Florida woman: Fix-A-Flat butt injection ‘doc’ ruined my face
Transgender woman says Oneal Ron Morris shot poisonous homegrown mixture into her face
Philip Caulfield
Tuesday, November 29 2011, 2:24 PM
More victims are coming forward in the Miami Fix-A-Flat plastic surgery case - and the evidence isn't pretty.
Rajee Narinesingh told CBS Miami that accused transgender cosmetic quack Oneal Ron Morris pumped her face full of a toxic brew investigators say was a mix of tire mender, mineral oil and cement, leaving her disfigured for life.
Narinesingh, who was born a man, told the station that she was desperate to have plastic surgery and contacted Morris about two years ago after hearing about her through "word of mouth" in the transgender community.
"It becomes so dire that you want to match your outside with your inside that you're willing to roll the dice and take your chances," Narinesingh told CBS.
"As a transgender person, you're thinking 'Oh, my God, I can start to look like I want to look like and I don't have to spend a lot of money.'"
The botched backroom procedures left Narinesingh's face a lumpy, misshapen mess.
Her doctor, Coral Gables plastic surgeon Dr. John Martin, said he hoped surgery and therapeutic injections could undo the damage.
"She's got a long road, thousands and thousands of dollars to correct what was probably two or three hundred dollars to get the injection," Martin told CBS.
Morris was arrested earlier this month by police investigating a botched butt implant that landed a woman in a Tampa hospital in May 2010.
That procedure reportedly involved shooting a mix of cement, glue, mineral oil, and tire sealant into the woman’s buttocks.
Six victims, including Narinesingh, have come forward.
Morris was released from Miami county jail on Monday night after paying a $15,000. She refused to comment on the case, saying only "I have a lawyer."
She faces charges of practicing cosmetic surgery without a license.
Soho Hollister Burglarized by Black Friday Mob
Kat Stoeffel
New York Observer
November 25, 2011
Teen retailers Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch promised Black Friday shoppers 101 hot guys with their shirts off, starting at midnight. Instead, the bargain hunters who scraped their tryptophan-wasted bodies off the couch were met with a handful of NYPD officers and a half a block of yellow caution tape.
Around 12:30 this morning, Hollister was burglarized by a crowd of Black Friday shoppers that had grown impatient while waiting in line outside the surf shop-inspired superstore, according to a clique of teenage eyewitnesses assembled outside the American Eagle Outfitters across the street.
NYPD on scene confirmed that the store had been robbed and would not be opening for predawn business, but had no further details about the suspects.
Hollister sales staff and lifeguards were nowhere to be found. The 5th Avenue Abercrombie & Fitch was also closed despite publicizing a midnight opening.
Limbaugh says he would welcome Michelle Obama to his show with song Baby Got Back:
Lottery purchasing service shuts down in Florida after one month
5:29 p.m. EST
November 21, 2011
Study: Beer Is Good For You
Reduces Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease Significantly
The Hartford Courant
5:19 PM EST, November 18, 2011
We always hear about how moderate wine-drinking is good for you. What about beer?
Turns out beer is good for you, too, a new study tells us — maybe even better than wine. In moderation.
Conducted at the Research Laboratories at the Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura "Giovanni Paolo II" in Campobasso, Italy, the study examined data concerning the alcohol-drinking habits of more than 200,000 people and their relation with cardiovascular disease. The study is published in the most recent issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology: http://bit.ly/snSv2A (abstract only).
The researchers found that beer reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 42 percent; the wine study they compared it to had shown a risk reduction of 31 percent.
Portions, though, play a big part. Maximum health benefits come from drinking a little more than 1 pint per day of beer with a 5 percent alcohol content.
The next question is: Why would this be? The researchers don't know how much of a role the alcohol plays vs. other ingredients. Many of the wine-is-good-for-you studies tout the presences of resveratrol, a chemical found in grapes.
Beer doesn't have resveratrol, the researchers say, but it does have other polyphenols that may be healthful.
Lake Forest principal who 'sexted' resigns
Lisa Black
Tribune reporter
8:36 PM CST, November 20, 2011
A Lake Forest middle school principal resigned today in response to controversy over how the district handled his use of a work cellphone to send vulgar, harassing messages to a 22-year-old college student.
Parents only recently became aware that Deer Path Middle School Principal John Steinert, 40, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment through electronic communications in May 2009, after a Tribune report described police and court records.
As a result, Lake Forest School District 67 officials re-examined the case by viewing a completed police report that they said they had not seen before. The report showed that Steinert repeatedly sent sexually explicit messages, as well as a photograph of his penis, to the young woman after she ignored him or told him to stop.
At the time, the district wrote a letter admonishing the principal, ordered him to counseling, confiscated his cellphone and temporarily froze his salary. But the district expanded his job duties and gave him a bonus within the next year, officials said.
On Friday, Superintendent Harry Griffith announced that he planned to recommend Steinert’s dismissal during a special closed-door school board meeting today. Steinert instead offered his resignation, which was accepted by the board at its meeting.
The board met for two hours before approving Steinert's resignation in a 6-0 vote and recommending a review and strengthening of policies, including those concerning employees who are accused of criminal behavior, harassment and the proper use of social media. The board will recommend the suspension of the school resource police officer program, and establish a task force that includes community members to review policies.
The college student met Steinert after visiting the school at least 10 times while shadowing a police resource officer stationed at the school.
Board members will vote on those recommendations during its Nov. 29 meeting. Steinert will not receive any compensation beyond his paycheck as of Friday, Griffith said.
"I can tell you that we didn’t even make a request for severance, for a buyout, or for additional insurance,” said Steinert’s lawyer, Brian Schwartz. “He just felt to help the kids, to help the school district and the community get past this, it was the right thing to do to submit his letter of resignation.”
About 20 residents attended Sunday’s meeting, with several demanding the resignation of Griffith and the board members who served in 2009.
“I know you are going to do the right thing regarding the principal so I am not concerned about the principal,” said Jerry Tunney, a retired principal who has lived in Lake Forest since 1966. “I am concerned about your handling of the superintendent’s contract. You will provide for him an unbelievable golden parachute. Is that parachute still packed? Is it ready to be presented to him this spring when he retires?”
Chris Munns, also a resident who is a principal in Chicago Public Schools, said she was disgusted when she came home from work to learn her 10 and 11-year-old children talking about the principal.
“My children knew exactly what had happened to their principal. No adult had spoken to my children,” Munns said. “No social worker had talked to them... they are talking about it in the hallways. They are talking about it in the classrooms. “Shame on you, Harry Griffith. You had a chance to handle this two years ago and you didn’t.”
Michael Beacham, a parent, said the district needs new leadership.
“I don’t think we need a task force. I think we need leadership. Dr. Griffith, a true leader in this situation would have done more in 2009. A true leader would resign,” Beacham said. “And board members, I’m embarrassed to call you my school board members. You shouldn't have given Dr. Griffith the ability to resign. You should have demanded it.”
When asked if the board has asked for Griffith's resignation, President Julia Wold said it hadn’t done so. Wold also said that she does not intend to resign.
The subject of Steinert’s harassment was a student at Lake Forest College who was serving an internship with the Lake Forest police department at the time. She filed her complaint against Steinert in January 2009 with police in Gurnee, where she lived.
On Monday, the Lake Forest City Council is expected to call for an investigation into allegations that the school resource officer also made inappropriate sexually explicit remarks to the woman during her internship. That officer was not charged or suspected of any criminal wrongdoing, according to Gurnee police.
But when Gurnee police contacted Lake Forest Police Chief Joseph Buerger in early 2009 and told him that the officer was mentioned in the report, Buerger did not investigate, Lake Forest officials confirmed this week.
Many District 67 parents have expressed outrage over the revelations, questioning why school officials and local police failed to seek more information in 2009.
Griffith has previously said that a district employee interviewed Steinert “multiple times” after he was arrested. School officials did not interview the victim because she was not a district employee and the case did not involve minors, he said.
According to Gurnee police, Steinert admitted that he sent the intern text messages from May 2008 to January 2009. Some included graphic references to specific sexual acts.
The State Board of Education, also prompted by questions from the Tribune, opened an investigation Thursday into whether Steinert's education certificate should be suspended or revoked based on his conduct, an agency spokeswoman said.
Battlefield Tampa
Police roll out a giant tank to deal with a few dozen Occupy protesters
Police say Tampa's tanks can also be used for search and rescue to anti-terror efforts.
Seth Millstein
Saturday, November 19, 2011
'Sexy' play poster banned from county buildings following complaint
New Philadelphia’s Little Theatre is staging the comedy “No Sex Please, We’re British,” which premiered on stage in London’s West End in 1971.
There’ll be no “Sex” in the county courthouse, or any other county building for that matter.
Tuscarawas County commissioners this week decided that two posters advertising the Little Theatre comedy “No Sex Please, We’re British” had to be taken down after they received a complaint about the word “sex” in the title.
“Somebody was offended by the title and didn’t think it was appropriate to be in a public building,” Commissioner Chris Abbuhl said Thursday.
Non-profit groups have historically been allowed to put up posters in the courthouse, including the Little Theatre, Abbuhl said.
“We always try to support things in the community,” he said. “But if we have people complain about it, we review it. We decided to err on the side of caution, so we just agreed to remove the posters.”
Abbuhl said this is the only time he can recall that county officials have had an issue with one of the theater’s posters.
Lee Elliott, the play’s director, defended the advertisements.
“They’re not dirty posters,” she said. “They’re just bright and shiny with a pair of women’s legs.”
The theater had a banner hanging in Dover’s square for a week advertising the play and received no complaints, she said. Flags with the play’s name are also hanging from light poles in New Philadelphia’s square.
“No Sex Please, We’re British,” premiered on stage in London’s West End in 1971. It concerns a frantic British couple dealing with a flood of Scandinavian pornography coming into their apartment.
Elliott described the play as a PG-rated silly romp.
“There is no blaspheming in it and no dirty words,” she said. “There are some innuendoes, but they’re certainly not as bad as you see on television or what the kids are doing on Facebook.”
Audience members never see any of the pornography, she noted.
Sean Clay, a member of the cast and a real estate title examiner, provided the posters for the courthouse, as he has done in the past.
One was placed in the auditor’s office and one in probate court during the last week of October. The recorder’s office rejected the poster, he said.
Clay learned that the posters had been taken down after talking to Abbuhl this week.
“If a vocal minority is allowed to make a decision for everyone, that’s probably a road we don’t want to go down,” he said.
“I was disappointed that it came to that,” Clay said about the posters. “It’s not like we were putting up something overtly sexual. It’s just a comedy.”
A tossed ticket wins Dawsonville man $250K in Ga. Lottery
Fran Jeffries
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A 24-year-old Dawsonville man has won $250,000 playing Mega Millions with his winnings from a tossed ticket.
One of those tickets won him $250,000 from Tuesday’s drawing.
“I would have never bought that ticket if I hadn’t pulled the other ticket out of the trash,” he said. “I don’t think it’s really hit me yet.”
Hunter says he plans to invest most of his prize. He bought the winning ticket at Quik Trip, 1655 Buford Highway in Cumming.
Winning numbers for the drawing were: 3-6-24-30-33 and the Mega Ball was 21
Bankers Taunting Wall Street Occupiers, Holding “Get a Job” Signs
Weasel Zippers
The Occupiers are not amused.
Thursday, November 17, 2011, at 11:08 am
Romantic American stranded among Ukrainian homeless |
Thursday, 17 November 2011
A former write-in candidate for Arizona governor who flew to Ukraine in May to meet his internet date was discovered last week among homeless people at a train station in the small Ukrainian town of Chernovtsy, Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Cary Dolego, 53, refused to abort his love quest, saying he still hopes to meet the local woman whom he had missed on a date, and the only help from U.S. authorities he asks for is to unfreeze his bank account that was blocked several months ago, the report said.
Information from: RIA Novosti, http://en.rian.ru/ |
Woman escapes arrest attempt -- twice
ERIN MATHEWS Salina Journal
A Salina woman remained at large Tuesday afternoon after twice giving Salina police the slip, even while she was handcuffed.
Lindsay Houte, 26, 562 Uppermill Heights, was being picked up on two misdemeanor warrants -- one from Salina Municipal Court for failure to pay, and a Saline County District Court warrant for a parole violation, said Capt. Mike Sweeney, of the Salina Police Department.
A desk officer at the Salina Police Department said late Tuesday afternoon that Houte had not been apprehended and more information would be made available today.
About 3:30 p.m. Monday, Sweeney said, officers arrested Houte at her residence. Her hands were handcuffed, but she slipped her hands out of the cuffs and took off running, he said. She fell shortly after that, and officers caught up with her and again placed her hands in cuffs behind her back, Sweeney said.
Officers placed Houte in the back of a patrol car. They were attending to other matters outside of the car when Houte opened an unlatched sliding window in the cage between the front and rear seats in the patrol car, Sweeney said. She climbed through the small window, still in cuffs, and let herself out the front passenger door of the patrol car, Sweeney said.
Dogs couldn't help
Sweeney said he was unsure if Houte had gotten her hands in front of her body. He said Houte is about 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds.
Sweeney said officers saw Houte running away but were unable to catch up with her. Police dogs were brought to search the area east of Bill Burke Park, but Houte was not found, he said.
Deputies on probation after failing to find felon's gun
FORT WALTON BEACH — The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office of Professional Standards has released its investigative report into a September incident in which a loaded revolver was found in a jail cell.
Disciplinary action has been taken against sheriff’s deputies Dennis Campbell and Robert Speakman, who failed to find the weapon during the search of a suspect, according to the report.
Both deputies are on three-month disciplinary probation and pending the results could face a three-day suspension without pay.
The incident was the first offense for both deputies.
The deputies were given their letters of reprimand and suspension Nov. 4.
On Sept. 8, 18-year-old Stoney Mathis was arrested for a traffic stop and taken to Okaloosa County Jail.
After his release the next day, a deputy searching the facility found a loaded .38 revolver tucked under a roll of toilet paper, according to the investigative report.
Investigators noted that neither deputy had properly searched Mathis’ waistband, which is where the weapon was hidden.
After finding the gun, investigators watched the video surveillance tape of the cell and saw Mathis pull the revolver from his waistband.
According to the report, Mathis was pulled over for a traffic stop. During the stop, passengers in the vehicle attempted to evade officers as well as destroy evidence.
Speakman responded to assist the initial deputy. Speakman is seen on video surveillance handcuffing Mathis and taking him to the front of a patrol vehicle to search him.
The deputy asked Mathis if he had “anything that would stick or hurt him,” and Mathis told him no.
Speakman performed a search, carefully checking Mathis’ legs and groin area, the upper part of his body and his pockets. The video footage, according to the report, shows Speakman looking around as if he realized he didn’t search Mathis’ waist. He began a search but did so “quickly” and only did half of the waist area.
Mathis was then put into another deputy’s patrol car and taken to Okaloosa County Jail.
Mathis and another man arrested that night were searched by Campbell upon arrival. As Campbell began to search Mathis, the suspect asked to use the bathroom.
Campbell said he told Mathis he would have to wait until he was searched and shackled.
Campbell checked Mathis’ waist and pockets. He also collected the Fort Walton Beach man’s belt before allowing him to use a cell’s bathroom.
The deputy described the 230-pound man as having a “big gut,” which hung over his pants. Campbell said he did not “physically lift up his stomach” during the search.
Campbell told investigators that not properly checking Mathis’ waist “might have been a mistake in retrospect,” according to the report.
Police: Ohio dad beat 5-year-old over alphabet
An undated photo shows Christopher D. Curry whom police accuse of beating his 5-year-old daughter because she was having trouble with her alphabet homework. (AP Photo/Akron Police Department)
Phil Trexler
Beacon Journal staff writer
November 11, 2011 - 12:04 AM
An Akron father is accused of beating his 5-year-old daughter for failing to recognize parts of the alphabet, police said.
Christopher D. Curry, 39, is charged with felonious assault, child endangering and domestic violence. His daughter, a kindergartner, was taken to Akron Children’s Hospital on Tuesday with multiple bruises and cuts, including a nearly swollen shut left eye. Her condition Thursday was not available.
A family friend who came home to find the girl beaten and bruised said the child has since been released from the hospital and is recovering from her injuries. She is a student at Edge Academy.
Veronica Bell called Akron police when she saw the girl’s injuries. Curry and his daughter live at Bell’s home.
“When I came home it was nothing that nobody wanted to see, especially when it comes to a 5-year-old,” Bell said. “I don’t feel it’s right. She’s only 5. Her face was all messed up. I went crazy and called police.”
According to Akron police, the 5-foot-10, 297-pound Curry became angry when his daughter struggled to recognize the letter D while doing schoolwork inside their Douglas Street home Tuesday night.
Police said he lifted the girl by her neck and struck her in the head multiple times. He also whipped the girl with a belt, witnesses told police.
Officers called to the home about 10:30 p.m. found the girl screaming and crying. She had knots on her head and a cut lip, according to the report.
Bell said Curry had spanked the child before, “But I never thought he’d take it this far.”
After the attack, she said, Curry sat silent.
“He just sat there like nothing was wrong,” she said.
Curry was booked into the Summit County Jail on Wednesday and was being held on a $100,000 bond set in Akron Municipal Court. Summit County Children Services was contacted.
Graham Lord's hospital horror after being misdiagnosed with aggressive stomach cancer
The Sunday Telegraph
November 13, 2011 12:00AM
Graham Lord has been left with a fraction of his stomach after a being misdiagnosed with cancer.
Picture: Rohan Kelly Source: The Sunday Telegraph
But the 59-year-old was determined to fight it. He endured seven gruelling sessions of chemotherapy, before undergoing surgery to remove 80 per cent of his gut.
Then he was given the devastating news: he never had cancer in the first place.
An alleged bungle at a pathology lab at Gosford Hospital led to his misdiagnosis and Mr Lord is now suing the Central Coast Local Health District. He has shed 20kg. He can't eat sitting down. And he suffers anxiety and depression.
"They told me I had cancer. I went through chemotherapy and they cut out my stomach," Mr Lord told The Sunday Telegraph.
Six weeks after his operation, according to a statement of claim lodged in the Supreme Court, doctors at Royal North Shore, where he had the surgery, told Mr Lord the initial diagnosis was wrong.
"After independent pathological review the biopsies taken during the gastroscopy, the biopsy findings were wrong in that there was never any evidence of malignancy," the claim says.
Maurice Blackburn lawyer Anna Walsh said Mr Lord received an apology from the pathologist who originally reported on his tissue samples after Central Coast Local Health District had investigated the alleged incident.
"To find out I didn't have cancer. It was just devastating," he said this week.
"I was numb. I just couldn't believe it. I thought he was going to tell me they found more cancer and then he told me the other way."
Mr Lord's ordeal began when he consulted a Gosford GP in July 2009 for reflux. He was sent to have a gastric biopsy and the tissue was examined by staff at Palm Pathology, Gosford Hospital.
"I was told one of the areas biopsied has an aggressive cancer," he said from his home in Gosford."My wife just fell apart, she didn't stop crying for three days, and it was very distressing."
Mr Lord said he was convinced the cancer would kill him. He started chemotherapy at Gosford Hospital in October. "I was very ill," he said of the treatment.
Then, on January 29 last year Mr Lord had the gastrectomy at Royal North Shore Hospital, where most of his stomach was removed.
It wasn't until the post surgery review six weeks later at Royal North Shore he learned the extraordinary news.
"I was told that the tissue taken from me during that gastrectomy was examined through the pathology department at Royal North Shore and the lymph nodes that were taken out showed no evidence of cancer," he said.
"The tissue samples were sent to Royal Prince Alfred for study and again that came back with no evidence of malignancy."
"I am still very angry. Psychologically I am not over what has happened I don't know if I ever will. I still have the dreams about it and wake up in a sweat about it. I have lost about 20kg in weight.
Mr Lord, through lawyers Maurice Blackburn, has lodged a Supreme Court claim for injury, loss and damage suffered from the alleged misdiagnosis.
A spokesman for the Central Coast Health District said it was inappropriate to comment on the legal matter and they had not yet filed a defence.
4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, 2011
Man walks into house; puts up Christmas decorations
A family was horrified to return home to find that a burglar had broken in, made himself comfortable and even put up Christmas decorations.
Police said an 11-year-old child came home first and found a stranger sitting on the couch and watching TV in the house in Vandalia, Ohio.
Tamara Henderson was next door when her son called her.
Caught: Terry Trent has been charged with burglary after putting Christmas decorations up inside an Ohio family's home
Terrified she said: 'What do you mean a man is in our house? You don't know if he has a gun or if he has a knife?'
Ms Henderson called 911 and screamed for her neighbors, reports Whio.com
Police reports indicated that 44-year-old Terry Trent did have a pocket knife and was most likely abusing bath salts.
It is believed he had walked in through a back door and made himself comfortable.
'The candle was lit on the coffee table, the television was on and very loud, and the candle on the kitchen table was lit,' Ms Henderson told Whio.com.
He also did some Christmas decorating, police said.
Armed burglar: The Hendersons returned home to find a burglar had broken into their home and put up Christmas decorations
Ms Henderson said the man tried his best to be polite to her 11-year-old son.
'He had said to him, 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'll get my things and go,'' she said.
According to police, Trent has a history of drug charges.
He is now charged with burglary and is being held in the Montgomery County Jail.
Woman Severely Burns Husband
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A Decherd man is in the burn center at Vanderbilt Medical Center and his wife of 16 years is free on a $25,000 bond following an incident at their home Sunday morning.
According to Decherd Police Chief Ross Peterson, Mary Annette Martin, 38, of 104 Woodland Drive Decherd has been charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence following an incident at hers and her husband, Jason, home.
The woman told Officer Kenneth Griffin that her husband had "cheated" on her in May and that had been on her mind. She stated that they had been asleep when she got up and went to the kitchen and heated a pan of grease.
She then took the pan of grease and threw it on her husband who was still asleep. When the officer arrived Jason Martin asked the officer if the ambulance was there. "Officer Griffin advised him to get in the shower until the ambulance could get there," Chief Peterson explained. When the ambulance arrived the man was transported to Southern Tennessee Medical Center.
Doctors at STMC advised Decherd Police Sgt. Randy Wildes that Jason Martin suffered third degree burns on his torso and both arms. "The doctor advised Sgt. Wildes that the burns could be life threatening," Peterson explained. Jason Martin was transported to Vanderbilt where he is undergoing treatment for burns.
The couple's children were not at home at the time of the incident.
Mary Martin is to appear in Franklin County General Sessions Court Dec. 28.
Jason Martin is the nephew of former University of Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer.
Should alcoholics get liver transplants?
Carla K. Johnson
November 10, 2011 11:40AM
Some gravely ill alcoholics who need a liver transplant shouldn’t have to prove they can stay sober for six months to get one, doctors say in a study that could intensify the debate over whether those who destroy their organs by drinking deserve new ones.
In the small French study, the vast majority of the patients who got a liver without the wait stopped drinking after their surgery and were sober years later. The study involved patients who were suffering from alcohol-related hepatitis so severe that they were unlikely to survive a six-month delay.
The findings, reported in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine, could boost demand for livers, already in scarce supply, and reopen a bitter dispute over whether alcoholics should even get transplants.
The controversy peaked in the 1990s when celebrities with drinking problems — Larry Hagman, David Crosby and Mickey Mantle — got liver transplants.
Alcohol can cause lethal, liver-destroying diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Nearly one in five liver transplants in the U.S. go to current or former heavy drinkers. Transplant hospitals commonly require patients waiting for a new liver to give up drinking for six months as a way of assuring doctors they are serious about staying sober after the operation.
Drinkers severely ill with hepatitis account for a very small share of patients needing transplants. The French study suggests that dropping the six-month rule would increase demand for livers by only about 3 percent.
The study’s lead author said a strict application of the six-month rule may be unfair to such patients. He said they are just as deserving as other liver patients, many of whom have diseases caused by poor lifestyle choices such as drug use or obesity.
Convicted murderer wins new trial by arguing sentence too light
Elgin man was serving 30 years
![]() Benny Deanda (Illinois Department of Corrections photo) |
9:36 p.m. CST, November 8, 2011
Lawsuit alleges sexual discrimination at Rainbow PUSH
8:06 p.m. CDT, September 16, 2011
Updated November 1, 2011
Woman exits Target in Davie with stolen goods, leaves child behind, cops say
![]() Deirdre Grant, 40, of Miami. (BSO, Handout)
8:30 p.m. EDT, November 2, 2011
Hoboken man denies having stolen cellphone before it rings in his pocket: cops
Published: Thursday, November 03, 2011, 1:46 PM Updated: Thursday, November 03, 2011, 2:00 PM
Summer Dawn Hortillosa
A Hoboken man was denying knowledge of a stolen cellphone before it rang in his pocket, police said.
At 7 a.m. today, a 55-year-old man said his cellphone and charger were stolen while he was asleep at Hoboken Terminal, reports said.
He saw the man he believed stole the phone sitting inside McDonalds, 234 Washington St., and told police who reported to the scene, reports said.
Antonio Santiago, 26, of Bloomfield Street, told police he did not take the phone, reports said. When police called the victim's cell phone, it rang in Santiago's right coat pocket, reports said.
When Santiago pulled out the phone and its charger from his coat, the victim positively identified the items, reports said.
A police pat-down revealed that Santiago also had three small, clear plastic bags of suspected marijuana, reports said.
Santiago was charged with theft and possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana, reports said.
Suspect breaks into North Portland home to watch TV
Published: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 10:46 AM
Updated: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 10:56 AM
At 7:29 a.m., Portland police officers responded to a residence in the 7100 block of North Fowler Avenue. Prior to officers arriving, dispatch advised the officers that someone in the home had "punched out" the suspect and was restraining him until police arrived.
Officers arrested 32-year-old Jason Leon Bastrom. Bastrom was transported by ambulance to an area hospital to be treated for injuries he suffered after being punched by a family member of the homeowner.
Officers learned that Bastrom let himself in through an unlocked front door and sat down on the couch to watch television. After calling 9-1-1, the homeowner called a family member who lived nearby.
The family member came over and confronted Bastrom, telling him to leave. Bastrom got up but had one hand in his pants pocket, causing the family member to fear that Bastrom might have been armed. The family member hit Bastrom one time in the head and knocked him down.
Bastrom was charged with criminal trespass in the first degree and booked into the Multnomah County Jail.
--Owen R. Smith
A 10-year-old Aiken trick-or-treater pulled a gun on a woman who said she would take his candy on Halloween.
According to a police incident report, the 28-year-old victim told authorities she recognized some boys from her neighborhood while they were trick-or-treating about 6:30 p.m. Monday near Schroeder and George streets and jokingly told them she would take their candy.
One 10-year-old in the group of about 10 juveniles responded with “no you’re not …” and then pointed a 9 mm handgun at her.
According to Aiken Public Safety Lt. David Turno, the clip was not in the gun at the time, but the boy did have a loaded clip in his possession.
The boy’s brother, also 10, told authorities he also had a gun.
The second weapon was recovered Tuesday morning.
The boy who pulled the weapon was brought to the police station where he was turned over to the custody of his parents.
Turno said the boys got the weapons from their grandfather without permission.
Police: Parent called to school to discuss fight later starts one
Details of the fight at or near school were not immediately available, but after Angie and Andrew Long left the school on Tuesday, another fight ensued with Angie Long going to Iowa Lutheran Hospital for treatment of injuries and Andrew Long going to the Polk County Jail on assault charges.
Police said that when the Longs arrived at the school, Angie told Andrew to wait in the car. She went inside to meet with school staff.
When she returned to the car she learned that her husband “felt disrespected by being told to wait in the car,” police said. Andrew Long allegedly punched his wife in the face and choked her on the way home as she was driving. When she pushed him away he allegedly bit her finger, police said. Angie Long admitted biting him back, officials added.
When they reached their home in the 800 block of Southeast Eighth Street, Angie’s 17-year-old son, Jared Scott, heard a door slam and went outside to see his mother, police said. He asked what happened to her face and she told him that they needed to get away from Andrew.
Jared Scott went inside the house to get their dogs and was confronted by Andrew Long, police said. Andrew allegedly charged Jared and punches were thrown. Andrew reportedly tossed a coffee pot at Jared and it shattered on his shoulder causing a laceration.
Police said Jared and his mother left the house and called police.
Andrew Long was arrested and taken to the Polk County Jail where he was being held on Wednesday without bond. He is charged with domestic assault and assault causing bodily injury. His wife signed a no-contact order against her husband.
Mug Shot of the Week from Tempe PD: 21-Year-Old Sean Sexton
Wednesday is 11022011, a very rare eight-digit palindrome day
Happy Palindrome Day, everyone!
You probably woke up knowing it was Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011, but to Aziz Inan (pictured above), a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Portland, today's date looks more like this: 11022011.
That makes it a very rare, eight-digit palindrome day.
Just how rare is an eight-digit palindrome day? In an interview with The Times, Inan, who has taken on the discovery of palindrome dates as a sort of hobby, explained that there will only be 12 eight-digit palindrome days this entire century.
In addition to the automatic awesomeness of a date being a palindrome, Inan points out that Wednesday's date is extra special because it is 1001 x 11 x 1001, or the product of a mathematical expression in which both sides are almost mirror images of one another.
In an email to the Los Angeles Times, he wrote: "I know both 11-1-11 (which can also be interpreted as 1-11-11) and 11-11-11 dates to occur this month are very interesting dates as well since they won't repeat again until the next century, but 11022011 won't happen again in ALL four-digit years!!"
Inan has found all kinds of crazy number patterns in Wednesday's date. If you're so inclined, you can read more about it in an article he wrote for The Beacon, the student newspaper of the University of Portland. One thing he didn't write about was how he intends to celebrate such an important date.
"In one of my classes, I asked my students to make palindrome triangle paper hats and decorate them with Wednesday's date," he said. "And then I'm going to have a photographer come and take a picture of me with all my students, and hopefully we will have a photograph that has some type of symmetry."
"This is so much fun," Inan added. "Engineering can get pretty boring because you talk about equations, but when I say, 'Do you know today is a special date?' it gets a lot of attention. It helps me change the subject for a few minutes and bring the students back from their dream or their hibernating."
So, get out the paper hats, and enjoy 11022011!
Palindrome dates in 2011:
Bank of America nixes plans to charge $5 debit card fee, citing customer backlash
Bank follows in footsteps of Wells Fargo and Chase
Tracy Connor
Tuesday, November 1 2011, 12:13 PM
The about-face comes just days after Chase and Wells Fargo scrapped tests of similar fees.
“We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee,” David Darnell, co-chief operating officer, said in a statement.
“As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so.”
The turnaround comes too late for Brooklyn magazine editor Emily Nathan, who won’t be a B of A customer much longer.
“I’m already changing banks, switching to a smaller bank,” the 26-year-old said after withdrawing some cash from a Bank of America ATM in lower Manhattan.
“These people rob you blind. The whole banking industry is disgusting.”
Richard O’Brien, 40, an organizer with the United Federation of Teachers who was making a withdrawal at the same ATM, said the anti-greed protest a few blocks away probably helped sway bank bigwigs.
“I think it’s directly related to Occupy Wall Street, the pressure coming from there,” he said. “It’s a good sign. It’s testament that something is happening.”
Bank of America had planned to launch the fee in 2012, charging any customer who did not have $20,000 on deposit.
It was hardly the first bank to impose such a fee, but as the nation’s largest debit-card issuer, it became a lightning rod for angry consumers.
There were plans for a “Bank Transfer Day” encouraging people to switch to credit unions on Saturday, and more than 300,000 people signed an online anti-fee petition.
Other banks are feeling the heat, too.
Regions Financial, a large bank based in Birmingham, Ala., and Atlanta’s SunTrust Banks also rescinded debit fees on Tuesday.
Banks turned to the customer debit fees to make up for lost revenue after the Federal Reserve capped at 21 cents the “swipe” fees that merchants are charged per transaction.
There are still plenty of other fees for customers to complain about. Bank of America has started charging $5 to replace lost debit cards — a service that was free.
Citigroup doesn t charge for debit-card usage but announced plans in September to assess a $10 monthly fee for checking customers who don t maintain a $1,500 balance or pay a bill and make a direct deposit online.
With News Wire Services
Man dies after trying to remove pacemaker
Carlos Sadovi
Tribune reporter
4:43 PM CDT, November 1, 2011
A man living in a group home in the Uptown neighborhood died Monday night after he tried to remove his heart pacemaker from his chest, officials said.
Channing Askew, 47, of the 4700 block of North Winthrop, was pronounced dead at 11:33 p.m. at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.
Chicago Fire Department paramedics were called to the home after the man told a worker in the group home that he was experiencing chest pains and asked them to call an ambulance.
After the worker called for the ambulance, Askew returned to his room where he remained until paramedics arrived, police said.
When they did, he complained to them about chest pains and was then taken to the ambulance where he fell unconscious, police said.
As paramedics were trying to revive him, they took off his shirt and discovered he had a puncture wound on the upper left side of his chest, police said.
At some point police were called when it became apparent that the man had been stabbed, police said.
After the man was taken to the hospital, a doctor told police that the man had apparently tried to remove his pacemaker himself, police said. It was not known what the man used in that attempt.
The man may have had underlying mental and medical issues, police said. A representative of the group home could not provide any information.
No autopsy was conducted by the Cook County medical examiner's office who ruled his death natural, due to heart disease.
Girl, 9, Facing Four Felonies For Wild School Bus Tantrum, Battering Sheriff's Deputy
The Smoking Gun
November 1, 2011
A nine-year-old Florida girl is facing four felony charges after she allegedly threw a tantrum yesterday on a school bus, spit on the driver, threw rocks at the bus, and tossed a patio chair at a cop, who she warned, “I will <snip>in kill you!”
The child, a fourth grader at the Royal Palm School in Fort Myers, was traveling home when the driver told her to stop eating candy on the bus. The girl “became very upset” and started yelling obscenities at driver Robert Middleton, according to a Lee County Sheriff’s Office report.
After threatening to strike other children on the bus, the girl jumped off the bus (but not before spitting on Middleton). She then allegedly started throwing pieces of asphalt at the bus.
When a sheriff’s deputy arrived on the scene and ordered the child to stop throwing the asphalt, she replied, “<snip> you! <snip> you!” The child added, “Shut the <snip> up. I will <snip>in kill you.”
After warning that she would hurt him, the child “picked up an aluminum patio chair and threw it at me,” reported a deputy. After blocking the chair with his arm, the cop restrained the child, who then “attempted to bite my arm and said, ‘I am going to kill you, get off of me!”
The pint-sized terror was charged with battery on a public school employee, resisting arrest with violence, battery on a law enforcement officer, and throwing a deadly missile into an occupied vehicle.
The girl, pictured in the above mug shot, was released into her parents's custody last night and placed on home detention for 21 days.
Top 10 Reasons Occupy Wall Street Is a Joke
Soft drink makers like Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper Snapple Group target black and Hispanic teens, children: report
Big brands are capitalizing on minority youth to be their biggest buyers with multimedia campaigns in addition to traditional print, TV ads
Joyce Chen
Originally Published: Monday, October 31 2011, 11:51 PM
Updated: Monday, October 31 2011, 11:51 PM
Black and Hispanic children and teens are the primary target audience for soda advertisers.
A new study reveals truths about soft-drink manufacturers’ marketing tactics that are anything but sweet.
A recent Yale study released Monday found that soft-drink makers are targeting black and Hispanic children and teenagers in their U.S. ad campaigns.
According to the report, released by the Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, black kids and teens watched 80% to 90% more ads than white children.
Hispanic teens were exposed to 99% more ads than their white counterparts.
“Our children are being assaulted by these drinks that are high in sugar and low in nutrition,” said Kelly Brownell, co-author of the report. “The companies are marketing them in highly aggressive ways.”
Coca-Cola is the parent company for popular soft drinks like Sprite and Fanta, as well as for energy drinks and juices like Odwalla and Fuze energy drink.
A big part of the increased number of thirsty viewers can be attributed to the move toward online interaction, Brownell said.
Coca-Cola, by far the most popular brand on Facebook, has more than 30 million fans, and website MyCokeRewards.com draws in millions of clicks each day.
Police Officer Sues Deli After Worker Puts His PUBIC HAIR In Officer’s Bagel
October 31, 2011
Dave Warner
A police officer is suing a New Jersey delicatessen and its cook, who admitted stuffing body hair into the officer’s bagel sandwich in revenge for a traffic arrest.
The lawsuit filed by Patrolman Jeremy Merck of the Evesham, New Jersey, Police Department seeks unspecified damages from Good Foods to Go in Marlton, New Jersey, and its cook, Ryan Burke, for an incident that occurred in February 2010.
Merck ordered an egg, cheese and turkey bagel and after eating part of it, he found it “was adulterated with pubic, chest or other human hair,” the lawsuit said.
Merck sought medical help and was checked for communicable diseases at a hospital, his attorney, Bruce Zamost, said on Friday. None was detected.
Burke, who served Merck the sandwich, was later charged with aggravated assault, retaliation against a public servant and food tampering. He ultimately served 15 days in jail.
According to a police report from the criminal case, “Burke admitted to tearing out hairs from his chest and his pubic area and placing them on Ptl. Merck’s sandwich out of anger due to the fines and lawyers fees he had from the prior arrest in 2009.”
In 2009, Merck charged Burke with traffic offenses. Burke later complained the traffic case cost him $4,400.
“Burke admitted that he did not like Ptl. Merck as a result of that incident and expressed that he shouldn’t have to see Ptl. Merck at Good Foods to Go,” the police report continued.
A woman who answered the phone at the headquarters of the restaurant chain declined to comment on reports Burke was fired after the sandwich incident. The restaurant’s lawyer, Mark Sander, could not be reached for comment on Friday.
Zamost said no trial date has been set for the civil case but it would likely begin next year.
03:51 PM ET, 10/31/2011
Va Republican party condemns Loudoun GOP e-mail with an image of Obama shot in the head
The Republican Party of Virginia is strongly condemning an e-mail sent by Loudoun County’s GOP committee that shows President Obama as a zombie with part of
his head with a bullet hole.
“The disgusting image used today on a mass e-mail has no place in our politics. Ever,’’ said Pat Mullins, chairman of the state party. “The Republican Party of Virginia condemns the image and its use in the strongest possible terms.”
Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) called the e-mail “shameful and offensive,’’ his spokesman Tucker Martin said. “He calls on those involved to apologize for their actions, and to immediately ensure that such imagery is never used again. The governor has long stressed the need for more civility and respect in our politics. An e-mail like this one undermines those goals, offends all Virginians and discredits our entire political process. It will not be tolerated.”
The e-mail, first reported on the blog Too Conservative, has “Halloween 2011” in the subject lines and has several other images, including one of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, whose face has been made to look deformed with one eye bulging out of its socket.
The e-mail invites supporters to a Halloween parade. “LCRC members and Republican candidates: We are going to vanquish the zombies with clear thinking conservative principles and a truckload of Republican candy...It’s fun and a great way to represent our candidates to a ton of voters (and their kids) just before the election.”
Mullins said the state party is in the process of contacting those who are responsible for the image and demanding that they stop using it and issue an apology.
Mark Sell, chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee, issued a statement that said:
“The Loudoun County Republican Committee yesterday sent an email to its members that represented a light-hearted attempt to inject satire humor into the Halloween holiday,’’ Sell wrote. Apparently, some individuals have interpreted an image of Barack Obama that appeared within the email as intending to portray the president as a victim of a violent crime. Nothing could be further from the truth, and we deeply and sincerely apologize to the president and anyone who viewed the image if that was the impression that was left. The LCRC deplores any effort to display, suggest or promote violence against the president or any other political figure.”
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