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Saturday, September 8, 2018


The Untold Story About Obama's Former CIA Director, John Brennan

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The Untold Story About Obama's Former CIA Director, John Brennan

Interesting letter by one Mr. Faddis to Brennan. I just happened to watch (most of*) a YouTube Vice channel video about a CIA intelligence analyst earlier today. *I say "most of", b/c he came across as pompous and far too self-important to impress me, saying he was what Jack Ryan (the fictional character in a number of Tom Clancy's books and a few movies made from them) should really be. -snicker-

It's obvious that Brennan only wants his security clearance as so to do lucrative consulting work, but his Communist background is something totally new to me, maybe I missed that somewhere. If that's the case, then he needs to be denied a clearance permanently and his past dealings delved into with a fine tooth comb and a close watch kept on any future ones.

When Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp", I took it as hyperbole, maybe getting rid of some of the dead weight in the various alphabet bureaucracies, but I now see it for what it was, that he was going to have to dig through the muck of the swamp and evict the bottom dwellers.

And while I'm on my soap box, I will bring up this "Russian collusion" BS again. I've been saying for years that we need to cultivate - if not a friendship, then a "closer relationship" - with Russia. After all, we need someone in that immediate neighborhood to help counter China's now-obvious expansionist policy. Russia might not ever be "friends", but it's like in The Godfather: "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
Amen Mike

                                                  DRAIN THE DAMMM SWAMP!!!!!

All 200 revoke them now!!!!!!
Thanks Mike. The deeper we dig the more layers and tentacles we find.
Thanks Eddessa. Can't be too soon for me.
Thanks Jarasan. Yep all of them.
Konane, you said it, the deeper we dig the more layers and tentacles found, no truer words were ever spoken.

And Mike I never thought President Trump's plan to drain swamp was hyperbole. I may be naïve but because he was an outsider, I kept him to his word and he has not disappointed. However, I dont think the President knew just how bad and deep the swamp really is....tentacles tied to lots of s***bags and crooks and they all are fighting every step of the way to keep their position and power.
Thanks Lejardin. I feel he knew and ran anyway. The sacrifices he's made and is making are not fully appreciated by many but I feel history will show him in a good light. Draining of the swamp is a collective movement supported by people from all over the world who are tired of corruption.
I noticed Brennan hasn't been crying and complaining, hmmm Lawyer probably told him to zip it.
lejardin, I was only going by his own words in his book "Art of the Deal". I read that not long after it came out, didn't buy it but checked it out from the library and while I couldn't remember his exact words (after all, the book came out in '87), a quick Google search brought up the exact paragraph I remembered where he was talking about "truthful hyperbole":

“A little hyperbole never hurts,” he wrote. “People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular ... It’s an innocent form of exaggeration - and a very effective form of promotion.”

Since I read it in just a few days and didn't have to return it until two weeks were up, I let my mom read it and she was offended by his slams at President Reagan, saying he (Trump) now wondered if there was anything of substance behind the smile.(of Reagan's)

I like Trump (for the most part), and while I didn't vote for him in the primary, do not regret my general election vote for him, not one iota. I wasn't insulting him by accusing him of hyperbole, it's something nearly every politician engages in...and, as I showed above, he admits to it. A little hyperbole is a good thing sometimes - there might be 50,000 screaming fans in the stands, but there are still cheerleaders on the sidelines.

We ALL use hyperbole...all the time. "I'm starving!" "Yeah, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." It's exaggeration not meant to be taken literally. "Meat loaf, again? We've had that a dozen times already this week!" Unless you HAVE had it 12 times already, then that's hyperbole...not a deliberate lie.

When I'd say something like that as a kid, my mom would say "I've told you a hundred million times to not exaggerate!"

Trump has made statements that some call lies, but others call hyperbole. When he says he's "the greatest president ever" or that this is "the greatest economy ever", then nothing short of the passage of time will prove whether that's hyperbole...or will turn out to be false braggadocio. I'm doing him a favor by calling it hyperbole, not insulting him by saying they are lies.

I copied that book quote from a website, pasted it into a Notepad document to strip out any formatting, but it still came out garbled. I will type it out and not C&P, see if that works:

"A little hyperbole never hurts." he wrote. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular...It's an innocent form of exaggeration - and an effective form of promotion."
Thanks Sully. A thousand things could have happened in the background to turn down the volume. Whatever they may be, glad they worked.
Thanks Mike. Pres Trump uses hyperbole to set the tempo, to get people thinking positively after having lived through decades of social and economic decline. The left agenda had been stealthily applied with help of rinos to condition us for the nation to fall. Then they come in like heroes to fix everything and we'd be so grateful for them. They wanted to make us into another Venezuela rules by elites.

Pres Trump is a positive person surrounded by the finest minds in the world all intent on Making America Great Again.
To me, his hyperbole is just him setting his aim a little higher than a reasonable goal...after all, no one gets excited about "reasonable". Trust me, I wasn't slamming him, just that I recognize what he's doing. Boxers/fighters do it all the time "I'm gonna knock him out in 30 seconds!" Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, but when the KO happens in the third round, no one cares...and it ain't braggin' if you can back it up.

And, there's no one that can honestly claim he's filled all of his promises, but people who live in reality understand things can take time, maybe even two terms. -wink- I'm mostly pleased with what he's done so far, want him to keep going. After eight years of apologizing for the U.S., of being told I'm a "bitter clinger" and seeing a change that is anathema to what this country was intended to be, I'm proud that we have a President with big brass ones!
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