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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


"The Moses Code - Unlocking the Power of Ancient Mystery

In a climate of world peace the news media will cease to exist .......

"The Moses Code - Unlocking the Power of Ancient Mystery
By Thomas Herold
Source: Dream Manifesto email

"For the first time a major spiritual film release is being combined with a worldwide prayer vigil focused on shifting the planetary consciousness.

Join millions of people from every corner of the globe in learning the most powerful manifestation tool in the history of the world. Then on one momentous day we'll use the code to promote peace and compassion for all beings through over 1000 gatherings worldwide.

This is the chance for humanity to use the Law of Attraction to create peace on the deepest level.

Bestselling author, musician, and filmmaker James Twyman announces the release of The Moses Code, set for a unique synchronized worldwide opening on April 5, 2008, with a book releasing in March (Hay House) by the same title. The Moses Code is a powerful film bringing together some of the best-known spiritual leaders of our time to discuss the importance of service as a spiritual practice.

Setting the stage for a new paradigm in filmmaking, this is the first time that a major spiritual film is being released in conjunction with a worldwide prayer vigil (April 6th) drawing millions of people together on one day to watch the film in over 2000 venues, then using the tools expressed in the film to extend prayers of peace to the Middle East.

In today's fast-paced society many of us are searching to move beyond materialism in order to reach a deep level of fulfillment. James Twyman states, "Millions of people are entranced by the idea that they can attract new cars and a bigger bank account that they forget how important their role is for changing the world. In a way, it's time to spiritualize the spiritual law of attraction. That's the goal of this film."

The Moses Code features dynamic spiritual teachers and bestselling authors who share their wisdom and insights about the true meaning of abundance. Speakers include:

Cheryl Richardson (Stand Up for Your Life)
Iyanla Vanzant (One Day My Heart Just Opened Up)
Sonia Choquette (Your Heart's Desire)
Gregg Braden (The God Code)
Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God)
James Van Praagh (The Ghost Whisperer)
Debbie Ford (Dark Side of the Light Chasers)
Debbie Ford is also a co-producer of the film. Says Debbie, "Every day I wake up knowing I am a small piece and the embodiment of the greater whole and I look to see what I can do each day to give and to
serve the community (even when I don't want to). I strive to be a living breathing contribution and to always give more than I receive."

The film also showcases real life examples of modern day giving and service. Weaving through the film is the spiritual, uplifting music of Tina Melia and an appearance by Victor Wooten performing his new single "I Saw God the Other Day." The film is a compelling reminder that each of us has the power to change the world.

The Moses Code will feature an interactive website,, that will allow viewers to sign up to host special screenings in their own homes, learn more about the movie, and participate in the revolutionary film release on April 5th. "

well, you have gotten my curiosity up, now. I'll have to check it out.
Thanks Spy153! I posted this because of the world peace meditation. If people hold a loving focus for peace ... without introjecting personal agenda .... toward a specific area then it has substantial impact toward bringing it about. It's like lighting a candle in a dark room, illumination provides guidance and information for those who choose to use it. We need lots of those candles.
Interesting. Film is a great media.   It seems to be well organized. Spiritual laws change lives when embraced and prayer changes things. This type of endeavor will certainly run away spiritual demons and change lives. I'm for it. I see a "revival" even though I can hear the church calling it "new age" or secular humanism. At least the ones I've attended and I attend mostly all of them.

It's a shame the church is not doing this because the "law of attraction" is clear in the Bible and it's not a mystery.

Good for all the people who are bringing this forth.
" It's a shame the church is not doing this because the "law of attraction" is clear in the Bible and it's not a mystery. "

Thanks Tenaj! You're absolutely correct. There are some major churches in this area teaching it but they have come under scrutiny. Best places to learn in this area are classes at metaphysical book stores or simply scour the net.   There are many good free webcasts available here
"Best places to learn in this area are classes at metaphysical book stores or simply scour the net."

Thank you Konane. I will check out the webcasts. I'm grounded in my spirituality and found years ago spiritual laws never change, however, where people start is surprising sometimes. I remember reading (back in the day when I read everything) "Dianetics" remember that by Ron L Hubbard.LOL   I laugh now when I think of it.

I also did "The Forum" lead by a navy seals officer once known as the "S" Training. That was fun. I'd like sit in on one of those forums today and just watch the people morp.
Dianetics was a hoot, thinking back on its contents it reminds me of the cartoon vacuum cleaner that swallows itself. Much too complicated to be real.

"The Forum" is something I've not heard about.
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