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Monday, March 27, 2006


... rips AP a new one referred to this systematic dissection of Associated Press's "reporting" in which Big Lizards blog rips them a new one.  Since so much of the MSM depends on AP it might be good to read about what's being churned out as facts.
"AP's Mainscream Media Bias
................"Why It Matters Whether AP Knows Anything At All
When the Antique Media play games with the news for political purposes, they think they're being subtle and clever. In fact, they're being obvious and boorish, and that is actual malice. When they rush to press without bothering to discover critical pieces of information, they're dangerously incompetent; that's reckless disregard for the truth.
Virtually every problem facing America today is either caused or at least exacerbated by the madness of the mainstream media:
Everybody knows the economy is in a shambles (despite strong GDP growth, low interest rates, strong job growth, and record home ownership) because that's what they see in the media.
Everyone knows that the Democrats are going to sweep into control of the House and Senate because that's what the media keep saying.
Everyone knows that Bush "lied about WMD" and "lied about Saddam being behind 9/11" because the media talking heads look straight in the camera and say so.
And of course, everyone knows that Iraq is in a civil war, is spiraliing out of control, and is a catastrophic defeat for America because -- heck, do we ever hear anything else from the exempt media?
It's time for the American people to really come to grips with the terrible information crisis we have: our major source of understanding virtually everything is an industry that no longer cares about getting it right -- if they ever did. " 

Several years ago, Tanya Roberts of CNN reported that the space shuttle "careened out of control" during a docking maneuver with the International Space Station. She was quite sincere, and the furrows in her brow were a clear indication of a very serious disaster in outer space. This story caused various rumors and concerns of whether we would even be able to bring the astronauts back to Earth by sending an additional shuttle to rescue them from their terrible fate. In reality, docking coordinates were mis-entered into the on-board computer guidance system, and the shuttle bumped into the space station with less force than would probably be required to set off the air bag in your family car.
     While the First Amendment guarantees our right to express ourselves freely without fear of prosecution or persecution, it also contains a clause which says the press has the right to report their stories in any manner they see fit. This practice is commonly known as "spin" to news media insiders, and as "bias" to their critics. Regardless of the label you put on it, the final result can only be called "embellishment."
     Contrary to popular opinion, Fox News is just as guilty of this practice as CNN or AP or UPI or any other independent news agency or bureau you'd care to name. I don't want, nor do I need to be "entertained" while watching the news; if I want entertainment, I'll change the channel and watch The Simpsons or South Park. The banter between two, three or four anchors serves no other purpose than to impose their personal opinions and thoughts upon a gullible public, which seems to have lost the ability and desire to think for themselves or to form their own opinions.
     Walter Cronkite never told us what he thought of the stories he related to us. Chet Huntley and David Brinkley engaged in "Point - Counterpoint," a daily segment specifically designed to present opposing views on ONE controversial topic, but the positions they argued were presented in a debate forum, limited to "Pro" and "Con;" we were not told what they might personally think of those issues.
     Sounds pretty boring, Jim.
     Well, it was... and it wasn't. Back then, people watched the news to get the information we needed in order to form an intelligent opinion on local or national events and subjects that affected our everyday lives. The news wasn't supposed to entertain us - it was, after all, news. Today, your opinion comes wrapped in a pretty little bow, along with a dab of humor guaranteed to bring a smile to your face; the opinion of your favorite news anchor becomes your opinion, because you like her - she's a celebrity and you're her biggest fan, so whatever she thinks is okay with you.
     As unreasonable and opinionated as Rush Limbaugh is, he has a huge fan base who will vehemently defend anything he says, for no other reason than because he said it on his program; if it weren't true, they reason, he wouldn't have said it.
     Truth and facts don't sell newspapers and magazines, and radio and television newscasts either produce high ratings and win awards, or they get canceled in favor of other news personalities who can deliver those incentives.
     I'm all for Freedom of the Press and its inherent rights to free speech. However, our rights are not self-sustaining entities; for every right we're awarded, whether judicial or constitutional, there is a requisite responsibility attached, and that's the unpleasant burden which people choose to ignore; we embrace our rights as sacred things, but we shun the necessary responsibilities to exercise those rights as we know we should.
     As long as their primary motivations are money and ratings, "Fair and Balanced" reporting, and "The Most Trusted Name in News" will continue to be exactly what they are - copyrighted and trademarked slogans for popular rumor mills.
     "And that's the way it [is]..."
     "Good Night, Chet..."
     "Good Night David."

The preceding commentary is the independent opinion of one viewer, and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the blogger.
Jim 695 said "Chet Huntley and David Brinkley engaged in "Point - Counterpoint," a daily segment specifically designed to present opposing views on ONE controversial topic, but the positions they argued were presented in a debate forum, limited to "Pro" and "Con;" we were not told what they might personally think of those issues."

Also   "The preceding commentary is the independent opinion of one viewer, and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the blogger."

I remember those exchanges which were very interesting. For me at that particular time showed there was an opinion other than my small world reflected.

Second comment well received with imaginary emoticon ROFLAMO!!! Your points exceedingly well presented..... I don't want to be entertained either, just give me the facts and I'll decide how to process them.

As always, your comments are delightful, thought provoking. Please keep them coming!!
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