Usual trigger warning. For the rest of us ....
Yu decide.
Psych meds linked to 90% of school shootings
Outta the blue the song "Shakedown" popped in my head.
Democrats Want $300 Million To "Counter Russian Operatives" Ahead Of 2018 Midterms
By: Paul Mirengoff Source:
"The problem hasn’t been the U.S., where emissions have declined since the Paris agreement, according to the Washington Post. The problem has been with much of the rest of the world. The Post explains:
Even as renewable energy grows cheaper and automakers churn out battery-powered and more efficient cars, many nations around the world are nonetheless struggling to hit the relatively modest goals set in Paris.
The reasons vary. Brazil has struggled to rein in deforestation, which fuels greenhouse gas emissions. In Turkey, Indonesia and other countries with growing economies, new coal plants are being planned to meet the demand for electricity.
Now there’s a surprise — countries with growing economies will use coal plants, not wind and other trendy sources, to meet electricity demand. ..."
First article links to the second. Please if you have time read both for a much clearer picture of what's taking place with respect to the hatched Russian collusion story .... and who's alleged to be cooperating with the investigation.
Built a firepit for us all to sit around as the show rolls on. Food in the oven & on the grill so grab a plate, have a seat.
FBI-gate: The Outlines of the Story Are Coming into Focus
"....In the calm before the storm breaks, the mainstream media and the Democrat attack squad from the House Intel committee [i] are in the midst of utterly discrediting themselves. Once the story breaks into the open, indictments will be handed down, and the witnesses, hostile and cooperating, will be heard in hearings and in court. They have worked together to cover up and distract from the story, but the truth will out, and now it is becoming clear how that will happen..... "
Game Over – Judge Jeanine Interview With HPSCI Rep. Chris Stewart…
".....In essence, Bill Priestap was James Comey’s fall guy. We knew it at the time that Bill Priestap would likely see this the same way. The guy would have too much to lose by allowing James Comey to set him up.
Immediately there was motive for Bill Priestap to flip and become the primary source to reveal the hidden machinations. Why should he take the fall for the operation when there were multiple people around the upper-levels of leadership who carried out the operation.
Our suspicions were continually confirmed because there was NO MENTION of Bill Priestap in any future revelations of the scheme team, despite his centrality to all of it.
Bill Priestap would have needed to authorize Peter Strzok to engage with Christopher Steele over the “Russian Dosssier”; Bill Priestap would have needed to approve of the underlying investigative process used for both FISA applications (June 2016, and Oct 21st 2016). Bill Priestap would be the person to approve of arranging, paying, or reimbursing, Christopher Steele for the Russian Dossier used in their counterintelligence operation and subsequent FISA application. ...."
Sincere condolences to the families for their loss. I hope time can take away some of the pain they feel right now.
Assault Weapon ?02-17-18 (Ramirez)
Usual trigger warnings. Otherwise enjoy.
Portrait of a Presidency ?02-12-18 (Ramirez)
Short to the point. You decide.
Free Speech And Social Engineering In The "Land Of The Free"
This is an excellent although long read which goes over the fine points of what was represented to the FISA court as being "factual."
Grassley-Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo — Media Yawns
By: Andrew C Mccarthy Source: National Review
".......As I outlined at greater length last week (here, in section C), in applying for a warrant, the government must establish the reliability of the informants who witnessed the alleged facts claimed to support a probable-cause finding. Steele was not one of those witnesses. He is not the source of the facts. He is the purveyor of the sources — anonymous Russians, much of whose alleged information is based on hearsay, sometimes multiple steps removed from direct knowledge. Steele has not been in Russia since his cover as a British spy was blown nearly 20 years ago. He has sources, who have sources, who have sources . . . and so on. None of his information is better than third-hand; most of it is more attenuated than that. ...."
"..... In fact, they kept telling the FISA court he was reliable even after Steele himself admitted to a British court that his dossier wasn’t at all reliable. ..."
To each person their own chosen belief.
However I found this meme pretty funny.
Usual trigger warning.
Was expected to replace Rosenstein .... am I reading too much into this? Probably.
No. 3 Official at the Justice Department Is Reportedly Stepping Down; Was Expected to Replace Rosenstein
Slight language warning this video. He makes some valid points about laws regarding espionage and punishment for conviction.
Scott Adams makes a case for executing Christopher Steele
Jarasan posted first about this subject, This fleshes out the situation for a more in depth look.
Disgraced Senator Mark Warner had Secret Ties to Russian Oligarch and Chris Steele
Trump's "Draining The Swamp" Is A Real-Life Game Of Thrones
Big surprise, not really. Full article behind a paywall.
George Soros, the man who 'broke the Bank of England', backing secret plot to thwart Brexit
Some serious satire especially if you've been keeping up with the Qanon drops. Otherwise enjoy the music.
Language warning on some of the memes.
POTUS is FREED "Let it Ride"
Points well stated. Please watch entire video (14 min). You decide.
Hey Pelosi & Schrumer does American Lives Matter?
Short post, short video.
John Hinderaker Source:
"When liberals make the case for illegal immigration, they never talk about murderous MS-13 gang members, drunken drivers who kill innocent people at the side of the highway, career criminals who have been deported multiple times, and so on. Instead, they focus on the high school valedictorian whose presence may, indeed, be a net benefit to the country. But is that the end of the story? ...."
".....Several things are going on here. The first is that the Democrats have absolutely no interest in the rule of law. The fact that our laws are being flouted means absolutely nothing to them, as they freely admit. Indeed, Democrats like Nancy Pelosi openly advocate law-breaking–not for some elevated principle, but for personal advancement.
Second, being an American means nothing to Democrats. To normal people, it is blindingly obvious that the purpose of the U.S. government is to serve the interests of the American people, not citizens of some other country. But the Democratic Party, as personified by Nancy Pelosi, refuses to acknowledge this basic principle. No wonder immigration is a winning issue for the GOP!"
Dems Warn of Cataclysmic Doom If The Memo Is Released! (Too Late)
".... President Trump has a unique ability to make liberal heads explode. You can see this one coming: libs will ramp up their use of the F-word, while normal Americans will wonder what is wrong with a parade:
A date has not been selected, although officials said Trump would like to tie the parade to a patriotic holiday.
Of course he would! That only makes it worse, for the Left. While liberals may not be traitors, as the president suggested in a moment of levity, most of them are not very patriotic. So a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, reminiscent of the Grand Review of the Armies at the end of the Civil War, will send liberals into a tizzy that the rest of us can enjoy.
Where did Trump get the idea of a military parade? From France: ..."
Feds Arrest Democrat Texas State Judge Near Border
"...Judge Rudy Delgado is the presiding judge of the 93rd State District Court. In this position, he hears any type of state court cases including civil and criminal matters. As a Democrat incumbent, Delgado ran unopposed in the 2016 general election and is currently registered with the Texas Secretary of State website as a Democratic candidate for Justice of the 13th Court of Appeals Place 4.
McAllen Attorney Al Alvarez confirmed to Breitbart Texas and to other news outlets that he would be representing Delgado who he said is in custody. Delgado will likely go before a U.S. Magistrate Judge on Monday at the federal courthouse in McAllen. ...."
Language warning if you're easily offended. Otherwise an attorney explains how things have to be presented to the FISA court.
The Aftermath of Friday's Nunes/FISA Memo Release
Former CIA: FBI targeting is an unprecedented, egregious abuse of power
Song from the wayback machine (1971).
Smiling Faces Sometimes - The Undisputed Truth
Good ones this week. Trigger warning.
Confused Nancy Pelosi Stutters – Forgets Who’s President – Calls Trump “Bush” Again (VIDEO)
The Best Explanation of What the FISA Memo Says, What It Means and How Mueller Will Be Destroyed
FISA Memo Released: Here's What It Says
Source: ZeroHedge
"The just released FISA memo accuses senior officials at the DOJ of inappropriately using biased opposition research into then-candidate Trump to obtain surveillance warrants on transition team members as part of the federal investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.
According to the document, information from the the so-called Steele dossier was "essential" to the acquisition of surveillance warrants on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. It claims that then-deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe told the committee in December that without the information from the Steele dossier, no surveillance warrant for Page would have been sought.
The memo alleges that the political origins of the dossier — paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — were not disclosed to the clandestine court that signed off on the warrant request.
The document claims that although the FBI had "clear evidence" that the author of the dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele, was biased against Trump, it did not convey that to the surveillance court when making its warrant applications. Steele told then-associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr that he was "desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president," the memo says. ...."
Great discussion. Language warning.
FISA Memo Released: Proof of DNC FBI Collusion, and, Yes, Worse than Watergate
Socialist equality 02-01-18 (Ramirez)
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