Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fight those germs

The man in Egypt died from the Ebola virus, There is a woman in Ohio and a couple of people in New York being tested.

They say this is a very hard disease to catch. How do we catch anything?  The flu a cold etc.

Because the germs get on our hands, that's how.


Every time you touch a doorknob, shopping cart, your own cell phone, you transfer germs.

Public bathrooms are teaming with all kinds of nasty germs.

You can take precautions .

First build up your immune system.

Lots of vitamin C and water, stay hydrated.

Fruits and veggies, especially green leafy and anything orange, will boost your immune system.

Avoid, sugar and fats.

Stay active, exercise is great, even if it's just a walk.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth until you have washed your hands.

Know where your food is coming from, Keep in mind every time you eat out someone else is touching your food.

Your shoes, take them off at the door and when you put them off or on, wash your hands.

Public restrooms, after you wash your hands, use the paper towel to shut the water off and to open the door.

Working in a grocery store, I see people touching all kinds of things, they turn around open up chips or cookies in the car and start munching, they didn't bother to wash their hands.

We all love money, but it is filthy, wash your hands after handling money.

Some germs can live on surfaces for days, it only takes a few minutes to combat these surfaces, use disinfectant spray or wipes, doors, your car door handle, cell phone, home phone, toilet handle, counters.

Stop the spread of germs, cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm if you don't have tissue.



At 9:58 AM, MADDOG10 said...

Good advice for everyone to practice Sully.   Thanks.

At 9:58 AM, emilyg said...

Thank you.

At 11:15 AM, sully16 said...

When ever there is a bird flu or other health issue, the experts go nuts, do this do that, all the dire warnings.
I see every expert downplaying the threat of Ebola, why? It is now in 5 West African countries.
The Spanish flu took 18 months to circle the globe , now we have trains, planes and automobiles that take us farther faster.
I look at it this way, all the people traveling from here to there are using the restrooms in the airports and train stations, this in my mind is how diseases from other countries can spread the fastest.
Public restrooms!
People get off the plane and vomit or have the splatters, germs go everywhere.
Things to think about.

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