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Friday, September 18, 2009


"Ingredients Found in Spermicides, Cleaners, and Cosmetics along with Thimerosal, and Squalene Prese

Make up your own mind if any of this information is useful to you.


"Ingredients Found in Spermicides, Cleaners, and Cosmetics along with Thimerosal, and Squalene Present in Experimental H1N1 Vaccine

Jeffry John Aufderheide


See for yourself the study presented at the end of article. Please spread the word and make this go viral… no pun intended. Kindly reference and link to VacTRUTH!

(  Trials for the experimental H1N1 Swine flu vaccine commence Tuesday, September 15th in Thornton, Colorado. Novartis, a bio-pharmaceutical company that manufactures the vaccine,  is recommending that children participating in the trial receive two doses of an experimental vaccine which contain ingredients found in spermicides, cleaners, and cosmetics along with thimerosal and squalene (MF59). Everyone should have a sense of concern as the only safety checks for these children are a few blood draws and follow-up phone calls. No neurological testing. No kidding.

Official opinions from federal agencies, such as the CDC, insist that the new vaccine will be safe and effective. Experts say we can trust the new H1N1 experimental vaccine because the technology used to create the vaccine is time tested. Experts argue that the only variable changing from the ‘normal’ flu vaccine and the H1N1 experimental vaccine is the novel A/H1N1 antigen. In other words, the same vaccine ‘technology’ is used but with the new virus.

However, this is the furthest thing from the actual TRUTH. As will be demonstrated, the following information was obtained through enrolling a family member into the study to gain an understanding as to what the ingredients would be.  After finding out the the information I am about to share, enrollment in this trial has been canceled.


I met with the research coordinator for the study along with Dr. Melamed, an immunologist conducting the study. Dr. Melamed altruistically shared his knowledge answering questions concerning immunology and the technology behind the vaccine while remaining evasive on questions of what was in the vaccine and legal ramifications if harm was done. Dr. Melamed reassured me several times that the experimental H1N1 vaccine was created just like past vaccines and that the technology was well established.

Requests for package inserts for the ingredients of the experimental H1N1 vaccine were denied on the grounds that this was a study and that information is privileged. However, we can still piece together some of the ingredients based upon the parental consent form.

“MF59 is an adjuvant which is used in influenza vaccines licensed for the adults and/or elderly in many countries worldwide, but it is not contained in any vaccines currently approved in the United States.” (page 2)

Isn’t it interesting that the study states it is licensed for adults and elderly? This study is designed for children between the ages of 3 and 8 and they plan on shooting up newborns and pregnant women with this stuff? Buyer beware.

Here is what the World Association for Vaccine Education had to say about Squalene (MF59):

Squalene:C30H50 an Adjuvant


Too dangerous for human use, Squalene is not licensed for use in the United States.  Oil adjuvants like squalene have been ordinarily used to inflict diseases in animals – for experimentation and study.  According to anthrax vaccine expert Gary Matsumoto and other reliable sources, the US military used an unlicensed, experimental anthrax vaccination laced with squalene, with disastrous consequences, including Gulf War Sydrome. Chemical descriptions:
Unites States National Library of Medicine: PubChem

Adverse effects:[Mesh%20Terms%3anoexpMust read:
Matsumoto, Gary.  Vaccine A; The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers – and Why GI's Are Only the First Victims. Basic Books, 2004.

Present in these vaccines:
Anthrax (experimental, used on military personnel)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny also elaborates on the deleterious effects of the Squalene Adjuvant in a 2006 article entitled, "FLU SHOTS AND THE NEW ADJUVANTS: BEWARE!" and can be found in its entirety here. An excerpt from Dr. Tenpenny's article can give a better appreciation and understanding of what squalene is capable of in the body...

"On first blush, squalene seems like a good choice for an adjuvant. Manufactured naturally in the liver, squalene is a precursor for cholesterol. In addition, squalene can be purchased at health food stores in its more commonly known form, “shark liver oil.” However, ingested squalene has a completely different effect on the body than injected squalene. When molecules of squalene enter the body through an injection, even at concentrations as small as 10 to 20 parts per billion, it can lead to self-destructive immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this reaction. Metabolically, squalene stimulates an immune response excessively and nonspecifically. More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to squalene-based adjuvants. A convincing proposal for why this occurs includes the concept of “molecular mimicry” in which an antibody created against the squalene in MF59 can cross react with the body’s squalene on the surface of human cells. The destruction of the body’s own squalene can lead to debilitating autoimmune and central nervous system diseases."

“Carcinogenicity, we (Dr. Deborah Novicki of Novartis, another pharmaceutical company) have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF59 adjuvant or any of our preventive vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.”

This information is found on a workshop on adjuvants and adjuvanted preventative and therapeutic vaccines hosted by the FDA. This gem of a quote is on page 391.


Further down we see that, while not mentioned explicitly as ingredients, one can deduce they are in the vaccine via an implied allergic reaction.

"If your child has had an allergic reaction in the past to eggs, egg products, neomycin or polymyxin (antibiotics), sodium ethylmercurothiosalicylate or thimerosal (compounds containing mercury that are frequently used as preservatives in vaccines), beta propriolactone (substance that inactivates a virus), or nonoxynol 9 (substance commonly used in cleaners, cosmetics, and spermicides), you must tell the medical staff..." (pg 8) (emphasis mine)

Thimerosal has been thoroughly exposed as a neurological toxin largely in part and much gratitude to Lyn Redwood who obtained the meeting minutes from a secret meeting between government officials and pharmaceutical companies discussing the effects of the mercury additive. The document is called the Simpsonwood document and details exclusively the neurological harm thimerosal causes in children. Dr. Russell Blaylock has a commentary on the document here or read the meeting minutes yourself here.

“the number of dose related relationships [between mercury and autism] are linear and statistically significant. You can play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant.” – Dr. William Weil, American Academy of Pediatrics. Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“the issue is that it is impossible, unethical to leave kids unimmunized, so you will never, ever resolve that issue [regarding the impact of mercury].” – Dr. Robert Chen, Chief of Vaccine Safety and Development, Centers For Disease Control, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“Forgive this personal comment, but I got called out at eight o’clock for an emergency call and my daughter-in-law delivered a son by c-section. Our first male in the line of the next generation and I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on. It will probably take a long time. In the meantime, and I know there are probably implications for this internationally, but in the meanwhile I think I want that grandson to only be given Thimerosal-free vaccines.” – Dr. Robert Johnson, Immunologist, University of Colorado, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect that it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say…My mandate as I sit here in this group is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, next year and for many years to come, and that will have to be with thimerosal containing vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an alternative is found quickly and is tried and found to be safe.” – Dr. John Clements, World Health Organization, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

One can only wonder the harmful effects nonoxynol 9 could bring. I could find no past flu vaccine that contained this ingredient nor study showing it is safe to inject into humans.

At this point, it must be said. According to the CDC’s vaccine schedule, children now receive 36 vaccines prior to going into kindergarten. This fall season will add 4 additional vaccines to this total for a grand total of 40!? And we’re not even getting warmed up…


By far the most entertaining part of the meeting with Dr. Melamed is when my eyes bugged out on page 6 and 7 of the study. It was explained to me that the side effects I am about to list off are side effects for all vaccines… and that I had nothing to worry about because this vaccine, this vaccine as you recall was made with ‘established technology’. If that is the case, it is the cause for even MORE concern!!!!

Other side effects that have been reported in clinical studies with other influenza vaccines or have been reported by people who received influenza vaccines may include: [VacTRUTH Editor's Note: Potential Flu Symptoms Highlighted in RED]

Reactions at the site of injection:

  • bruising
  • itchiness
  • rash
  • warmth
  • lump or irritation at the site where the vaccine was given
  • sharp pain in or along nerves or tingling of pins and needles (paresthesia)
  • pain limiting movement of the limb where the vaccine was given
  • infection
  • muscle ache

Other general reactions:

  • hot flashes or flushing
  • chills or shivering
  • dizziness
  • generalized weakness
  • fainting shortly after vaccination
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • loss of appetite
  • abdominal pain
  • back pain
  • lymph node enlargement
  • temporary decrease in the number of blood platelets, which may increase the risk of bleeding
  • bleeding
  • decrease in red blood cells, or anemia, which may make you feel tired.
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • shortness of breath
  • wheezing
  • chest tightness
  • chest pain
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • “pins and needles” in the skin
  • sweating
  • skin disorders related to allergic reaction (which can lead to rash and skin loss)
  • inflammation of blood vessels (including inflammation of blood vessels that may cause short-term effect on kidneys)
  • confusion
  • headaches similar to those described as migraine
  • seizures associated with fever
  • spinal cord or brain inflammation (encephalomyelitis)
  • paralysis
  • muscle weakness
  • infection
  • life-threatening and/or debilitating disorders of the nervous system

On IMMUNoE’s website, on page three of this flier, it states:

“Q: Could the new H1N1 vaccine cause a person to get the flu?

A: Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to get flu from a flu vaccine. This is true for the seasonal flu vaccine, as well as the investigational(sic) H1N1 vaccine.”

Are the vaccines the same or not the same? Of course, Dr. Melamed at this point tells me about how people with weakened or no immune system can actually get the disease from a vaccine. I asked what measures were being used to understand what the child’s immune response would be (or even if they had an immune response to indicate it was working PRIOR to the vaccine) and Dr. Melamed said, ‘none’. If they don’t measure before and after, how will they know?

“These other general conditions have occurred in people who received influenza vaccines:

  • autoimmune disorders (these are disorders in which the body’s tissue are attacked by its own immune system and include liver injury or nerve injury)
  • arthritis (joint pain)” (pg 8)


Being a concerned parent one at this point would probably want to know how neurological damage is measured to know if it has occurred in their child. To my surprise, NO NEUROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS are taken!!! Neurological damage can clearly be seen in past flu vaccines as was the case in the 1975-76 swine flu vaccine.

Dr. Andrew Moulden gives laypersons clinical skills to detect neurological damage occurring after a child or adult is vaccinated. I highly recommend his DVD – Tolerance Lost that is found on his Brainguard website or reading several articles posted exclusively on VacTRUTH which will give you these skills. They are respectively entitled, “Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines” and “Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all“. The second article has photographs showing you precisely what is occurring.

In a separate interview with Dr. Moulden, he succinctly states that if neurological measures are never taken, the industry can say that vaccines are safe.

The only measurements taken will be a brief physical exam, measurement of vital signs and body temperature, blood samples to check for immune response, reviewing diaries with staff, and follow up phone calls. (pg4) Monitoring for safety is occurring for 13 months. How can, then, the vaccines be declared for public use with any certainty of safety in less than 2 months?

“It is also of the understanding that eight investigational (sic) vaccine formulations with different amounts of A/H1N1 antigens and with or without adjuvant will be tested for this study.” (pg 2)


Let us recap.
1. The vaccine contains squalene (MF59) which has not been tested for causing cancer.
2. The vaccine contains thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits.
3. The vaccine curiously contains nonoxynol-9 used in spermicides.
4. The vaccine will likely cause (and spread) the flu.
5. No neurological testing will be done to ensure the vaccine is safe from harmful neurological side effects.
6. Monitoring for safety will last 13 months, well beyond the flu season.

As to my knowledge, this information is the first of its kind validating the ingredients and the intent to use them on the population. Buyer beware of this vaccine as we are likely to see an onslaught of damaged men, women, and children if there are forced vaccines. The ‘new’ experimental vaccine is certainly unlike any other that we, as Americans, have been exposed to in the past.


Vaccine Trial Paperwork

VacTRUTH Editor’s Note:

1. Check out Jonathan Elinoff’s new website

2. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has a great site to educate yourself on the upcoming flu season at

3. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein has a free webinar series talking about various topics in vaccinology. Visit his website at

4. Read how pharmaceutical companies plan on superseding parental consent laws to force mass vaccinations here.

5. Visit for interviews I have done concerning vaccines with Chris Yankowski.

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