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Monday, September 24, 2018


Democrats Efforts to Slander and Defame Judge Kavanaugh Backfire � Americans Fed Up with Lowlife Lib

Same tired old playbook. Nothing substantive, only slanderous drive-bys then trying things in the court of public opinion. The left represents chaos so no wonder the left wants mob rule.

Democrats Efforts to Slander and Defame Judge Kavanaugh Backfire – Americans Fed Up with Lowlife Liberal Smears

The Liberal Democrat’s agenda to slander and defame Judge Kavanaugh are backfiring. Americans everywhere (especially women) see through their nasty tricks and are totally disgusted. Red wave coming!

As liberals pile on in slanderous and concerted attacks on Judge Kavanaugh in hopes to derail his Senate confirmation, Americans are seeing right through it and are raging with disgust!

No one, including Liberals, believes the Kavanaugh accusers –

Red wave come November.

November blue wave.

I was shocked when I read this comment.
~. • an hour ago

Sadly, many in Congress have been black-mailed by their own to keep them in check. I heard one gal call into a radio show and share how she was used as a child to be used by rogue agencies to get video tape of members of Congress having sex with them. This gal shared how one man was in tears having sex with the child. He was told to either commit the crime or he and his family would be killed. When put in this situation, I would hope to choose to be killed instead of violating a child.
Crying Chuck Shumer said she (Ford) WAS a credible witness, he has not seen or talked to her.
Or, has she already met with Dems?
I wouldn't doubt she either sits out Thursday or shows up and she's a raging nut ball.
The left is going down big league.
Ms. Blasey-Ford Attorney Casts Doubt on Appearance…
Posted on September 24, 2018     by sundance
I still cant get over this was over 35 YEARS AGO. This is the biggest bunch of bs I have ever seen and I am VERY dismayed by these women who are disparaging a decent man and his family.
I also pray the Socialists/Democrats go down in a flames. We need to help President Trump right this ship.
Reading the comments from this story, men are changing their way of life, mothers are afraid for their sons and daughters because these lunatic women can say and make and charges, dont put yourself into a position where they can do so.
We are helping right this ship we flipped it in 2016 now we have to empty the nasty bilge swamp water.
So blatant so sick, so transparent they are done, even the sh1tstream media can't run cover. It is over.
I had read there were two new accusers, so I went to see just what the particular charges were. The second accuser, Deborah Ramirez, says Kavanaugh...well, let's just say "closely exposed himself" to her. She says she was extremely inebriated, blaming her condition on others "urging her on" in a drinking game. Oh-kay. She also says she doesn't remember much about the party, just that he did what he did and she knew it was him because everyone was calling him "Brett Kavanaugh".

That's what my friends always called me at parties, always called me by my full name. -snicker-

I haven't yet seen what accusations the third woman has leveled, anyone?
November is coming. Should you stay or should you go? WE THE PEOPLE will let you know!!! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!
Thanks JAP. I've seen several suggestions that similar has happened to many. Or go party with adults, be drugged and photos like you suggest are shown with threats to use them. Maybe I had my tinfoil hat on crooked when I read that but so be it.
Thanks Sully. I thought I read her attorney doesn't want her cross examined. If I made such allegations against anyone I would expect to be grilled, not just cross examined.
Thanks Jarasan. Up until obama the left's agenda has been semi hidden and when called on it they could easily deny. However they became so emboldened believing she couldn't lose it became apparent. Now in hysteria it's being shown full force. Even if I were liberal I wouldn't want to be part of any of it.
Thanks JAP. Cold feet huh? Oh well ....
Thanks Lejardin. Mothers have every right to fear for their son's futures when accusations are accepted as fact and that's that. No due process, no innocent until proven guilty.
Thanks Jarasan. As blatant as sick as it is, their methods and tactics had to be fully demonstrated so the public can see clearly.
Thanks Mike. Why didn't they go to the police at the time provided the event took place?
Thanks Grwurston. Yes make plans to show up at the polls. Some polls allow for early voting, just do it.
Any woman that claims she slept with over 50 men between high school and college graduation, does not have to be raped. That number was social media post, she erased it! Personally if she were my daughter, I would disown her. By supporting the Democrats, I hope she can be sued for slander , for destroying a man's life.
Thanks CARBOB. Likelihood Judge Kavanaugh is too gracious to sue but it would appear he may have the grounds to do so.
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