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Name: MADDOG10
Location: Beautiful Florida
Country: United States
Interests: restoring old cars, winning the lottery, avid football fan, and riding my motorcycles... Both (Harleys)...!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

What should be told at FreedomFest.

What I'll tell FreedomFest audience

Exclusive: Joseph Farah offers preview of Vegas speech on  ending unconstitutional gov't


author-imageJoseph  Farah About | Email | Archive 
Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of  WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or  co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The  Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking  America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the  former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market  dailies.


Next week I will have the opportunity to share with thousands of libertarian  activists at FreedomFest in Las Vegas  about America’s last chance to return to something resembling constitutionally  limited government short of revolution.

It’s a simple plan. Doable. It will take the commitment of libertarians and  conservatives. And, at the very least, it will determine once and for all  whether the Republican Party will live up to its limited-government rhetoric or  continue to enable Washington’s long march to unlimited government –  otherwise known as tyranny.

But first the problem.

The founders of America did not believe in direct taxation – for all the  right reasons. But, back in 1913, Americans were sold a bill of goods called the  income tax. At the time, proponents swore it would never be more than a 1  percent tax and would provide the means to institute all kinds of wonderful  programs. Once the camel’s nose was under the tent, it didn’t take long for  income taxes to skyrocket. Then came the socialist notion of a “progressive”  tax. Soon, Washington insiders began spending money designed to empower  themselves at the expense of the people and the constitutional limits on federal  authority.

Still, Americans didn’t like high taxes. And Republicans especially found  they couldn’t get elected by supporting tax increases. So a new mechanism for  spending was found – one with virtually no accountability to the people.

Today, about 40 percent of federal government spending is with this kind of  funny money – borrowed from banks and foreign countries. Now, thanks to this  irresponsible, immoral policy, Washington has amassed nearly $17.5 trillion in  debt with no end in sight. Periodically, Congress is asked to raise the limit on  borrowing, and it seldom disappoints. It has been raised more than 100 times  since 1960.

It’s politically tougher for Congress to raise taxes to support unlimited  government than it is to simply raise the debt limit and borrow money to spend  on unconstitutional programs.

It’s understandable why Democrats, mostly Keynesians who believe deficit  spending stimulates the economy, would follow such a path blindly. But what  about Republicans who at least give lip service to limits on government power  and frequently condemn unchecked, unaccountable borrowing and spending?

That’s where my plan comes into play.

I’ve been promoting the “No More Red  Ink” campaign since January 2011. It is designed to pressure House  Republicans (and House Republicans alone) to freeze borrowing with a simple  rejection of raising the debt limit. To date, it has been responsible for  delivering to House Republicans more than 1.5 million red letters demanding they  stop digging what is rapidly becoming a bottomless pit of debt.

With control of only one house of Congress, Republicans have held within  their hands the power to return Washington to something resembling  constitutionally limited government practically overnight – with one negative  vote.

What would be the effect?

It would instantly require a reduction in federal spending of more than $1  trillion a year.

It would spell the end of the Obamacare nightmare.

It would spell the end of the unconstitutional and wasteful Department of  Education.

It would spell the end of the job-killing Environmental Protection  Agency.

It would spell the end of taxpayer subsidies for state propaganda through NPR  and PBS.

It would spell the end of taxpayer subsidies for Planned Parenthood.

It might even require the dismantling of the National Security Agency and its  spying on American citizens.

Worst case scenario, Republicans continue to enable Barack Obama’s spending  priorities by giving him all the funny money he needs to “fundamentally  transform America.”

I say it’s time to put Republicans to the ultimate test.

According to most polls, Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of freezing  the debt cold turkey. Some 80 percent of Republican voters support it. About 70  percent of independent voters favor it. And a remarkable 60 percent of  Democratic voters support it.

For purely mercenary reasons, if Republicans are looking for ways to expand  their political base, taking a hard line on borrowing would seem to be the  ticket.

The challenge is to launch a grass-roots movement that defies Democrats’  instincts and challenges Republicans to live up to their rhetoric.

If the outpouring is strong enough, I think Republicans, who have capitulated  reluctantly to pressure against raising taxes, will reluctantly capitulate to  these popular demands.

If not, we know where we stand. Constitutionally limited government is dead.  And the two-party system is a hopeless sham.

Then we know it’s time for revolution.



sully16 said...

Goodread, Thanks Maddog.

11:44 AM
rdgrnr said...

It's a good idea.
So it'll never get off the ground in Congress.

8:51 PM
rdgrnr said...

It's a good idea.
So it'll never get off the ground in Congress.

8:51 PM

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