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Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Federal grand jury indicts NM compound suspects on firearms, conspiracy charges

I owe the judge who released these suspects a sincere apology. Really glad to learn of this.

Federal grand jury indicts NM compound suspects on firearms, conspiracy charges

For the first time in a long time, I am glad the Feds stepped in on a case; it was looking like N. Mexico wasn't going to do a thing...or at least, the right thing.
Thanks Mike. I was astounded when the story was that the original judge dropped charges with no indication of what else may have taken place.
I didn't understand what you meant by owing the judge an apology, so I went back and read more about the case, not relying on what little I had read about it before. (because it made me so angry!) I did read where the D.A.had intended to refile the charges due to some procedural error the first time, so maybe that's what you meant?

This is really scary, if you think about it. What if these people are just the "tip of the iceberg" and there are hundreds, maybe even thousands more like them here in the U.S.?

You know, you don't have to fly planes into buildings to create havoc and cause terror among the U.S. population.   Just a couple of guys armed to the teeth in a crowded mall could kill hundreds. A concerted, connected and coinciding set of attacks of that type in just one major city could rival the casualty count of 9/11, being cheaper and less costly to do so.
"cheaper and less costly". Duh, redundant. (that's what my parrot said when I lined his cage bottom with a Newsweek w/ Hillary on the cover)

I guess I meant "easier", less complicated.

Also, much of America's infrastructure is vulnerable - I wouldn't even try to hit the Golden Gate bridge if I were them, just blow up a few lesser-known but still vital ones. I was watching a video about some decommissioned nuclear reactor on the Ca. coast that is lightly guarded, but still has tons of still deadly fuel rods stored on site. There are probably a handful of electric sub-stations that could blackout just about any major cities. Wasn't the last major blackout of the East Coast caused by a single squirrel in a transformer?
Hope they get the max.
That compound looked like a mad max set.
THanks Mike. I made a remark in one of my previous posts about the judge releasing the group based on limited information in the article.
Thanks Sully. Me too.
Thanks Jarasan. Totally creepy.
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