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Name: MADDOG10
Location: Beautiful Florida
Country: United States
Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Not guilty � beyond reasonable doubt

Not guilty – beyond reasonable doubt

Pat Buchanan offers reasons George Zimmerman should be  freed

author-imagePatrick J. Buchanan   About | Email  | Archive

Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the  Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party's candidate in 2000.  He  is also a founder and editor of The American Conservative.  Buchanan served  three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national  TV shows, and is the author of nine books. His latest book is "Suicide  of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?"
 That the prosecution in the Zimmerman trial asked the judge to allow a  verdict of “third-degree murder” – i.e., child abuse, since Trayvon Martin was  17 – testifies to the prosecution’s failure and panic.

For George Zimmerman’s defense has proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he  shot Trayvon Martin not out of malice, rage or hate – but in a desperate act of  self-defense.

Zimmerman was being beaten “ground-and-pound,” mixed martial arts style. His  head was being banged on the cement. Screaming again and again for help, he  pulled out his gun and fired.

Even the prosecution is now conceding Trayvon might have been on top and is  now scrambling for a compromise verdict on a lesser charge than second-degree  murder, a charge that never should have been brought. Indeed, this trial should  never have been held.

What we have witnessed in Sanford, Fla., is the prosecution of an innocent  man for murder because the politically and socially powerful demanded it.

That Trayvon is dead is a tragedy, and an avoidable tragedy. But it was not  murder. And it does not justify railroading a man who, whatever his mistakes  that night – and George Zimmerman made them – committed no crime.

The case comes down to four questions. And the answers, supported by the  evidence, testimony and common sense, point straight to an acquittal.

First, who was the aggressor?

All agree it would have been better if Zimmerman had never left his car or  followed Trayvon that night.

Yet, ask yourself:

Would a pudgy, out-of-shape 28-year-old with a gun facing a 17-year-old  athletic kid, 4 inches taller, with a longer reach, throw a punch and start a  fistfight with him?

If Zimmerman threw the first punch, what would be his motive? If you have a  gun and your adversary does not, is not the sensible stance to keep your  distance so you can be free to pull the gun? Who armed with a pistol starts a  fistfight with a suspicious stranger?

Moreover, Trayvon’s body showed no signs of having ever been punched, while  George’s nose looks like he was sucker-punched.

Second, who was on top in those final moments of the fight?

If Zimmerman was on top and Trayvon was on his back, Trayvon would have been  found on his back. He was found dead on his stomach.

If Zimmerman was on top and Trayvon was on his stomach, he would have been  shot in the back. He was shot in the chest.

How could Trayvon have been found lying on his face, with a bullet hole in  his chest, if Zimmerman was sitting on top of him? Only if George Zimmerman,  after shooting Trayvon, would have turned him over as he lay dying. No one has  even suggested that.

Why was the back of Zimmerman’s jacket soaking wet, and the back of Trayvon’s  dry, if Trayvon was on the bottom? Why were the knees of Trayvon’s pants wet, if  he was on the bottom?

Third, who was screaming for help?

His mother, brother and father say it was Trayvon. George’s mother, father  and half a dozen friends say it is George’s voice on the tape, screaming for  help.

Trayvon’s father and brother apparently told investigators initially that the  voice was not Trayvon’s, or they did not know. And the eyewitness John Good says  the guy on the bottom in the red jacket, George Zimmerman, was the one  screaming.

But, again, let us assume it was Trayvon screaming.

Why would he be screaming? If he was being beaten up martial arts style on  the ground, would Trayvon not have had cuts and bruises?

What, exactly, was George Zimmerman doing to this 17-year-old football player  that he should be screaming for help?

Where is the physical evidence that Trayvon had been hurt in any way before  he was shot? Is screaming how a tough 17-year-old male reacts in a fistfight,  even one he is losing?

Trayvon was a stranger in that neighborhood, and George was the neighborhood  watch guy. Which of the two is more likely to be yelling for help from the  neighbors?

Fourth, was the use of a firearm justified, even if Zimmerman was losing the  fight and being beaten up?

Were his injuries that serious? Was he really is danger of grave bodily harm? 

Experts disagree. But the real question is: What did Zimmerman think at the  time? And judging by those piercing screams, was not that screaming man  frightened, even terrified?

Trayvon’s parents think these were the desperate cries for help of a son  about to be killed. But if they were Zimmerman’s cries, could George not have  had those same thoughts?

George Zimmerman should have informed Trayvon he was the neighborhood watch.  Trayvon should not have pummeled him. Both made mistakes. One is dead. To send  the other to prison for what happened that night would be an act of vengeance,  not justice, an invocation of the old lex talionis – an eye for an eye.

That’s not what America is supposed to be about.



Lucky Loser said...

Very interesting article here and there are still missing pieces. For the most part, it really could've been avoided had Zimmerman requested assistance after being told not to pursue. Or, since he continued, Trayvonn could've stopped and stated his business peacefully and continued. There had to be and exchange of aggressive words and provocation somewhere from one of them.

Another thing, why did Zimmerman wait until he was supposedly on the ground and being "pounded" before drawing his weapon? With an obvious exchange of words, he had to know Trayvon just might attack him...MIGHT. In a case like this, his hand should've already been on his weapon, or, it should've been drawn. I seriously doubt Trayvon would would've had time to pick him up, body slam him, and begin to pound him as they claim at that point. Better yet, he would've had no desire to battle a gun. Could've been avoided.

MADDOG, I hope you don't mind me posting in your blog. Some folks feel threatened by allowing very reasonable thinking and logical people post in their blogs. I keep it clean and unbiased if I can with no profanity and name calling.

11:57 AM
MADDOG10 said...

Don't mind at all, as a matter of fact an unbiased opinion will sometimes help people see the other side.

12:52 PM
rdgrnr said...

"MADDOG, I hope you don't mind me posting in your blog. Some folks feel threatened by allowing very reasonable thinking and logical people post in their blogs." -Lucky Loser

Glad to hear you've suddenly become "very reasonable thinking and logical". Did you take a class or what?

8:59 PM
MADDOG10 said...

As I've said before, it wouldn't take an Einstein to figure this one out. Again a travesty for the death of a human being, but no need to lynch someone who's not guilty just because of his color and from political comments from to fuel this along.   
The truth rang out when the jury announced their verdict....!

10:44 PM
CARBOB said...

@MD, as I said before the trial, he would be found not guilty. The only reason they had a trial, because of Sharpton and Jackson, sticking their nose where it did not belong. Angela Corey forced a trial by taking those two idiots advice. I'm hoping that both the police chief, Bill Lee and Zimmerman have grounds for a lawsuit against the City of Sanford. I'm pretty sure Bill Lee has grounds and will probably win. If the parents, who got around 5 million dollar settlement from the homeowners insurance company can sue, I'm sure he can. The people to blame for this is his parents, just like the mother in Newtown is responsible for her son.

7:30 AM

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