety cookie packs for her daughter to sell.

She bought 9 -36 count boxes, of course, she used her ebt card, thats $324.00 pure profit for her, I thought she was so hungry she needed us to feed her?  I thought she was sending her daughter to school to get an education?

Is she violating any fraud laws?

2. Had another woman come in for her back to school business, she was smarter, she used her ebt card to buy fund raising candy bars, better profit, her 8 year old son will be hustling candy bars, what will he be hustling in High school ?

3.Had a mother daughter team come in, they are getting involved this year, they are going to help run the football concession, they too are well organized, they bought all the paper and plastic ware, with the cash raised by the PTA, Envelope was clearly marked, their second order was for all the food, yep, they used both of their ebt cards, so I guess the cash raised by the PTA, will just go in their pockets, I just wonder how much they will pay themselves for all this great volunteer work?

4. Had another mom come in, she is so sad to see summer go, because she has been using her ebt card and her sponge bob ice shaver to sell snow cones, ice cream sandwiches, popsicles, and frozen treats out of the freezer in her garage.

what on Earth can she sell in the fall?

5. Illegal businesses being run on EBT, TAX PAYERS, Footing the bill for people to run businesses that are not licensed, and pay no tax, and some how you turn a blind eye. Let's talk about the illegal hot dog stands, we have tons of people using ebt, to sell hot dogs and pop, we also pay the 10 cent deposit on the cans. Thanks Michigan.

6. IllegaL CATERING BUSINESSES, People using ebt to fund this operation, one woman is running it out of her kitchen, she is proud that her overhead in almost non-existent, no license, no permit, no CFM, WHAT IF SOMEONE GETS SICK?


7. Although real businesses are hurt by these practices, some have managed to capitalize, by using a family members ebt to buy food and spices, hint, if anyone uses ebt for more than 30 dollars in spices, it's for a business.

8. If anyone buys more than 2 cases of Red bull, it's for a business.

9. We sell candy bars by the box, 35 count 40 count, etc, if anyone buys more than 1 box, it's for a gas staion or party store, to be sold under the table.

10. Allowing people to draw money from their ebt cash, at a gas station, wrong, am sick of paying for someones, gas, cigarettes and lottery.

11. Am also sick of watching people who spend 800 in ebt for food, drop another 200 cash for booze, I don't think the booze is very nutritious.

12. Attitude, the very least you can do , when you hand out our hard earned money, is explain to people who receive it, that we can't afford to buy the things they buy anymore, we can't afford shrimp and steak, so they can at least appear grateful, even though they don't seem to be. They need to understand, the people who you tax half to death are not eating as well as them.

13. Waste, you ebt elite are very wasteful, had a woman come in and wanted a ham sliced, mind you we don't sell a pound or two, no you have to buy the whole thing, so I sliced a 13 pound ham for her, asked her if she needed freezer paper, she said no, at $1.49 a pound, she didn't mind if she had to throw some of it away, she of course used ebt, not only did she buy a 13 pound ham, she got a 54 dollar corned beef round sliced, a 10 pound turkey , this is not lucnhmeat, this is top of the line food, and it's okay to throw is away.....hmmmmmm

14. Another wasteful woman, she comes in with her ebt to buy peanuts and sunflower seeds , yep, you guessed it, for the birds and squirrels. MY F****ING TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING FOR SOME NUT TO FEED THE ANIMALS???????



At 10:29 AM, jackpotismine said...

It is disgusting isn't it? Maybe it's time to move.

At 10:50 AM, JAP69 said...

Thanks sully

At 11:04 AM, tiparker119 said...

I guess if you check close, they are selling the FREE cell phones...!!! What a disgrace that we do not have a better system in place to derail this type of fraud...!!!

At 11:07 AM, GASMETERGUY said...

A long time ago I advocated the establishment of government food stores. The only place food stamps could be used would be in these stores. And think of all the jobs which would be created.

What's wrong about my idea?

At 1:04 PM, JAP69 said...

Comment by GASMETERGUY - Today, 11:07 am
Nothing at all wrong with it.
I can remember when you went to a gov't warehouse for your food allotment.

At 1:24 PM, rdgrnr said...

Those are the people who sucked the life out of Detroit with their graft, corruption and greed and they really couldn't care less about it as long as they're "getting theirs". Those are the ones who make getting government assistance a career and their only means of support.

Those are the people who will do as booby suggests and vote their own personal, selfish self-interests rather than what's best for the survival of the nation, because they really don't care about the nation, they only care about themselves.

And they will turnout on election day to vote straight Democrat to make sure they stay on this gravy train of greed that the rest of us pay for.

And when the whole economy collapses under the weight of their greed and corruption, they'll wonder why nobody's feeding them anymore. And they'll find somebody -- anybody -- to blame but themselves.

At 1:27 PM, rdgrnr said...

That's a great idea, GMG.
So you can rest assured it'll never happen.

At 10:08 PM, sully16 said...

Thanks everyone, that is a great idea GMG.

At 12:38 PM, NightStalker said...

Great post sully!! The sad thing is that kind of fraud is perpetrated in every state in the union. Be prepared. If the system collapses these leaches will be the first to go and take what they want from someone else.

The only thing they will get at my house is dog bit and lead poisoning.

At 8:20 PM, sully16 said...

Same here Nightstalker.

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