Sunday, January 22, 2017

Young women Marchers

I honesty don't know where to begin, I heard more crap coming out of the mouths of many who were interviewed .

Let's see, you are marching for reproductive rights, voting rights, immigration rights, equality, you are scared and afraid, you want more political say, gay rights,  good grief the list is long and ridiculous.

Let's start with the fact you are being used, yep, used.

George Soros, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, The left Wing media. Just to name a few of those who are filling your heads with crap.

This is about Political power and of course MONEY, They want to do everything they can to destroy the Presidency Of Donald Trump, in turn, they are hurting all of us. You don't have to like him, but have you even bothered to listen to him? No, I suspect you haven't.  I am not happy about his remarks made 10 years ago with Billy Bush, but I understand it is locker room talk, and after some of the things coming out of the mouths of marchers, your just as bad if not worse.

Madonna leads the way with sick and disgusting, the difference between her and Donald Trump, she freely got in front of a mic and spewed vile ugly things. Donald Trump had no idea he was being taped, doesn't make what he said right, but he had expectation of privacy. Some dirt bag, and I mean dirt bag, sat on that sound bite like a trophy, and when opportunity arose, gave it to the highest bidder.

You are upset Hillary lost, to a person you believe is a pervert, well guess what, I am sure many of you are to young to know, her husband was having sex with an intern in the Oval office, used her then lied about. You didn't get to know your candidate, shame on you.


Grow some common sense!

Let's talk about you voting rights, you have them, plain and simple, no one is taking that away.

That is your political say so, if you want more, run for office.

If you really understood what was going on in this country you wouldn't be marching around in stupid pink hats.

Those of us who were fed up saved your dumb little selves. You're welcome!

Equality, we are all protected under the law, if you want equal pay for equal work, first you have to have a job.

If you are treated unfairly in the work place, we have a court system that will help and protect you.

Did you even know that? Laws are in place to protect you from all kinds of discrimination. Try learning them.


My next blog, Planned Parenthood and Abortion.


At 9:35 AM, konane said...

I read and this seems plausible that Trump's locker room remarks were made about groupies, gold diggers looking for a free ride. They will literally throw themselves at any man who seems to have money so long as he shows them a good time. They hope to be 'trophy wives' but many lack the class to carry that dream forward.

Sorry if my remarks are offensive but it's one form of the worlds oldest profession.

At 9:39 AM, sully16 said...

Not at all offensive, you hit the nail on the head.
I know many of these girls think it's about solidarity, I am on board with equal rights, but I think they are being used by higher powers.
They are young and being misled.

At 10:06 AM, JAP69 said...

How many of these leaders have requested a meeting with President Trump to air their grievances?
I am sure he would take the time to discuss them.

At 1:48 PM, jarasan said...

billy bones was the chief pussy grabber, by a mile, but that that doesn't count, thank God the beast lost or many many more pussies would have been grabbed up in the WH if the beast had won. They should be thanking Trump for all the grabbing he prevented.

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