Friday, August 18, 2017

As long as we are getting rid of Monuments.

We got a long list of Monuments that need to go, all civil war Monuments for sure.

We need to change any Town, City, School, Library , such a long list, anyhow, any of these places named after any President , General, person, who may or may not have owned Slaves, History hurts feelings.

As long as History hurts feelings, only fair we destroy any Monument dedicated to People who fought in the Indian wars, Starting with General Custer, all Monuments celebrating the Buffalo Soldiers have to go also, they happily killed unarmed Indians, chased them down on horseback and ran them through with sabers, they are Equally guilty, just like their White counterparts,  of stealing souvenirs, mutilating dead bodies and rape. Indian scalps were worn by many.

Al Sharpton said it best just yesterday, "My tax dollars are paying for this" even though he owes thousands in back taxes, but that's another story.

In reality we should just get rid of anything named after anyone, what if we find out John Glenn and Neil Armstrong did or said something mean, feelings might be hurt, just clear it all out.

Mount Rushmore, scrape it away, it's got to go.

We should not honor anyone for anything ever again, because they just might have character flaws.

Better to be safe then have hurt feelings.

Can you imagine how much stuff has to be fixed?

American History has to go, throw the books away.

Or, do we stop this crazy non-sense of destroying everything, crying about things that happened 150 years ago. Or,  Do we moved forward and say for as sad as some of our history is we've come a long way and we still have room for improvement ?

I am not Offended by Robert E. Lee, General George Custer, or the Buffalo Soldiers, it's part of our history.

I suspect all this crap about monuments has nothing to do with the monuments themselves, but more for the continued destruction of civil discourse between Americans. Every time the fighting dies down, someone comes up with new ways to start it all over, and to many times George Soros has his sticky little fingers in it.

Time to heal, time to get along and time to remember, we might not like all of our History, but we can never forget it. Leave the Monuments alone.


At 8:36 AM, rcbbuckeye said...

Sensible post sully.
I think a big part of the problem is mainstream media keeps stirring the pot. They like the rioting. It gives the mainstream media juicy things to report. Then they keep stirring the pot to keep it going. Perpetual news to stir people up.

At 9:08 AM, JAP69 said...

All this recent activities about monuments and countering marches is nothing more than moving the communist revolution up a notch by the Left.

At 1:47 PM, Think said...


Suggestion for you - How about starting a Go Fund Me page to build a 620 foot tall statue of president Trump?

At 7:38 PM, eddessaknight said...

Excellent Posting Sully,

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” 
~ George Orwell, 1984

At 9:25 PM, grwurston said...

Great post sully!!!

Political Correctness was the birth of all of this. Nowadays, everybody is offended by something. When I was a kid and someone called you something we would say,"Sticks and stones may broke my bones, but names will never hurt me." These days you do that and you get sued for causing pain and suffering and mental anguish. Why can't everyone just chill out and lighten up?
I wonder how historians 150 years from now will look at us. Will they call us courageous or will we just be a bunch of lunatics running amok? But by then history will probably be history, so no one will ever know about us. Oh,well.

At 9:50 PM, MADDOG10 said...

No matter how much they try to change things, it's going to remain the same. You just can't and never will change History. What the majority of people don't realize, is that it's not about the statues or monuments they are protesting, it's about themselves, and only themselves.

Of course with Soro's money, that is their motivation. What ever has happened in the Past, happened. They're not going to change it period. If you want to really change something, go to the root of it and forge on from there. Let's call a Spade a Spade. Blacks started slavery, The KKK was formed by Democrats so lets start there and remove all past obligations done by these people. And while we're at it all people who owned slaves, or called other ethnic people by slang names, Yea, let's do that, then we'll have a great life. We won't have to worry about offending anyone then will we?

As far as civilized people are concerned, let's start a movement to take Down the left in it's entirety, I don't know about the rest of you but the Liberal cry babies and their followers offend the HELL out of me.!

At 9:58 PM, MADDOG10 said...

By the way Sully, Excellent Post.!!

At 11:00 PM, sully16 said...

Thanks everybody, yes I agree Maddog, they offend me also.

At 10:26 AM, konane said...

The current movement to tear down statues parallels actions taken by ISIS. Let's remember that the KKK, Antifa and ISIS are all products of Democrats. ISIS being funded by Obama & Hillary.

At 10:30 AM, konane said...

Forgot to add that is an awesome post with lots of fantastic comments.

At 4:13 PM, sully16 said...

Thanks Konane, I agree.

At 4:52 PM, muckeyman said...

Now don't ya'll worry none, those chinese nukes are going to level everything out and you can make america great from scratch.These politicians are going to get you killed.

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