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Sunday, July 13, 2008


"Invite the Light That Shatters Self-Limitation

Some more feel good stuff from a thankfully Banana Banana  rainy BananaBanana  Atlanta, GA.  Hope you enjoy!  Big Grin



"Invite the Light That Shatters Self-Limitation

By Guy Finley July 12th, 2008
Source Dream Manifesto

"We are not created to spend our lives in fearful preparation over what may come - but rather to use whatever comes our way, each moment, to help us perfect our understanding that God is good.

In those moments when we meet a challenge that stands in our way, we are not meeting some immovable, transient object. In reality, we are meeting nothing more than our own present understanding of that event. Wherever we are - whatever we encounter - we meet there our own understanding.

This is such an important insight for us to ponder: the dimension - the breadth and depth of any event transpiring before us - is a reflection of the level of self that perceives it. In other words, life cannot be any deeper, wiser, shallow, or selfish than permitted by what we are capable of understanding about it.

There is such beauty and freedom in this realization about the nature of our reality: we look at life through the mirror of our consciousness and what we see there - whether all bound up or boundless - is determined by our present level of self-understanding. In other words, whenever our present nature meets some barrier, a limit of any kind, all it's really run up against is itself. The self that sees limitation . . . is the limitation it sees; this is why it can't see past that point! It is the "end" it sees; they are one thing.

On the other hand, true spiritual success is one and the same as our realization that, in real life, nothing ends without the birth of something else taking place in that same moment.

Our True Self is the creative Ground of a ceaseless genesis; our great task in life - through our awareness of the whole of it - is to be a kind of midwife to this eternal miracle of birth. And what is continually being born in us and into this world of ours - whether for its bitterness or brightness - depends on how we meet these changes that drive creation forward. Let's see how these grand ideas reveal themselves in our daily affairs.

As life pours itself out in the stream of passing time, and we run into challenges seemingly greater than our ability to answer, each of these encounters "asks" this question of us:

"Are you willing to change (who you have been) in order to realize a higher possibility of yourself?"

And though moments like these trouble us because of their uncertainty, here's why we should be very grateful for their continuing appearance in our lives: this unwanted experience of realizing our limitations is the only way life can ask us if we wish to go beyond them. So this unknown moment of not understanding (what is to be) is actually the beautiful seed of a new order of our being, providing we're willing to see it as such.

Unfortunately, most of us automatically resist the unknown. Whenever we can't understand the nature of some unwanted situation, we fall, by default, into the hands of a nature whose answer to this ache is always the same: get negative and then try to protect ourselves from anything that can't be otherwise controlled. The rest takes place in us on automatic pilot: in the wink of an eye, we begin to see the "way out" of our situation: blame him, fix that, fight or flee. But here's what we don't see: in that moment, our guiding light is a dark reaction dedicated, in one way or another, to avoiding what that moment came to give us. This false nature takes what was a celestially planned event - for the purpose of our further spiritual perfection - and turns it into a dead end.

We have all heard about people receiving messages, instructions from God. What you probably don't realize is that "communications of a celestial kind" are raining down on us every waking moment. In fact, each impression we receive - wanted or not - is just that: the Divine Life speaking to us, asking, "Would you like entrance into a larger world, one without fear and hatred? Do you wish to be more patient, loving, and kind? Are you interested in developing a relationship with a living Light that never goes out, and whose peace passes all understanding?" But before we can hope to affirm our answer, we must first see how these questions are being put before us.

Life repeatedly brings us moments that introduce us to some unseen limitation in our present level of self. For example, when conditions get too stressful, we can keep neither our patience nor our temper under control. Too often, though we know better, cruel words spring from our mouth as our way of answering cutting remarks from someone else. Perhaps we see how the fear of being betrayed (again) colors all our relationships, limiting our ability to give ourselves freely to those we would love.

The point should be clear: Time and time again, interior trials such as these return to help us see one thing: we can't get past them as long as we remain who and what we have been - because who and what we have been is what we are meeting in these same moments! Another way of stating this same insight is startling: Resisting what life shows us - not wanting those moments wherein we're invited to see the truth about our present level of Self - ensures they will return again! This is the interior meaning of reincarnation: the recreation of self through resistance to the negative effects of its own manifestations. It doesn't have to be this way. We are meant to rise above creation, not repeat our life through it in ever-descending cycles.

There's only one way for us to transcend the limitations of our present nature. We must see - as has been the purpose of this whole lesson - this one great fact: These limitations don't belong to us any more than the clumsy body of the caterpillar belongs to the butterfly liberated from its husk. Then, we must act on this new understanding by daring to let go of any part of us that wants us to embrace its limited view of life as our own.

True freedom is not an achievement; it is our awakened relationship and participation with the genesis of real life. We cannot create a life without limits by trying to overcome what we think stands in our way. Real limitless living is the fruit of this higher understanding: what is in our way is part of the Way. To know this is to know that all of creation has been made for you, just as surely as you have been made for everything that happens to you within it.  "

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote

"I Don't Need to Have Money to Attract Money. . .

You do not have to have money to attract money, but you cannot feel poor and attract money. The key is, you have to find ways of improving the way you feel from right where you stand before things can begin to change: By softening your attention to the things that are going wrong, and by beginning to tell stories that lean more in the direction of what you want instead of in the direction of what you have got, your vibration will shift; your point of attraction will shift-and you will get different results.  ........."

"I'm Developing the Skill to Direct My Thoughts. . .

The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want-to be adept at quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly coming to the conclusion of what you most want-and then giving your undivided attention to that. There is a tremendous skill in deliberately directing your own thoughts that will yield results that cannot be compared with results that mere action can provide. ...."

"I Will Praise Success Wherever I See It. . .

When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience. ......."

"I Can Always Tell a Different Financial Abundance Story. . .

What anyone else has or does not have has nothing to do with you. The only thing that affects your experience is the way you utilize the Non-Physical Energy with your thought. Your abundance or lack of it in your experience has nothing to do with what anybody else is doing or having. It has only to do with your perspective. It has only to do with your offering of thought. If you want your fortunes to shift, you have to begin telling a different story. ......"

Excellent!   I get into these "I want to...." and "I plan to..." and then wake up a year later and I'm still in the same place.   I have lots of positive thoughts, but action is also necessary to carry out your dreams and goals. Somehow my thoughts get stymied along the way to the action part. :-(
Thanks Justx! " I want to ... I plan to" both put what you want in the future which in the new energy it will remain forever un-manifest in the future.

When you decide what you intend to bring about ... continue in your mind's eye to see it as already having taken place which places it in present time. Doing it this way leaves details to be worked out in your behalf by the universe which is a far better planner than any of us humans. Good luck achieving what you most desire!!! :-)
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