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Thursday, July 30, 2009


"China's national flag to go up in White House on Sept 20

"China's national flag to go up in White House on Sept 20

By Hou Lei (
Updated: 2009-07-13 16:45

"The national flag of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday.

Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.

Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of the United States, told reporters that their application was approved not only because of the sound Sino-US relations but also because China is a responsible country.

"Many Americans admire China due to the success of last year’s Beijing Olympics," said Chen.

More than 1,000 people will attend the ceremony and the performances held after it, according to Zhao Luqun, who will direct the performances.

Zhao said the performances will demonstrate the friendship, magnanimous spirit and kindness of modern Chinese people."

Going once, going twice , SOLD.
Awesome! Thanks Konane!

China is a great country that we need to look up to and strive to be just like it.
Aw, c'mon, who isn't kind to their banker when he pays them a visit?
Thanks JAP!!! Yep bet that was promised on our last visit begging for more money.
Thanks Jarasan!! Chairman Mao would be so proud, bet he's looking from the beyond laughing his arse off.
Thanks Time*treat!!! Considering infrastructure sold it wouldn't surprise me if China doesn't own the White House in toto.
Oh dear. I think I'm going to go nuts. I miss my Country.
Contact your congress persons and demand it back!!! If enough of us do that they have to listen. If not vote them out.
To be recited as children face flag with hand over heart:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the People's Republic of China. And to the republic for which it stands..."
Thanks Rick!!! Seems we raised the specter of illegal campaign contributions by China to Clinton and were rebuffed instead of people becoming fighting mad. Future implications we saw then have now been realized.
I read there's a small village in China that I could afford to retire to if I live like the locals... sigh
Have the utmost respect for Chinese people I've come in contact with. Seems their country is going to rise into what the USA once was .... at least for the next several years as things appear now. Come to think of it feng shui the next 20 years changed about 3 years ago for the North East to have greatest world influence, greatest prosperity, North East being China. Coincidentally it shifted away from the West having that influence.
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