Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Witches casting spells on Donald Trump

Just when you thought Trump derangement syndrome could get no worse, now we have people turning to Witch Craft.

Many of you are idiots and have no idea what you are doing, you jumped on the Magik bandwagon with no thought whatsoever.

First of all, Wicca is a religion and a spiritual way of living, it is not political.

The Wiccan Rede: First do no harm.

Many of you practice Black Magik, you Worship the Devil , this is not Wicca.

Girls, I'll let you in on a secret, many of these so called Warlocks, they are sexual predators, they use the world of magik to prey on lonely insecure women, they most times incorporate the help from a Alpha female, it's all about the sex and fantasy world they've created, if you are all consenting adults, then have at it.

What bothers me is the net has gone crazy with spells, designed to Bind the President by summoning Demons.


Priests, Shamans, Psychic Mediums and Demonologists will be the first to tell you how stupid and dangerous that is.

Just to let you in on another secret, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo are NOT Ark Angels, those are Mutant Ninja Turtles, they will not help you summon Demons.

Isis, Yoda , Madonna and Cher are not Ark Angels, even though Yoda and Madonna could pass as twins. ditto on the demons.

The Ark Angels, are Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael. They are Messengers of God. think about that for a minute, they are not going to help you summon demons to bind the President.

I noticed many self proclaimed Witches giving out spells, one Witch said to use a carrot in place of an orange candle.

okay......I guess I missed that on the last episode of "Hack my Magik.

If you are going to do candle Magik, use candles.

Why am I spelling Magik with a K, because the word magic would suggest, illusion, slight of hand, parlor tricks.

Ouija Boards are not used in Wicca, don't even bring one into your house, but hey, you dummies are summoning Demons so I guess it doesn't matter.

I also noticed many of these Witches did not include ways to protect yourself or your home.

Did you pour salt all around your property? Did you Sage your Home or put tar water on the windows and door frames?

Did you Consecrate your tools to remove psychic residue? And that Albus Dumbledore wand you got at Harry Potter world is not a Magik tool until you consecrate it.

FYI: real Witches use a knife known as an Athame.

Did you ground and center? Did you meditate? Ritual cleansing? Draw down the Moon?

Don't know what any of this is, if not you should not be practicing any sort of Magik.

By the way, many of these Spells insisted there was a waxing Moon, wrong, is was a Waning Moon going into a New Moon Phase.

You cannot draw down the Moon during  new Moon phase, no Moon in the sky.

So , here you are summoning Demons to Bind the President, First of all he is the ultimate protection for all of us, think about it. His Number one job is to keep us safe. arrrrgh, you idiots!

Second, you had the power all along, it's called voting, did you imbecile's even vote?

Bottom line, don't summon Demons, just plain stupid.


     May the light and Love of Jesus surround and protect me.

     May the light and Love of Jesus surround and protect Donald Trump.

     May the light and Love of Jesus surround and protect our Country.

Oh, thanks for reading my Spell, grows stronger every time it's read.

PS. I have protected myself from Psychic attack so save the carrot for the stew.


At 1:41 PM, JADELottery said...

We've co-oped all the Dark Arts.

This includes making Lucifer our b!tch.

We are wielding this power against them.

So, cast your worst.

It's coming right back at you.

At 2:05 PM, konane said...

Well when the negative energy comes back on them and their lives start spiraling downhill they'll likely not realize they did it all to themselves. Oh well .....

At 4:26 PM, jarasan said...

TY Sully!

At 8:32 PM, MADDOG10 said...

And if you morons don't want to accept Jesus, KARMA will be along shortly to kick your Asses.

At 10:40 PM, sully16 said...

Thanks everybody, the Bible tells us what happens to the Anti Christ.
I would never cast a spell on another human or for money or sex, that kind of stuff is wrong.

At 1:54 PM, eddessaknight said...

This President is on special destination surrounded by white light Angels

By the way just as prayer power is a reality so is evil energy; this polarity of opposites has existed as long as matter & anti mater - we are born into a matrix of opposing forces, malicious energy & intentions is a reality and should be respected & not underestimated as any enemy and duly justifies fighting back with all we have. These forces have been with us since the dawn of time inscribed with pictographs in caves, study all nationalities, races, geographies & religions and they all have talismans against the evil eye, etc. Any concept or legend that survives millennials that long must have a basis of truth.

At 4:17 AM, eddessaknight said...


I agree Sully & with compliments

The invisible forces, that we don't know, affect us much more than what we do know.....

HorrificĀ Hell Happens when evil exceeds the faith to stop it !

Good Morrow

At 3:46 PM, sully16 said...

Exactly eddessa.

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