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Friday, July 12, 2019


Court Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer F

Court Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding

I read about in those states that have put severe restrictions on abortions recently the sales of anti pregnancy items have increased. Condoms, morning after pills and stuff of that nature.

Thanks JAP. As many methods of birth control as there are there is precious little reason a woman should become pregnant unless it's her choice.

I have never advocated abortion as a first line method of birth control.
I wouldn't mind some tax money funding PP if only they did not also pay for/provide abortions. I've known women who had their BC needs paid for by the organization.

The cries of "We will return to the days of back alley abortions and women dying!" just don't cut it. Those deaths pre-Roe v. Wade escape me, but it was a fairly low number and women have died during legal abortions. Besides, while there were no abortion clinics "back in the day", many doctors would perform them and call it a D & C, but the woman couldn't be that far along in the pregnancy.
"many doctors would perform them and call it a D & C"

I remember when D & Cs were popular.
Thanks JAP. Those were performed if I remember correctly in the very early stages of pregnancy. We now have the 'morning after' pill which has helped a lot. However none of it beats first line approach of personal responsibility regarding contraception. So many ways now.
That was interesting about the sales of BC products going up, JAP.   I know the sales of condoms soared after Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive.

I don't know if they still do it these days, but back during WWII the the airborne troops would hit town on a pass, they would "blouse" their trouser leg bottoms with condoms, cinching them up above their jump boots. Combat troops would use their issued condoms to keep rain out of their rifle barrels.

I read where Miley Cyrus vows to never have children because of her "anxiety over climate change". That's great to hear, actually, no matter if the reason is a dumb one.   I wouldn't sleep with her even with a condom made from an inner tube.
He stopped the flow of money in to Demonrats campaigns , lol lol
Thanks Mike. Interesting information plus some added humor. 🤣
Thanks Sully. You're absolutely right. They're taxpayer funded then have donated money to Dems so taxpayers have effectively been funding Democrat campaigns and the takeover by socialists. It's not about healthcare for the poor because most county health departments furnish that and always have. Big bucks in the sale of baby parts too, just as there exists a market for organ 'donations' in certain countries. Follow the money.
I remember when Hillary sang the praises of Margaret Sanger, the founder of what is now PP. Sanger's motives for supporting birth control and legal abortion were drawn from eugenics, namely that the lower classes should not have children nor should "less than desirable" infants be allowed to live. Y'know, Hitler thought the exact same way.

Leftists always use the "Republicans only care about the fetus and not about the babies" but that's not true. Republicans and esp. Christian Conservatives donate to orphanages far more than do Democrats.

Abortion is the law of the land and I think most people believe it should be, but I also think most of those are like me, not wanting to force a woman to bear a child conceived of rape or incest or esp. if her own life was in danger, but I also do not see anything wrong with limits on the last date on which they can be performed or otherwise regulating it. The leftists want more regulations on ear piercing than they do abortions.
Oh, and I've read that Sanger was anti-abortion, but I think that particular bit of history has been whitewashed b/c I've read contradictory articles on that.
Thanks Mike. I'm not in favor of abolishing a woman's right to determine whether she will or will not carry a child. I've always opposed third trimester abortions except in the cases of rape, incest or mother's life in danger as you noted. The subject touches a lot of nerves but needs to be discussed calmly, sensibly to arrive at a consensus for which most agree.
My ex's DIL found out she had the worst kind of lung cancer on the day she found out she was pregnant. It's been a long journey for her and her husband, but my ex wrote me the other day saying they had taken the baby at right at six months b/c the chemo could not wait. The baby was not quite four lbs. but that's been a month or so ago and is finally gaining some weight. The mother is responding well to the treatment, too.

The baby's dad/my ex's son is a big ol' boy, 6'8"and about 300 lbs. of muscle and the picture my ex sent me of him holding that teensy child nearly made me cry and smile at the same time.
Thanks Mike. Prayers and good thoughts of healing for both of them.
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