Monday, January 23, 2017

Stay out of my Bedrom.

Stay out of my bedroom, just one of the rants from the women marching through DC this weekend.

Keep your hands off my Breasts ( I cleaned up the language)

Keep your hands out of my panties ( yep, cleaned that up as well )

It's my body, my choice, I can have an abortion if I want.

Planned parenthood is about to lose Federal Funding, they do some good things, but they are also shrouded in controversy.

Tax payers have sent a message,




 You want birth control, go buy it, you want to abort your baby, then you pay for it.

They threw around women's ' HEALTH ISSUES" yet the only issue was a woman right to an abortion.

Many celebrities had their say, they are very good actresses, had me fooled I thought they were normal people.

They would not let Pro Life women march with them, so much for solidarity, so much for tolerance, and so much for all that love they were spreading around.

Ashley Judd, a victim of sexual abuse by a family member. Do you think she discussed sexual abuse, a real issue, no she screamed how the Nazis were here and how slavery is alive and well in America, we are locking up blacks for no good reason.

You know what else I didn't hear, domestic abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, job fairs, day care, breast cancer, making ends meet in an uncertain economy.

Real issues that face everyday women. No solutions to real problems.

Instead is was bunch of hate filled rhetoric that went nowhere.

It didn't end there, they a left a giant pig sty, garbage galore, signs, water bottles, food wrappers, cans.

Filthy mouths , filthy habits ruled the day.

You may be women, but you are not ladies and are not deserving of repect.


At 9:58 PM, emilyg said...

Excellent rant. By the way - I just read that a Trump supporter was cleaning up the garbage they left.

At 10:49 PM, lejardin said...

Madonna, no surprise she is a sleazebag. Ashley Judd shocked me with her "I Am a Nasssty woman" remark. That is something to be proud of???? If I didnt know better from past statements, I would have thought that was an Academy Award performance.

At 10:54 PM, lejardin said...

i posted this on Maddog's blog, I hope you dont mind me posting here Sully, I think it is appropriate to content.

Speaking of whiners, did anybody see the liberal lunatic on a plane that went off on a passenger in the next seat to her? She literally had a nasty, mean meltdown when she found out the guy was a Trump supporter? She went OFF. Her husband was with her but he didnt say a word ( he probably lost his masculinity being married to the big mouth). THEY WERE ESCORTED OFF THE PLANE. She then blamed the passenger in that he was INVADING HER SPACE, lol. Everyone on the plane started clapping. I am not sure but I believe she flipped everyone off as she was leaving the plane.

At 11:01 PM, sully16 said...

No, I missed that, and a SNL writer sent a nasty tweet about Barron Trump, but I can't find it now.
It's a dirty rotten shame people behave like that.

At 11:18 PM, sully16 said...

Well Em, I wonder what the environmental marchers had to say, oh that's right some of it was their garbage.

At 11:21 PM, lejardin said...

Sully, I heard something was said on Fox about it but they refused to say what was said it was pretty vile it was implied and very undeserving for a ten year old.

I wish a lot of stuff was held back, don't give people the airtime they crave. Like people that try to destroy us and the American way. I know others have a differing opinion.

At 2:14 PM, emilyg said...

The SNL comment was that Barron would be the first home schooled mass killer.   Not only is he not home schooled but that was plain ugly. The writer is on suspension.

At 3:59 PM, CARBOB said...

They should have fired her dumb a$$.

At 6:18 PM, mikeintexas said...

Nearly 60 million abortions performed since Roe v. Wade...I'm not sure why pro-choice women are celebrating what amounts to genocide. What I'm also unsure of is why they think Trump will stop their "right" to an abortion; that's the purview of the Supreme Court and one with a "conservative" majority has upheld it several times.

The thing that's the most annoying to me is the "Trump is not MY President!!!" Tellin' my age here, but I wrote this earlier in reply to a reply on a Facebook friend's wall with that flowchart graphic, the exact one I used to reply to bigbore in the BC Gambling thread, when one of her friends said Trump wasn't her President.

"Trump is my President and if you're a U.S. citizen, he's yours, too. Obama was my President, G.W. Bush was as well. Before him Clinton was my President and before that G.H.W. Bush was my President. Reagan was my President, Carter was my President, Ford and Nixon were my Presidents, LBJ was my President and before that, so was JFK. Even though I don't remember him being in office, Eisenhower was my President. I guess the last President who WASN'T my President was Truman....because I wasn't born yet."

At 11:03 PM, sully16 said...

Mike, I think they want attention and still cannot except the outcome of this election, they are not as adored as they think they are.

At 11:44 PM, MADDOG10 said...

Excuse my French, but they walk around like prostitutes from 42nd St, in NYC. They carry signs and costumes of Sexual enigmas, and they want Respect? They're not even close to being ladies, just women who hate men.

At 5:51 AM, CARBOB said...

You might be surprised, the number of them who are prostitutes!!

At 11:47 AM, mikeintexas said...

I can't wrap my head around why they think their reproductive rights are 0% of my business, yet they're supposed to be 100% my financial responsibility.

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