Friday, January 3, 2014

Jap, I'm going to mow your lawn

Just opened my mail today.

Received a letter from my car insurance company...

Dear Mr. and Mrs Sully16

We have some great news, first Thanks you for your business.

The state of Michigan requires drivers to carry Personal injury protection ( pip) benefits as a mandatory part of automobile insurance. This unique coverage provides comprehensive benefits in the case of an auto-related injury.


Because your auto policy is currently providing you with " EXCESS MEDICAL COVERAGE"  This means if you are injured in an auto accident your health insurer is the ( PRIMARY) payor and is expected to pay your medical bills first, We ( insert company name) is the excess payor and is expected to pay your medical bills only after your health insurer has paid.

Because ( insert company name) is designated as the excess medical coverage payor, you are receiving a discount on your auto insurance.

Health insurance plans are constantly changing, especially group plans offered through employers. Many major health insurance carriers in Michigan are no longer providing primary medical coverage for auto-related injuries. Because of this , we need to verify that auto insurance policies with excess medical will actually be paid first by your health care provider, Again, the reason is that customers with excess medical coverage, such as you, receive a discount based on ( company name) being the excess payor.



Option 1

In order to retain your discount, we need to verufy you are still eligible for the " Excess medical coverage" dicount.

To do so, we need documentation to verify that your health provider is the primary payor,Acceptable documentation would include a copy of your health insurance plan and verification of coverage from your health insurer.


Option 2

Unless you verify eligibility your renewal will automatically change your PIP from excess to "Primary" at your upcoming renewal. A premium INCREASE will occur as a result of no longer being eligible for this discount.


At 1:50 PM, sully16 said...

I am so angry right now I can't even comment.
We are being herded like cattle, can't wait to see what the homeowners policy says.

At 2:08 PM, rdgrnr said...

We gotta repeal all this bullsh!t after the election and throw these criminals in jail where they belong.

At 2:35 PM, JAP69 said...

Come on down.
I still have not mowed the leaves in my backyard yet.

Will your car insurance company follow Obamacare rules on upfront co-pays and deductibles if they become the primary provider?

At 2:39 PM, sully16 said...

They steaming piles of dung know that millions are losing their health coverage and by next fall millions more will no longer be grandfathered in.
" ever changing policies" So will have to go through this policy check every year?
What little thing will make your health coverage not eligible for auto discounts.
At what point will people wake up and see we are being robbed, when they can't afford food anymore?

At 2:40 PM, sully16 said...

I don't know yet Jap, I will go talk to my insurance guy Monday, been shivering since last night, I called in sick today, can't shake it, no I am very angry,

At 3:06 PM, Jill34786 said...

I feel your pain Sully. This is indeed horrible. We haven't received our renewal policy yet, all our homes and vehicles are tied with the same insurer so it will be interesting.

At 3:25 PM, dallascowboyfan said...

WOW!!!! I have my home & vehicle and life insurance with the same insurer. Why don't people see what this Crap is doing it's hurting alot more people than its going to help. Like i said on Maddog blog, it's going to come down to feeding your family or having insurance. I was doing just fine before Nov 2008.

At 7:55 PM, sully16 said...

My next concern, when do auto, medical insurers start sharing info?
You got carpel tunnel, rate increase...
You got screws in you knee, rate increase..
At what point do they decide to tack on higher auto insurance costs do to medical problems?
To add insult to injury, if any of these medical, auto, home insurers start to lose money, they are eligible for a bail out, a tax payer bail out.

At 8:00 PM, GASMETERGUY said...

And in a few more years, your health insurer will require SS number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and a sample of your DNA. Of course none of this information will be kept confidential or secure.

Remember, if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear.

At 9:58 PM, rdgrnr said...

It'll all be easier when they just start direct debiting our bank accounts for what they decide we "owe" them.
It's coming, folks.
And eventually, the "Mark" in your right hand or forehead, without which you won't be allowed to buy or sell anything.
He's "THE ONE" our trolls and the Demonrats were waiting for alright.
Hope they're happy.
Dumbass muthafkrs.

At 11:04 PM, emilyg said...

Sully - so sorry. rdgrnr might be right.

At 7:01 PM, sully16 said...

Thanks everyone, will keep ya posted after I see mr insurance man monday

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