maddogs hideaway
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- Name: MADDOG10
- Location: Beautiful Florida
- Country: United States
- Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
'He is a prisoner of his own theological affinity for expansive government'
David Limbaugh: 'He is a prisoner of his own theological affinity for expansive government'
David Limbaugh About | Email | Archive
Sometimes I marvel at President Obama’s apparent lack of an embarrassment sensor. How can he stand before the American people and deliver speech after speech making the same tired points and pretending he is delivering the speech of the century?
Is he truly impervious to feelings of self-consciousness, or is he trying to play us for fools?
The upshot after Obama’s nearly five years in office is that the economy is still sluggish. Unemployment and annual deficits remain disturbingly high based on historical standards; our national debt and unfunded liabilities represent an existential threat to America; Obamacare hangs like an ominous tornado playground over the economy and every employer and health-care consumer in the nation; America is in steady economic and military decline at the hands of a president who is in denial about it, indifferent to it or intentionally pursuing it; and the president and his renegade Justice Department and administrative agencies are riddled with scandals and gleefully flout the Constitution, the rule of law and the legislative branch.
Yet despite all of this, Obama tells us that everything is great and that things would be even better if it weren’t for partisan, obstructionist Republicans. (If the economy is so wonderful, why is Obama hopscotching the country trying to convince us of what should be self-evident?)
Obama’s refusal to accept responsibility for his policies and his scapegoating have reached comical proportions. Indeed, his economic adviser Austan Goolsbee once virtually admitted that Obama should only be associated with his economic record if and when we begin to see sustained positive results.
Such is the mentality of ideologues. No amount of failure is proof of their policies failing. Others must always be blamed.
Obama no longer dazzles us with his smoke and mirrors; he bores us with them, droning on and on for more than an hour without offering any new ideas to turn the economy around – because he has none.
Obama is as bereft of new ideas as a ventriloquist’s dummy. He is a prisoner of his own theological affinity for expansive government as a panacea. His liberal ethical code tells him that growing government is a moral imperative that must supersede everything else, even economic growth and prosperity for the very people to whom liberals claim allegiance.
As long as they are reliably growing government, statists such as Obama will not be held to account by their fellow liberals for their policy failures and for spreading misery, because they are doing god’s work, whatever that might mean to them. If his “stimulus” fails to produce jobs, it doesn’t matter, because a) his intentions were good, b) Republicans didn’t let him spend even more, and c) things would have been worse without it – even though the weight of the evidence and history prove otherwise.
So don’t ever expect Obama’s soul mates in the liberal media to hold him accountable for his record or to compare it with that of other presidents. If it is worse, it will not be his fault. His failures will always be because of the “mess he inherited,” even though no other president has ever enjoyed that absurd luxury.
But even measured against the situation he inherited, Obama has made sparse improvements, and in most cases, things have gotten worse, including the millions who have given up and left the workforce, the millions who have joined the government dependency rolls, the catastrophic national debt and our woefully insolvent entitlement programs, which he steadfastly refuses to reform.
For all his hoopla about hope and change, Obama is nothing more than a gloom-and-doom liberal who doesn’t even aspire to robust economic growth. His sole focus is not on growing the economic pie but on redistributing what he believes is a finite one.
That’s why the thrust of Obama’s disgraceful speech was on class envy, resentment and warfare. He forever castigates producers and the wealthy and promises a continuation of policies that are antithetical to growth, except for the growth of government.
As long as Obama is in office and his policies are pursued, America will be shortchanging itself and suppressing the entrepreneurial spirit and liberty of the American people, without which America is destined for ongoing decline.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Are blacks really so blind?
Are blacks really so blind?
Exclusive: Mychal Massie on what community should really be outraged over
I heard a defense attorney say that while she believed in the jury process and felt that they had reached the right decision, “George Zimmerman being found not guilty does not mean he is innocent.”
The first thing that came to my mind is every client she has should fire her and that no one should employ her services ever again. Imagine, your defense attorney, for which you have paid handsomely, wins your case and then does an interview where she suggests that even though you were found not guilty it doesn’t mean you’re innocent.
If the George Zimmerman trial has revealed one thing and one thing only, it is that many blacks are still mental and emotional slaves on the plantations of immiseration, victimology, and self-segregation.
They are easily led by emotion, and despite undeniable success in America, many, if not most, would rather focus on a past (i.e., slavery) that no one living today can in any way relate to and a period (i.e., Jim Crow) that Americans of good conscience brought to an end 50 years ago.
Yet there they are protesting mythical and imagined wrongdoings as if white people and the justice system have a secret code that dictates all blacks be treated unfairly. And the media eagerly and strenuously works to inculcate that viewpoint.
A half-Kenyan holds the most powerful office in the world. Blacks are the political leaders and elected officials in many of the nation’s cities. There is no shortage of schools headed by blacks. Fortune 500 companies are run by blacks, as are hospitals. You cannot watch a television show without seeing a black actor. From laborer to business owner blacks are represented.
The cries for revenge and insistence that George Zimmerman’s acquittal for killing Trayvon Martin in self-defense somehow translates into a death threat to all young black men are beyond irrational to me. As I wrote in my column “The ugly truth about Trayvon,” Martin would be alive today had he not made the decision to attack George Zimmerman.
It is incongruous to me that people choose to exhibit national outrage over one justifiable incident while they ignore atrocities that said outrage would be well spent addressing.
Where is the outrage over approximately 1,500 unborn black children being murdered daily by Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills? Where is the outrage over the single-parent homes? Where is the outrage over the black-on-black crime rates? Approxiamtely 8,000 blacks are murdered annually, and other blacks commit 93 percent of these murders. In Chicago alone, more than 200 blacks have been murdered so far this year. Where is the outrage over that? Where is the outrage over illegal aliens Mexicans murdering blacks as part of their initiation into violent gangs?
Blacks I’ve observed doing on-air interviews, etc. are upset that George Zimmerman was acquitted. But it is not the George Zimmermans who take a person’s life in self-defense whom they should fear – it is the gang-bangers and hoodlums on the streets who are killing one another with reckless abandon because someone wore the wrong color shirt in their neighborhood. Blacks need not fear the George Zimmermans who justifiably protect themselves; blacks need fear having their children playing in front of their residence when a car drives by and sprays bullets at the building.
How in the name of sanity can those that are claiming injustice pursuant to George Zimmerman sit silent about all of the other atrocities blacks are inflicting upon themselves?
Have inculcated immiseration, victimology and self-segregation so blinded blacks that they are unable to see the truth? Or is it that they are so given over to antipathy that they refuse to see the truth?
Monday, July 22, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Zimmerman speech Obama should have given
Zimmerman speech Obama should have given
Exclusive: Matt Barber has BHO apologizing for 'If I had a son' comment
Matt Barber About | Email | Archive
My fellow Americans:
I am your humble servant. You have entrusted me with the tremendous honor and responsibility to serve you as president. I am not president of black America, Hispanic America or white America. I am not president of liberal America or conservative America. I am president of the United States of America.
We were each created equal by a God of forgiveness. It is now time that we do as He commands; that we forgive one another as we are forgiven and that we come together, once and for all, as one America.
With this goal in mind, I ask that every American join me in praying for the family of Trayvon Martin. No parent should have to bury a child. I also ask that you join me in prayer for George Zimmerman and his family. This tragedy has taken an unimaginable toll on both families. Finally, I ask that you join me in praying for national calm and racial reconciliation.
Today I will share with you certain truths that may be difficult for some to hear. But truths they remain.
First among these truths: The death of Trayvon Martin was a horrible tragedy.
But not all tragedies are crimes.
This case should never have gone to trial. Probable cause for charges of second-degree murder did not exist. Unfortunately, it has become evident that charges were filed based upon a purely political calculus, rather than upon the legal merits of the case. This is legal malpractice, and those responsible should be held accountable.
Before charges were even filed I publicly and inappropriately said: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” This was irresponsible of me. It was a politically motivated abuse of the presidential bully pulpit. It presumed Mr. Zimmerman guilty until proven innocent. The implication was racially charged and cynical. To the extent that I may have contributed to the spurious filing of charges, I apologize to Florida. I also apologize to George Zimmerman, his family and the American people.
Nevertheless, the trial did go forward and, after 20 days in court and 16 hours of thoughtful deliberation, a jury of George Zimmerman’s peers ultimately found him not guilty. Whether or not we agree, this is our criminal justice system and the system worked as designed.
Justice was served.
Although none of us were there – and few can know for sure – the not guilty verdict indicates that the jury found, based upon the weight of the evidence, that this tragic shooting was, in fact, legally justified on self-defense grounds. This is true whether or not George overreacted by following Trayvon in the first place. Florida’s “stand-your-ground” law was never even triggered.
The jury further found, by all accounts, that at some point during their interaction, Mr. Martin turned, pursued and attacked Mr. Zimmerman without legal provocation. This decision ultimately cost him his life.
How does this make sense? How could this have justified the shooting? Although initially unarmed, witness accounts and forensic evidence suggest that Trayvon punched Mr. Zimmerman, jumped on him and began slamming the back of his head into the concrete sidewalk while allegedly proclaiming, “You gonna die tonight, [expletive].” At this point the sidewalk became a deadly weapon. From this, any reasonable person could conclude that George Zimmerman feared for his life and, therefore, took defensive action.
A needless tragedy? Yes.
A crime? No.
Here is another truth: This case is neither now, nor has it ever been about race. That is, it wasn’t about race until I and others made it so.
There are those who, under the guise of “civil-rights advocacy,” have a tarnished history of exploiting this and other such tragedies for their own political and financial purposes. This is race-profiteering. It is shameless, dishonest and never productive. For the good of our nation, it needs to stop.
Furthermore, much of the media are likewise to blame. It is clear that, for whatever reason –ratings, perhaps – many journalists chose to intentionally fan the flames of racial discord. NBC even went so far as to splice and edit the recording of Mr. Zimmerman’s 911 call to make him sound racist. This may well be defamation per se, and NBC should be held to account.
In reality, the overwhelming evidence indicates that Mr. Zimmerman is anything but racist. He is just as much a “person of color” as am I. He is Hispanic, not white as the media narrative goes. George is half Hispanic, just as I am half black. He is no more a “white Hispanic” than am I a “white black.” This is the theater of the absurd. It’s but another example of the media’s disingenuous bid to sensationalize this case as a white-vs.-black civil-rights clash.
It is not.
In reality, George Zimmerman’s past strongly suggests that he is utterly color blind. He once went to bat for a black homeless man against the police department he desperately hoped to join. He also has a history of mentoring black children, has dated black women, has black relatives and is a registered Democrat who voted for me – the first black president in American history. Finally, an extensive FBI investigation determined that Mr. Zimmerman is simply “not a racist.”
I understand that many people are very upset over this verdict. I sympathize with them. My heart also breaks for Trayvon’s family. Still, we are a nation of laws, not a nation of mob rule. Make no mistake, threats to George Zimmerman’s safety and civil rights will not be tolerated and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Moreover, I have instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to cease and desist in all efforts to manufacture federal civil-rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman. There is simply no case and to pursue one would actually violate Mr. Zimmerman’s civil rights.
Let’s get back on track. Let’s return to Dr. King’s dream of an America in which people are “judged by the content of their character,” and not “by the color of their skin.”
It’s time to move on. It’s time to heal. It’s time to come together as “One Nation Under God”.
God bless you.
And God bless America.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Hate Crimes You Don't Hear About
Hate Crimes You Don’t Hear About
The Hate Crimes You Don’t Hear About
by Russ Kick
Because these hate crimes were perpetrated by black against whites — even though they were based completely on racial hatred — the national media, politicians, and civil rights leaders ignored them.
If these acts of savagery had indeed happened as I originally described them above, you would have heard about them. But because they were perpetrated by blacks against whites — even though they were based completely on racial hatred — the national media, politicians, and civil rights leaders ignored them. As opposed to the deaths of Yusef Hawkins and James Byrd, these deaths are only reported in the local media. And even then, the races of the people involved are often not mentioned.
Below are some more hate crimes that have been ignored because they happened the “wrong way” (i.e., they were black-on-white instead of white-on-black).
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.3
- Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.4
- Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.5
- Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.6
- North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7
- North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”8
- Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had never had intercourse with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one. When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men gang raped her in their minivan for two hours. At their trial, “Detectives described the woman’s night of terror, including repeated threats to kill her.“The woman leaped out of the minivan after one of the men raped her. Naked, she sprinted across Lefthand Canyon Road before Steve Yang tackled her, authorities said.“‘They were all screaming at her, calling her names and hitting her,’ Detective Jane Harmer testified.“Yang put her in a headlock and dragged her back into the van, where she was raped repeatedly, Harmer said.“‘It was a free-for-all,’ Harmer testified.“One man threatened to ‘cut and burn her,’ and another put a gun barrel to the back of her head when they released her, Harmer said.”9
- Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.10
- New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.11
- Alexandria, Virginia. A black man walking through a neighborhood went over to a white eight-year-old boy playing in his great-grandparents’ front yard and slit the child’s throat, killing him. A witness says that the attacker shouted racial epithets during the attack, and the main suspect in the case owns anti-white hate literature and had written a note about killing white children. He had been previously arrested for attacking an unarmed white stranger with a hammer. (During the attack, he called his victim “Whitey.”)12 This particular case provides a perfect example of the terrible way that anti-white hate crimes are handled. First, the investigators decided not to tell police officers about the racial aspects of the case, even while the police were conducting a manhunt to find the boy’s killer. When this was revealed by the Washington Post, city council member Joyce Woodson defended this withholding of information from the cops on the front line. “What they did was proper. We already live in a racially charged world.” The Democratic mayor of Alexandria implied his agreement: “Efforts to sensationalize this investigation will only hurt this investigation.”13To make things even stranger, the FBI offered to send agents and a fugitive task force to help with the manhunt, but the local police rejected the offer. They also refused the help of the FBI’s profilers, forensics experts, and others.14Eventually, the police arrested a suspect who was reportedly tied to the scene by DNA evidence. In another bizarre move, the Justice Department — which had acknowledged that it was monitoring the case — declined to prosecute the killing as a hate crime. The government’s prosecutor in the case cannot charge the victim with a hate crime. “There’s no applicable hate crimes law in Virginia,” he explained.15An editorial in the Washington Times pointedly commented on the deafening silence surrounding the brutal child-murder: “Has anyone seen Jesse Jackson around lately? Kweisi Mfume? Al Sharpton? For persons whose political antennae are ordinarily so sensitive that they can pick up racial tremors a thousand miles away, they seem to have overlooked a possible hate crime right here in the vicinity of the nation’s capital.”Even though all of the above incidents occurred in the last ten years, anti-white hate crimes are not new. The Village Voice writes of “the wave of random street killings that terrorized San Francisco in 1973. The ‘Zebra killers’ struck without warning, murdering whites at night. Most victims were shot. One was raped, another beheaded. Four young black Muslims were arrested in 1974 and charged with 14 murders, seven assaults, one rape, and an attempted kidnapping. The Zebra killers were convicted in 1976.”16
Despite the fact that physical evidence, eye witnesses, and video-taped confessions by the attackers in their parents’ presence all pointed to the young men’s guilt, protestors outside the courtroom referred to the trial as a “lynching.”
The assault was officially declared not to be a hate crime, and some influential black media and commentators — including Al Sharpton and two of New York’s African-American newspapers — declared that prosecuting the attackers was an act of racism. Some even questioned whether the attack really happened. Despite the fact that physical evidence, eyewitnesses, and videotaped confessions by the attackers in their parents’ presence all pointed to the young men’s guilt, protestors outside the courtroom referred to the trial as a “lynching.”18
Four years later, a black man named Colin Ferguson opened fire inside a commuter train in Long Island. Six people died and nineteen were injured. “Police recovered from Ferguson’s pocket a handwritten note titled, ‘Reasons for This.’ It expressed hatred towards whites, Asians, and ‘Uncle Tom blacks,’ and stated that Nassau County, Long Island was chosen as ‘the venue’ because of its predominantly white population.”19 How did politicians and commentators respond to this racially motivated bloodbath? President Clinton ignored the racial aspects, instead using the incident as an excuse to once again call for tighter gun control laws. Commentators either denied that it was a hate crime or admitted that it was but then tied themselves in knots to explain it away. The Dallas Morning News interviewed a sociologist who “conceded that Ferguson picked his victims on the basis of race, but did not think this justified the hate crime label.”20
A scholarly book on hate crimes (discussed more below) notes: “When the Reverend Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, mentioned Colin Ferguson, the Long Island Railroad mass murderer, at a rally in New York City, the audience cheered. In a speech before an audience of 2,000 at Howard University, Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Muhammed drew loud applause when he stated, ‘I love Colin Ferguson, who killed all those white folks on the train.’”21
The loudly promoted “hate crime epidemic” in America is an illusion.
Jacobs and Potter examine many of the myths and problems surrounding the idea of hate crimes, showing, among other things, that the loudly promoted “hate crime epidemic” in America is an illusion. Hate crimes have never been more than a tiny fraction of overall violent crime, and the numbers have actually been holding steady or decreasing in recent years.22
The authors also reveal the surprising statistics regarding interracial crime. It turns out that 80 percent of violent crimes involve an attacker and victim of the same race. “For the 20 percent of violent crimes that are interracial, 15 percent involve black offenders and white victims; 2 percent involve white offenders and black victims; and 3 percent involve other combinations.”23
These statistics include all instances of interracial violent crime, not just those labeled “hate crimes.” To see the rates of anti-white and anti-black violence that have been categorized as hate crimes, one only needs to take a cursory look at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports specifically on hate crime to see that blacks commit them at a higher rate than whites.24
According to the US Census Bureau’s most recent projection (for Sept. 1, 2000), 82.2 percent of the US population is white, while 12.8 percent is black. If Hispanics are excluded from both counts, then the numbers are 71.4 percent white and 12.2 percent black.25
In the most recent year for which FBI data are available (1998), we see that there were 2,084 anti-black hate crimes committed by whites, and 567 anti-white hate crimes committed by blacks. Though the absolute number of anti-black crimes is 3.6 times as high as anti-white crimes, keep in mind that there are almost six times as many whites as blacks in the US. To get a true picture, we need to look at the proportional rates.
Eighty percent of violent crimes involve an attacker and victim of the same race.
If we divide each population by the number of crimes committed by individuals in that population, we see that there was one anti-black attack for every 94,436 white people, but one anti-white attack for every 59,172 black people. Thus, the rate of black-perpetrated hate crimes against whites is approximately 1.6 times higher than the rate of white-perpetrated hate crimes against blacks.
Looking at hate crimes involving death and rape tells an even starker story. In 1998 five white people were killed in hate crimes, while three black people were killed in the same period. During that year, four women of each race were raped as a result of racial hatred. If these incidents were occurring between the races at equal rates based on their populations, we’d expect to see six times as many blacks killed and raped by whites as the opposite. Yet we see an equal number of rapes and almost twice as many anti-white slayings.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Holder, Obama: Sharpton-style race-baiting criminals
Holder, Obama: Sharpton-style race-baiting criminals
Exclusive: Joseph Farah flays trio for exploiting Trayvon Martin case
I don’t know how to say this more delicately.
Now that we know Barack Obama’s Justice Department, under the direction of Eric Holder, paid for trips to Florida by race-baiting hater Al Sharpton, with the express purpose of influencing the trial of George Zimmerman by striking fear into the jury pool about race riots in the event of his acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin, there’s simply no other way to put it.
Holder and Obama are Sharpton-style race-baiting criminals.
If what has transpired thus far does not get Congress to act in a real investigation of laws that were broken, then we don’t have a Congress with the cojones to hold the executive branch accountable to the rule of law.
As it stands now, a man found not guilty of the wrongful death of Trayvon Martin, a Hispanic man who, ironically, voted for Obama, will never have a peaceful night’s sleep as hateful, vigilante-style celebrities and anti-American lawbreakers like the New Black Panther Party threaten his life openly and without consequences. Already, there have been widespread racial attacks on white citizens who had no role in the case whatsoever, with no end in sight and no condemnation by Obama and Holder.
It is as if Al Sharpton had been elected president in 2008 and 2012. Would the official racial polarization before and after this case have been any different?
Remember who Al Sharpton is – and what his history reveals about him. He has best been described as a “racial arsonist.”
A little history about this “reverend” who reverences only divisiveness, hatred and violence is in order.
Sharpton first rose to prominence in 1985 after Bernhard Goetz shot four African-American men on a New York subway train on Dec. 22, 1984, when they approached him and allegedly tried to rob him. Sharpton poured rhetorical gasoline on the case by claiming Goetz acted out of racism. At his trial Goetz was cleared of all charges except criminal possession of a weapon.
But Sharpton didn’t apologize – or even let the matter go following adjudication. Instead he led marches protesting what he saw as the weak prosecution of the case. He demanded a federal investigation. Once again, the federal investigation found no evidence of racism in the act of self-defense.
But Sharpton had found fame and fortune and a new line of work – professional race-hustling.
On Nov. 28, 1987, Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl, was found smeared with feces, lying in a garbage bag, her clothing torn and burned and with various slurs and epithets written on her body in charcoal. Brawley claimed she had been assaulted and raped by six white men, some of them police officers, in the town of Wappinger, N.Y.
Sharpton didn’t bother to examine the evidence. He even went so far as to accuse Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape.
But a grand jury spent seven months examining police and medical records, finding “overwhelming evidence” Brawley fabricated her story. Sharpton and attorneys for Brawley were successfully sued for defamation. But another race hustler, Johnnie Cochran of O.J. Simpson fame, paid Sharpton’s bill.
Sharpton never paid a price. His media fame only grew. He ran unsuccessfully for president, and the media treated him like a credible candidate.
And now he is exploiting the Trayvon Martin case in the same way.
It’s despicable.
But what’s worse is the role played by Obama and Holder – who actually paid for Sharpton to perform his racial histrionics leading up to the Zimmerman trial.
They are all “racial arsonists.”
If more innocent blood is spilled, it will be on their consciences – if they have any.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Look who got caught stoking the embers..!
Obama Official Caught On Tape Pushing For Legal Action Against Zimmerman
BREAKING: Audio was released today, in which an official from Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) tried to convince Sanford, FL city officials to pursue legal action against George Zimmerman.
In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, Zimmerman is accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, a black teenager. Zimmerman says he shot the teen in self defense.
The audio was released by Judicial Watch. The DOJ official urges Sanford city officials and Dream Defenders (a minority advocacy group) to aggressively pursue legal action against Zimmerman because “if a community perceives that there’s something wrong in the black community, there’s something wrong.”
(Read more: GOP Congressman Suing The Obama Administration)
Thomas Battles, the regional director of the DOJ’s Community Relations Service, was recorded during a meeting at the Shiloh Church in April, 2012. He said, “CRS is an arm of the department that we call the Peacemakers. We work with communities where there is real or perceived racial tensions.
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“When Trayvon happened, for many of us, it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. We had grown up in a state and environment where race is a way of life … We’re not from Sanford, but what Sanford represented to us was the very real problems going around this state and this country. We wanted to figure out how could we stand in solidarity, and how could we make this about not just justice for Trayvon, but using this moment and using the opportunity to honor his memory, to honor his spirit by working to bring down the various structures and the various systems that allow something like this to happen.”
It is almost unimaginable that the federal government would interfere in a criminal case in this manner. At the same time, given the abysmal track record of the Obama Administration, it is not hard to believe.
The Obama Administration must be held accountable for this — but I won’t hold my breath.
Your thoughts? Let us know below
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Shut it down, Mr. President
Shut it down, Mr. President
Pat Buchanan urges Obama to 'halt this scavenger hunt for a hate crime'
Published: 4 hours ago
Trayvon Martin was an unarmed teenager walking home from a convenience store with Skittles and iced tea, when he was shot to death by a racist, profiling wannabe cop named George Zimmerman.
In the Big Media, which has relentlessly sought out the voices of those most incensed by the verdict in Sanford, Fla., that is how the Saga of Trayvon Martin is being told. And from listening to TV reports of the rage across black America, that is what is widely believed there.
But is that what happened? Well, not exactly.
Trayvon Martin was not shot while walking home.
He was shot after sucker-punching George Zimmerman, breaking his nose, knocking him down, jumping on top of him, beating him martial arts style and banging his head on a concrete walk, while Zimmerman screamed again and again, “Help me, help me.”
This is what George Zimmerman said happened.
It is what the sole eyewitness to the fight, John Good, says happened. It is what Sanford police believed.
It is what the defense proved beyond a reasonable doubt. It is what that jury of six women came to believe.
Why, then, do so many in the black community believe Trayvon was profiled and murdered, when even most of the analysts on the cable news shows were saying in the last days of the trial that the prosecution had failed completely to make its case?
Answer: Many had convicted George Zimmerman in their hearts before the trial began. Here, as this writer noted a year ago, are some of the voices that had declared Zimmerman guilty of murder before a witness had been called.
“Blacks are under attack,” railed Jesse Jackson. “Killing us is big business.” Trayvon was “shot down in cold blood by a vigilante … murdered and martyred.”
“A hate crime,” said Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said Trayvon had been “executed.”
The Grio compared his killing to the lynching of Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955. The New Black Panther Party put Zimmerman’s face on a “Wanted Dead or Alive” poster, called for 5,000 black men to run him down and said Trayvon had been “murdered in cold blood.”
Spike Lee twittered Zimmerman’s home address.
And President Obama? Did he calm the waters? Hardly. He signaled whose side he was on. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” he said.
Not only did they all inflame the black community into believing a racist atrocity had occurred, others still do so, even after the weeks of testimony that raised far more than a reasonable doubt.
Moments after the verdict, Al Sharpton ranted, “This is an atrocity.” He went on to explain the moral outrage that the ladies of the jury had just committed.
“What this jury has done is establish a precedent that when you are young and fit a certain profile, you can be committing no crime, just bringing some Skittles and iced tea home to your brother, and be killed.”
Did the ladies of the jury really establish such a “precedent”?
The four-term mayor of Washington, D.C., Marion Barry, has now brought his healing touch to the proceedings.
The Zimmerman verdict was “awful,” he said, another example of “institutionalized racism.” But look to Marion to find a bright side.
“The good news is that Zimmerman will never be in peace. He won’t be able to get a job. He’ll have to go underground, travel incognito and never live in peace. That’s the good news for me.” Now a comment like that might befit a James Earl Ray. But George Zimmerman? Who turned this neighborhood watch fellow, well-liked by all in his community, into some racist monster?
The night of the verdict, Mark O’Mara gave America the answer.
George “didn’t know why he was turned into a monster,” O’Mara told the assembled journalists. “But quite honestly, you guys had a lot to do with it. You took a story that was fed to you, and you ran with it, and you ran right over him, and that was horrid to him.”
Like his partner, Don West, O’Mara exhibited moral courage in that post-verdict press conference, as did that jury of six women, who rejected the defense’s pleas to at least give them manslaughter or child abuse.
President Obama might now exhibit a little moral courage of his own, by directing his Justice Department to halt this scavenger hunt for a “hate crime.” If Sanford police and the FBI could not find a hate crime, and the prosecution could not prove racial profiling or malice, what reason is there to believe any such motive ever existed?
If Barack Obama and Eric Holder capitulate to Al Sharpton’s demand for “Plan B” and the NAACP’s demand for a second trial of George Zimmerman for a crime of which he has been acquitted, most Americans will come to believe this is no search for justice, but a drive for racial retribution and revenge. And they will be right.
End this persecution of George Zimmerman, Mr. President.
Shut it down NOW.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Not guilty � beyond reasonable doubt
Not guilty – beyond reasonable doubt
Pat Buchanan offers reasons George Zimmerman should be freed
Patrick J. Buchanan About | Email | Archive
For George Zimmerman’s defense has proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he shot Trayvon Martin not out of malice, rage or hate – but in a desperate act of self-defense.
Even the prosecution is now conceding Trayvon might have been on top and is now scrambling for a compromise verdict on a lesser charge than second-degree murder, a charge that never should have been brought. Indeed, this trial should never have been held.
What we have witnessed in Sanford, Fla., is the prosecution of an innocent man for murder because the politically and socially powerful demanded it.
That Trayvon is dead is a tragedy, and an avoidable tragedy. But it was not murder. And it does not justify railroading a man who, whatever his mistakes that night – and George Zimmerman made them – committed no crime.
The case comes down to four questions. And the answers, supported by the evidence, testimony and common sense, point straight to an acquittal.
First, who was the aggressor?
All agree it would have been better if Zimmerman had never left his car or followed Trayvon that night.
Yet, ask yourself:
Would a pudgy, out-of-shape 28-year-old with a gun facing a 17-year-old athletic kid, 4 inches taller, with a longer reach, throw a punch and start a fistfight with him?
If Zimmerman threw the first punch, what would be his motive? If you have a gun and your adversary does not, is not the sensible stance to keep your distance so you can be free to pull the gun? Who armed with a pistol starts a fistfight with a suspicious stranger?
Moreover, Trayvon’s body showed no signs of having ever been punched, while George’s nose looks like he was sucker-punched.
Second, who was on top in those final moments of the fight?
If Zimmerman was on top and Trayvon was on his back, Trayvon would have been found on his back. He was found dead on his stomach.
If Zimmerman was on top and Trayvon was on his stomach, he would have been shot in the back. He was shot in the chest.
How could Trayvon have been found lying on his face, with a bullet hole in his chest, if Zimmerman was sitting on top of him? Only if George Zimmerman, after shooting Trayvon, would have turned him over as he lay dying. No one has even suggested that.
Why was the back of Zimmerman’s jacket soaking wet, and the back of Trayvon’s dry, if Trayvon was on the bottom? Why were the knees of Trayvon’s pants wet, if he was on the bottom?
Third, who was screaming for help?
His mother, brother and father say it was Trayvon. George’s mother, father and half a dozen friends say it is George’s voice on the tape, screaming for help.
Trayvon’s father and brother apparently told investigators initially that the voice was not Trayvon’s, or they did not know. And the eyewitness John Good says the guy on the bottom in the red jacket, George Zimmerman, was the one screaming.
But, again, let us assume it was Trayvon screaming.
Why would he be screaming? If he was being beaten up martial arts style on the ground, would Trayvon not have had cuts and bruises?
What, exactly, was George Zimmerman doing to this 17-year-old football player that he should be screaming for help?
Where is the physical evidence that Trayvon had been hurt in any way before he was shot? Is screaming how a tough 17-year-old male reacts in a fistfight, even one he is losing?
Trayvon was a stranger in that neighborhood, and George was the neighborhood watch guy. Which of the two is more likely to be yelling for help from the neighbors?
Fourth, was the use of a firearm justified, even if Zimmerman was losing the fight and being beaten up?
Were his injuries that serious? Was he really is danger of grave bodily harm?
Experts disagree. But the real question is: What did Zimmerman think at the time? And judging by those piercing screams, was not that screaming man frightened, even terrified?
Trayvon’s parents think these were the desperate cries for help of a son about to be killed. But if they were Zimmerman’s cries, could George not have had those same thoughts?
George Zimmerman should have informed Trayvon he was the neighborhood watch. Trayvon should not have pummeled him. Both made mistakes. One is dead. To send the other to prison for what happened that night would be an act of vengeance, not justice, an invocation of the old lex talionis – an eye for an eye.
That’s not what America is supposed to be about.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Will Congress rescue disappearing Constitution?
Will Congress rescue disappearing Constitution?
Nat Hentoff wants Barack Obama in witness chair at hearings on government spying
Nat Hentoff About | Email | Archive
Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon who is a member of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, is joining with Colorado Democrat Sen. Mark Udall to “introduce legislation that would limit the federal government’s ability to collect data on Americans without a demonstrated link to terrorism or espionage” (“Udall, Wyden Propose Limiting the Federal Government’s Ability to Collect Vast Amounts of Data on Americans,”, June 14).
Furthermore, Wyden is insisting on public hearings because, as he said last month, “the American people have the right to expect straight answers from the intelligence leadership to the questions asked by their representatives” (“Sen. Wyden: Clapper didn’t give ‘straight answer’ on NSA programs,” Aaron Blake, The Washington Post, June 11).
But why stop there? Barack Obama should be in the witness chair as well.
And there is also a strong bipartisan drive to reopen the Patriot Act, which was passed in a panic by Congress soon after 9/11. The law became a primary source of the subsequent dismembering of the Constitution through its approval of secret surveillance.
Udall gets to the American Revolutionary core of his and Wyden’s legislative mission: “The NSA’s collection of millions of Americans’ phone call records is the type of overreach I have warned about for years. …
“We need to protect our national security, but we cannot lose sight of our constitutional liberties and the privacy rights of Americans” (“Support Builds for Udall, Wyden Proposal to Limit the Federal Government’s Ability to Collect Vast Amounts of Data on Americans,”, June 18).
Also aiming at the Patriot Act is a multi-dimensional lawsuit by the ACLU and the New York Civil Liberties Union attacking the shadowy Obama administration’s omnivorous surveillance program as violating “the First Amendment rights of free speech and association as well as the right of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment” (“ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of NSA Phone Spying Program,”, June 11).
Exposing the dictatorial side of Obama is Alex Abdo, a staff attorney in the ACLU’s National Security Project: “The Constitution does not permit the suspicionless surveillance of every person in the country.”
Unknown to most Americans, Congress’ 2011 extension of the Patriot Act for four more years deepened its spying powers on us with the cooperation of the mysterious FISA Court. From the American Bar Association’s Patriot Debates website (a sourceblog for the USA Patriot debate):
“Section 215 (of the Patriot Act) revises substantially the authority under the FISA for seizure of business records, including third-party records of individuals’ transactions and activities. Previously, FISA Section 501 permitted the FBI to apply to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for an order to seize business records of hotels, motels, car and truck rental agencies, and storage rental facilities.
“Section 215 broadens that authority by eliminating any limitation on the types or businesses or entities whose records may be seized.
“In addition, the section expands the scope of the items that the FBI may obtain using this authority from ‘records’ to ‘any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents and other items).’”
And since this is no longer America:
“The recipient of the order may not disclose the fact that the FBI has sought or obtained records.”
Furthermore, “There is no requirement for an evidentiary or factual showing and the judge has little discretion in reviewing an application (from the FBI).”
Have any of you learned about that in any school you have attended? Courses in our schools should be given on how our American identity has been stolen from us. Students should be taught how to make sure the tactics of President Obama don’t carry over to the next administration, no matter its political affiliation.
In the meantime, I shall keep reporting on how effective these and other legislative actions are at restoring the rule of American law. I will also continue to focus on a part of American education that has received too little attention: students not only learning about and identifying with American history, but also becoming actively involved in decision-making in their schools as well as in their neighborhoods, cities, states and country.
In my book, “Living the Bill of Rights” (University of California Press), I bring forth patriot educator John A. Howard:
“We have in the U.S. produced several generations of cultural orphans – who have little knowledge and even less appreciation of their heritage of freedom, or the sacrifices which produced it. We have been engaged in a kind of unilateral disarmament, which could well prove more devastating to the cause of liberty than would be the destruction of our defense arsenals.”
That’s how Barack Obama got re-elected.
My main job now is to focus on how we can keep future Obamas out of the Oval Office. And that, of course, is your job, too, as committed Americans.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Greatest political opportunity of a lifetime
Greatest political opportunity of a lifetime
Exclusive: Joseph Farah offers plan to return U.S. to constitutionally limited government
Joseph Farah About | Email | Archive
Are you ready to get radical to preserve American liberty?
Are you ready to think and act outside the box to return America to constitutionally limited government?
Are you ready to join a grass-roots political movement to return America to the lost principle of constitutionally limited government – a goal we’re losing ground on every day in Barack Obama’s America?
If so, we must we must understand that Obama and the Democratic Party cannot continue to grow government without the total complicity of the Republican Party.
Obama and the Democrats don’t make any excuses for wanting unlimited government.
Republicans do. Republicans claim to support constitutionally limited government. In fact, few if any Republicans would ever be elected to office if they didn’t at least pay lip service to the strict limits the Constitution places on the federal government.
So how do we use this critical philosophical difference between the two parties to put the Republicans to the ultimate test? If they pass this test, Washington returns overnight to something resembling constitutionally limited government. If they fail, America at least will know that Republicans are not true to their word, not serious about liberty, and we can build a third party that does or start organizing the revolution.
Fair enough?
Here’s the plan to do this starting right now with a target completion date of the first quarter of 2015.
It’s called the No More Red Ink campaign.
Republicans say they don’t like Obamacare. They say they don’t like entitlement programs. They don’t like wealth redistribution schemes. They say they don’t like out-of-control spending. They say they like constitutionally limited government.
But here’s the dirty little secret in Washington: Republicans, even with control of only one house of Congress, have the absolute power to stop all of these abuses and more with one negative vote. Republicans in the House alone can do this. They have the power to return us to something resembling constitutionally limited government – overnight! They have had opportunities to do it in the past, and they will have more opportunities to do it again in the very near future.
They could kill Obamacare. They could kill unnecessary and unconstitutional Cabinet-level departments like Education. They could kill the EPA. They could kill taxpayer subsidies for state-controlled media like PBS and NPR. They could kill all foreign aid. They could kill taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood. They could kill thousands of wasteful and counterproductive programs and much, much more simply by refusing to approve any more raises in the debt limit.
They don’t need to bargain with Obama. They don’t need to make deals with Harry Reid. They don’t need to plead with Nancy Pelosi. They simply have to say no the next time a debt-limit hike comes before them.
In fact, House Republicans could do it without even all the Republican votes in the House. They could do it with only 218 of the 234 votes they control.
Could that happen? How could we force the issue? How could we let John Boehner know that his job as speaker of the House depends on it?
That’s where the No More Red Ink campaign comes in.
To date, this campaign has generated 1.5 million red letters to House Republicans urging them to live up to their own rhetoric and use the political nuclear weapon they have at their disposal. They can’t overturn Obamacare without help from the Senate and a signature from Obama. But they can defund it.
By freezing any more outrageous borrowing, they can force Washington to live within its means and cut more than $1 trillion annually from federal spending.
I figure it will take about 10 million letters to do this before the next debt limit vote sometime this fall.
Is that possible?
Absolutely. Here are some polling facts in round numbers:
- 80 percent of Republican voters say they want to freeze borrowing.
- 70 percent of independent voters say they want to freeze borrowing.
- 60 percent of Democrats say they want to freeze borrowing.
In other words, we’ve got the people on our side. We’ve got the wind to our backs. We’ve got a mechanism in place to flood House Republicans with a message that will instill panic in them. And we start with more than 10 percent of the House Republicans already committed to voting no. We just need to convince most of the rest that their very future in Washington depends on voting correctly on this one issue.
Now let’s talk practical politics here for a moment.
What is the main obstacle to getting this done?
In the 1990s, Newt Gingrich did something like this as House speaker, and Bill Clinton, with media help, turned it around on him. That’s been the fear ever since by the Republican establishment.
Obama has gone even further. What did he do pre-emptively when faced with the possibility his illegal and immoral spending would be dried up?
- He threatened to cut Social Security checks.
- He threatened not to pay military retirees.
- He threatened not pay soldiers and sailors on active duty.
- He threatened to gut spending on anything and everything Americans care about.
- He even threatened not to pay interest on the massive debt he has already incurred, leading to a default.
Notice he did not threaten to abandon Obamacare. He knows Americans don’t want it!
Notice he did not threaten to threaten to stop paying for food stamps. He knows Americans don’t want it!
Notice he did not threaten to gut foreign aid. He knows Americans don’t want it!
All Republicans need to do is show Americans the transparent strategy Obama is employing here.
The federal government could provide all of its vital and constitutional duties and service the interest on the debt with the $1.6 trillion in revenues it actually receives every year – with no borrowing.
It’s time for Republicans to look at the polls, explain that endless borrowing is unsustainable and immoral. It’s time to be bold. If they don’t listen, we know with certainty Republicans are nothing more than enablers of monstrous, bloated, unconstitutional, unlimited government – clearly part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Believe me, I understand that most Republicans will need to be dragged kicking and screaming to this conclusion.
But the debt now stands at nearly $17.5 trillion.
Do you want your kids, your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren saddled with that kind of obligation?
Do you agree that in order to get out of a hole like this you’ve first got to stop digging?
Have you had it with business as usual in Washington?
Are you willing to get radical and stop listening to the state-run media about what’s possible and what’s not?
The debt is a terrible thing. Most of us recognize that. But what most of us don’t recognize is that it represents a political opportunity of enormous potential. How many chances do we have to bring America back to constitutionally limited government with one negative vote by one house of Congress?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Americans to follow Egypt's lead?
Americans to follow Egypt's lead?
Exclusive: Larry Klayman on possibility of U.S. military removing 'treasonous' president
Larry Klayman About | Email | Archive
“We are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian armed forces to remove President Morsi.”
– President Barack Hussein Obama
Yes, we bet you are.!
This pronouncement by Barack Hussein Obama comes as no surprise. He is a closet religious Muslim through and through, as his actions and deeds over the last several years since he defrauded the American people into voting for him for president (as he is not a natural born citizen as required by our own Constitution) speak for themselves. Having furthered the ouster of former secular Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 – a U.S. and Israeli ally – paving the way for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood to take control of this largest Arab state, it is no wonder Obama feels a kinship with now deposed President Mohammed Morsi. How else can one explain this statement issued by the White House just before Morsi and his Shariah-loving Muslim Brotherhood were removed from office on July 3, ironically just one day before America’s own Independence Day:
“President Obama called President Morsi … to convey his concerns about the recent developments in Egypt. The president told President Morsi that the United States is committed to the democratic process in Egypt and does not support any single party or group.”
Of course Obama is committed to the democratic process in Egypt, as it was this so-called democratic process that put the “mullah in chief’s” fellow religious Muslims in power there. Ironically, although Obama publicly supported Morsi’s remaining in power under the guise of “the democratic process,” shortly after Morsi’s ouster, the Arab League, led by none other than oil-rich and influentially powerful Saudi Arabia, hailed the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood as a great event. So here you have it: The president of the United States seeks to prop up Morsi and his terrorist comrades in Egypt, while the majority of other “mainstream” Arab states, recognizing the threat of radical Islam to the region and their own regimes’ stability, are content that Egypt has now purged itself of this extremist Muslim scourge. If this is not proof positive of the American president’s own intentions to further an Islamic revolution in the Middle East and elsewhere, then fat dogs don’t pass wind, to put it most diplomatically.
That being said, the American people and the rest of the Western world should be rejoicing today. The people of Egypt have risen up valiantly and removed one of the biggest cancers in the Middle East – the Muslim Brotherhood. They did so by organizing mass demonstrations in the heart of Egypt’s capital, Cairo. The Egyptian people had the guts to do what thus far in this country we have not seen fit to do – demand the removal of a president who furthers his own subversive agendas at the expense of the people, most recently siccing the Internal Revenue Service and National Security Agency on the masses to keep them down and silent as he proceeds to refashion the nation through intimidation and threat, in his own Muslim, socialist image.
But President Obama is not only pushing the American people to the limit; he, like Morsi before his downfall, also has been playing with fire among the military. Indeed, to avoid violent revolution, it was the Egyptian military that removed Morsi to further the will of the Egyptian people who did not want to see their nation enslaved under Muslim Shariah law.
As many of you have been following, I represent the families of the Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes who tragically were shot down in a Chinook helicopter by the Taliban in retaliation shortly after Obama and his minions, to further his re-election in 2012, released classified information about this elite special ops force having been responsible for the assassination of master terrorist Osama bin Laden. In the course of my representation, it has become apparent that the U.S. military’s rules of engagement in the Afghanistan theater have been severely corrupted by our “Muslim” president, such that our brave servicemen are not allowed to engage in pre-assault fire and must wait to be fired upon by Muslim insurgents before they are permitted to fire back. It is thus no wonder that many more GIs have been lost, per capita, during the reign of Commander in Chief Obama in four years than occurred during the entire eight-year tenure of former President George W. Bush.
At a press conference we put on in support of these Navy SEAL Team 6 families at the National Press Club on May 9 of this year (see for link to video), five prestigious retired admirals and generals of the U.S. military, including the former commander of the 6th Fleet, Adm. James Lyons, appeared to denounce the rules of “non-engagement” that put the lives of the enemy ahead of our armed forces. They were more than critical; they were incensed about Obama’s treasonous actions.
If this display by our most distinguished and honored American military heroes is any indication, given the state of affairs generally in this nation, which borders on total political, economic, moral and ethical collapse, is it inconceivable that one day the military in this country could rise up in support of not only the American people but themselves, and remove Obama and his radical Muslim, socialist comrades by whatever means prove necessary to preserve the republic?
This is not the scenario we would like to see, but like the Egyptians, when there is no other choice, anything is possible. Our Congress has shown no willingness to seriously confront Obama for his illegal and treasonous acts; the constitutional process of impeachment has never succeeded at removing a lawless and destructive president; and our judges have become the “yes-men and women” of the political establishment.
In this context, what occurred in Egypt this week might regrettably someday soon become a reality in our own nation. After all, on this anniversary of our greatest day, July 4, 1776, did not our Founding Fathers take matters into their own hands, when they threw off the slavish and evil yoke of King George III by rising up and using all God-given lawful means under the circumstances to further freedom?
Friday, July 5, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
What should be told at FreedomFest.
What I'll tell FreedomFest audience
Exclusive: Joseph Farah offers preview of Vegas speech on ending unconstitutional gov't
Next week I will have the opportunity to share with thousands of libertarian activists at FreedomFest in Las Vegas about America’s last chance to return to something resembling constitutionally limited government short of revolution.
It’s a simple plan. Doable. It will take the commitment of libertarians and conservatives. And, at the very least, it will determine once and for all whether the Republican Party will live up to its limited-government rhetoric or continue to enable Washington’s long march to unlimited government – otherwise known as tyranny.
The founders of America did not believe in direct taxation – for all the right reasons. But, back in 1913, Americans were sold a bill of goods called the income tax. At the time, proponents swore it would never be more than a 1 percent tax and would provide the means to institute all kinds of wonderful programs. Once the camel’s nose was under the tent, it didn’t take long for income taxes to skyrocket. Then came the socialist notion of a “progressive” tax. Soon, Washington insiders began spending money designed to empower themselves at the expense of the people and the constitutional limits on federal authority.
Still, Americans didn’t like high taxes. And Republicans especially found they couldn’t get elected by supporting tax increases. So a new mechanism for spending was found – one with virtually no accountability to the people.
Today, about 40 percent of federal government spending is with this kind of funny money – borrowed from banks and foreign countries. Now, thanks to this irresponsible, immoral policy, Washington has amassed nearly $17.5 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Periodically, Congress is asked to raise the limit on borrowing, and it seldom disappoints. It has been raised more than 100 times since 1960.
It’s politically tougher for Congress to raise taxes to support unlimited government than it is to simply raise the debt limit and borrow money to spend on unconstitutional programs.
It’s understandable why Democrats, mostly Keynesians who believe deficit spending stimulates the economy, would follow such a path blindly. But what about Republicans who at least give lip service to limits on government power and frequently condemn unchecked, unaccountable borrowing and spending?
That’s where my plan comes into play.
I’ve been promoting the “No More Red Ink” campaign since January 2011. It is designed to pressure House Republicans (and House Republicans alone) to freeze borrowing with a simple rejection of raising the debt limit. To date, it has been responsible for delivering to House Republicans more than 1.5 million red letters demanding they stop digging what is rapidly becoming a bottomless pit of debt.
With control of only one house of Congress, Republicans have held within their hands the power to return Washington to something resembling constitutionally limited government practically overnight – with one negative vote.
What would be the effect?
It would instantly require a reduction in federal spending of more than $1 trillion a year.
It would spell the end of the Obamacare nightmare.
It would spell the end of the unconstitutional and wasteful Department of Education.
It would spell the end of the job-killing Environmental Protection Agency.
It would spell the end of taxpayer subsidies for state propaganda through NPR and PBS.
It would spell the end of taxpayer subsidies for Planned Parenthood.
It might even require the dismantling of the National Security Agency and its spying on American citizens.
Worst case scenario, Republicans continue to enable Barack Obama’s spending priorities by giving him all the funny money he needs to “fundamentally transform America.”
I say it’s time to put Republicans to the ultimate test.
According to most polls, Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of freezing the debt cold turkey. Some 80 percent of Republican voters support it. About 70 percent of independent voters favor it. And a remarkable 60 percent of Democratic voters support it.
For purely mercenary reasons, if Republicans are looking for ways to expand their political base, taking a hard line on borrowing would seem to be the ticket.
The challenge is to launch a grass-roots movement that defies Democrats’ instincts and challenges Republicans to live up to their rhetoric.
If the outpouring is strong enough, I think Republicans, who have capitulated reluctantly to pressure against raising taxes, will reluctantly capitulate to these popular demands.
If not, we know where we stand. Constitutionally limited government is dead. And the two-party system is a hopeless sham.
Then we know it’s time for revolution.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What are the bounds of Obama's spying?
What are the bounds of Obama's spying?
Nat Hentoff slams 'lead betrayer' over data mining about which EU is sounding alarm
No citizen is immune to the ceaseless dragnet surveillance by Barack Obama’s administration.
Among the revelations of the president’s boundless surveillance, which also includes reporters’ phone records, is this report on how We the People thereby lose access to breaking news affecting our lives:
Pruitt, whose speech at the National Press Club was covered by Politico’s Weinger, said “the chilling effect is not just at AP, it’s happening at other news organizations as well. Journalists from other news organizations have personally told me it has intimidated sources from speaking to them.
“Now, the government may love this. I suspect they do. But beware the government that loves secrecy too much.”
Meanwhile, more attention is being paid here to increasing anger among our European allies to the scope and depth of Obama’s spying as revealed by Edward Snowden to Glenn Greenwald in the Guardian.
For example, Agence France-Presse recently reported: “The EU has warned President Barack Obama’s administration of ‘grave adverse consequences’ to the rights of European citizens from a huge U.S. Internet surveillance program, officials said” (“EU warns U.S. of ‘grave consequences’ from intel scandal,” June 12).
The EU’s justice commissioner, Viviane Reding, had written to Attorney General Eric Holder, AFP reported, requesting “‘swift and concrete’ answers about the spy scheme.”
Basing her concerns on Snowden’s exposures in the Guardian, she sharply challenged Holder (almost certainly to no avail), writing:
“Programs such as PRISM and the laws on the basis of which such programs are authorized could have grave adverse consequences for the fundamental rights of EU citizens.”
Furthermore, AFP reported, Reding asked Holder “whether EU citizens … targeted by the U.S. programs … would be able to find out whether their data has been accessed, and whether they would be treated similarly to U.S. nationals in such cases.”
And dig this: In view of Holder’s chronic non-transparency to such questions, AFP reported that “the EU official also warned that the European Parliament ‘is likely to assess the overall transatlantic relationship also in the light of your responses.’”
But Obama characterizes these incidents of spying as just “modest encroachments on privacy.”
We Americans know how scarily “modest” they are.
Our next president of whatever party is going to have a lot of explaining to do when dealing with European citizens’ abhorrence of being secretly classified in such American databases as those of the National Security Agency and the FBI.
As for members of the media and advocates of civil liberties, more of them are trying to pierce Obama and Holder’s spy operations by engaging in powerfully detailed lawsuits over constitutional abuses by the administration, as I’ll detail next week.
On June 10, the Obama administration was targeted full-scale, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation: “A bipartisan coalition of 86 civil liberties organizations and Internet companies – including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, reddit, Mozilla, FreedomWorks and the American Civil Liberties Union – are demanding swift action from Congress in light of the recent revelations about unchecked domestic surveillance” (“86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA Spying,” Rainey Reitman,
In their open letter to all members of Congress, these 86 angry patriotic organizations resounded: “This type of blanket data collection by the government strikes at bedrock American values of freedom and privacy. This dragnet surveillance violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, which protect citizens’ right to speak and associate anonymously and guard against unreasonable searches and seizures.”
The cost of another president leading us as a nation under ever more surveillance will be a future 9/11 in which the terrorists will have won – even before all the corpses they amass are counted.
Bear in mind that a majority of us re-elected Obama, our lead betrayer. Shall we continue betraying ourselves?
As for Edward Snowden, the man who helped cause this large-scale awakening of the media, he is afraid. Not of his fate, but that authorities “will come after my family, my friends, my partner,” he said. “Anyone I have a relationship with … I have to live with that for the rest of my life” (“Edward Snowden, NSA files source: ‘If they want to get you, in time they will,’” Ewen MacAskill,, June 9).
Do you agree that this should be his reward for telling the truth?
Next week: More congressional rebellions that should lead all presidential aspirants of both parties to tell us clearly and specifically what each of them will do to overturn Obama’s betrayal of our Constitution.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The 'see no evil' left
The 'see no evil' left
Thomas Sowell: 'What if the real problem is the cussedness of human beings?'
Thomas Sowell About | Email | Archive
When teenage thugs are called “troubled youth” by people on the political left, that tells us more about the mindset of the left than about these young hoodlums.
Seldom is there a speck of evidence that the thugs are troubled, and often there is ample evidence they are in fact enjoying themselves, as they create trouble and dangers for others.
At least as far back as the 18th century, the left has struggled to avoid facing the plain fact of evil – that some people simply choose to do things that they know to be wrong when they do them. Every kind of excuse, from poverty to an unhappy childhood, is used by the left to explain and excuse evil.
All the people who have come out of poverty or unhappy childhoods, or both, and become decent and productive human beings are ignored. So are the evils committed by people raised in wealth and privilege, including kings, conquerors and slaveowners.
Why has evil been such a hard concept for many on the left to accept? The basic agenda of the left is to change external conditions. But what if the problem is internal? What if the real problem is the cussedness of human beings?
Rousseau denied this in the 18th century, and the left has been denying it ever since. Why? Self-preservation.
If the things the left wants to control – institutions and government policy – are not the most important factors in the world’s problems, then what role is there for the left?
What if it is things like the family, the culture and the traditions that make a more positive difference than the bright new government “solutions” the left is constantly coming up with? What if seeking “the root causes of crime” is not nearly as effective as locking up criminals? The hard facts show that the murder rate was going down for decades under the old traditional practices so disdained by the left intelligentsia, before the bright new ideas of the left went into effect in the 1960s – after which crime and violence skyrocketed.
What happened when old-fashioned ideas about sex were replaced in the 1960s by the bright new ideas of the left that were introduced into the schools as “sex education” that was supposed to reduce teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?
Both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases had been going down for years. But that trend suddenly reversed in the 1960s and hit new highs.
One of the oldest and most dogmatic of the crusades of the left has been disarmament, both of individuals and of nations. Again, the focus of the left has been on the externals – the weapons in this case.
If weapons were the problem, then gun control laws at home and international disarmament agreements abroad might be the answer. But if evil people who care no more for laws or treaties than they do for other people’s lives are the problem, then disarmament means making decent, law-abiding people more vulnerable to evil people.
Since belief in disarmament has been a major feature of the left since the 18th century, in countries around the world, you might think that by now there would be lots of evidence to substantiate their beliefs.
But evidence on whether gun control laws actually reduce crime rates in general, or murder rates in particular, is seldom mentioned by gun control advocates. It is just assumed in passing that of course tighter gun control laws will reduce murders.
But the hard facts do not back up that assumption. That is why it is the critics of gun control who rely heavily on empirical evidence, as in books like “More Guns, Less Crime” by John Lott and “Guns and Violence” by Joyce Lee Malcolm.
National disarmament has an even worse record. Both Britain and America neglected their military forces between the two World Wars, while Germany and Japan armed to the teeth. Many British and American soldiers paid with their lives for their countries’ initially inadequate military equipment in World War II.
But what are mere facts compared to the heady vision of the left?