Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Goofy Celebrities.

Well Well, you just keep screaming for boycotts.

Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil A, L.L.Bean.

I will happily support them, but guess what, I am going to start a push to have people Boycott the sponsors of your talk shows, sit coms, movies, I have no problem buying store brand items.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA See how that works, you need us more then we need you. hahahahahahahahahahaha.

The Veiw, Big Bang Theory, Chelsea Handler, this list is endless, and every time one of you demands a boycott, we call your sponsors and explain that celebrities are asking to boycott you, hahahahahahahahaha see how that works.



At 2:06 PM, konane said...

In time they're going to be replaced with computer generated actors. They get to live like the rest of us, learn up close and personal what it's like instead of playing a character then thinking they know.

At 2:23 PM, sully16 said...

Konane, they will cut off their noses to spite their faces, they keep screaming for boycotts and they will get more then what they bargained for. They don't think.

At 5:29 PM, MADDOG10 said...

It's the Truth, they're going to bite off more than they can chew. I won't feel a bit sorry for these Ignorant morons once the DOJ is settled in.!

At 6:19 PM, eddessaknight said...

Aye Sully,
They should be careful what they wish for, because the boomerang effect will be more, much more >>>>>>

At 11:05 PM, mikeintexas said...

I was watching the last episode of "Mercy Street" earlier and after it was done, decided to come online and read about a few of the actors in the series. I plugged in the names of two of the lovely young women who star in the show and their Twitter accounts came up first, so I thought I'd see what they had to say. I wish I hadn't, because both were full of Trump Derangement Syndrome crapola. I had done the same with one of the actors on "Black Sails" and found the same sort of stuff, only she's from England. She had posted a screen shot of a flyer that compares the same sort of thing supposedly happening now and what took place when Hitler took power. Good grief.

I don't give them a dime...not one red cent, and I mean that literally. I know it's not always legal, but I watch any show I want to online, either on the channel's website or "elsewhere". I refuse to subsidize people who look down upon me, ridicule the region where I live and my friends and neighbors, who sneer at me wanting to keep my rights and call me ignorant because I don't worship at their alter of global warming or because I own a gun or that I think Christianity is truly under attack.

Nope, they don't get even that tiny fraction of a ratings point from me, nor do I have to sit through any of the adverts that sponsor the show. The way I look at it, I spent a half century being bored and bothered by their inane commercials, so I feel I've already invested more than enough in order to watch their programs.

At 7:23 AM, sully16 said...

Thanks everybody, I agree Mike, the only TV I watch now is Hockey and Fox News.
My Husband got me a new blue ray player for my Birthday, the only blue ray discs I have are a complete Harry Potter, so imagine my disappoint hearing J.K. Rowling spouting off about my President.
I have all the books , I even have a Severus Snape wand, our next trip to Florida was going to feature Harry Potter world.
I have spent hundreds of dollars on Harry potter. Needless to say, NOT ANOTHER DIME.

At 12:06 PM, mikeintexas said...

Yes, I knew that about least, knew she was Progressive. It seems like the worst of that type are those who have made their millions, yet want those of us who aren't rich to pay for their idealistic notions.

You have a Snape wand? I had put a replica sorting hat in my Amazon wish list a few yrs. back, just as something I'd like to have for my HP corner in my library (if I ever won the lottery) and my big sis found my Amazon account and bought it for me! It's still in the box and wrapper "Someday, maybe".

I found a cute little British program called "The Worst Witch". I'm not sure if it's a total knockoff of HP - if the books from which they originate were written before Rowling - and it's aimed at 12 yr. old girls (or younger) but I'm enjoying it. There's a female teacher who is nearly identical to Snape and the actor has even affected his pattern of speech.

I've got some long time online friends from Great Britain and one sent me the entire collection of HP in softcover; since they're the British versions, they have diff. cover artwork and of course, the first one is titled "HP and the Philosopher's Stone" and there are some minor differences in the text, different words being used that the American version.

I've read the books several times, seen the movies several times, but the more I do, the more I see glaring plot holes and contradictions. Rowling has "explained" them away, but not to my satisfaction. I started getting annoyed with her when she proudly announced Dumbledore was gay. Hell, I always figured that (and his brother was into bestiality, what with his goats and all) but there was no need to bring it up, esp. after the books were done. I really don't care if Dumbledore is or isn't gay, but after all, they ARE kid's books and that grand announcement added absolutely nothing to the story.

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