Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let me tell you a story.

December. 7, 1941.

Japan bombed pearl Harbor, The Emperor wanted to send in ground troops to invade our country.

The Emperor's main General said sir, " You don't want to do that, there's a gun behind every blade of grass."

The main General knew, that average Americans would join in and defend our country.


We have something called the Second Amendment, The right to keep and bear arms.


Yesterday was May Day, A day of protesting across the country, Many people with their special cause marched around

and held up their special little signs.

One sign in particular was disturbing, It was" Disarm the Police."  Are you really that stupid?

Do you really want cops showing up to an armed robbery with Tasers and beanbags?  Harsh words ?


Think real hard, if our Police are disarmed, it will only be a matter of time before they do it to the rest of us.

Do you really want the rest of the world to see us as weakened citizenry?


I have small comforts knowing that I have a .22 with a 15 round banana clip sitting right next to my bed, if you get past my dogs, that gives me time to hit the safety.

Criminals do stupid things, criminals on drugs do even stupider things.


We can all agree there are bad people and very good people, and yes that means cops.

They put their life on the line everyday, just like the Fireman who runs into burning buildings.

I like seeing that Police cruiser come down my street, I grew up in Detroit, if you called the cops, they might or might not have shown up.

After the humiliation the Baltimore cops went through, The New York cops and so on...

They might not be as eager to put their life on the line for people who have made it clear they are not wanted.


Next time your husband comes home  drunk and uses you as a punching bag.

The next time a child goes missing.

The next time gangs square off and a toddler is shot.

The next armed robbery.

The next traffic pile up on an interstate.

The next natural disaster.

God forbid the next time someone flies planes into our buildings.

Get my point, be very careful what you ask for, you just might get it.


At 8:21 AM, hearsetrax said...

no such critter as innocent ....

At 8:58 AM, JAP69 said...

I watched The Vikings series on tv. If you can get close enough a sword and an axe can do some serious damage. Get a drywall hammer and use it like you would a tomahawk.

At 11:32 AM, LottoVantage said...

I think I see the biggest revolution about to occur that this nation has ever witnessed. If the innocent citizens are stripped of their protection, leaving only the thugs, gangsters, and idiots armed to the hilt with every kind of weapon imaginable, there will be war on the home front, guaranteed!!

At 4:00 PM, MADDOG10 said...

It's people who do NOT think before they open their mouths, or the ones who are still misinformed that create such stupidity. If it ever came to this, an all out civil war will happen along with an underworld of people who will become our militia..

At 9:16 PM, sully16 said...

I think there is a push to create a Federal Police Force, and I don't think it will include state and Local officers, I think they will be UN trained, people who won't think twice about rights and .... fill in the blanks.

At 9:16 AM, CARBOB said...

Everyone pay close attention to sully16 comments. I have said it before and now, will repeat. Bolt and lock the doors on the UN Building, run out all the diplomats, who are not in Embassy's. Their is no need for those people to be here.

At 10:40 AM, sully16 said...

I agree Carbob, get rid of the UN, Do we really want Iranian or Russian Police officers.
They will get people who will not hesitate to kill each and every one of us.
Culling the population I believe is another agenda.
For all of you who don't know what culling is, it basically means to decrease.
How it's done will certainly come in many forms, abortion, disease, rioting, war.
The next time a freedom bus rolls through your city with sick illegals on board, ask yourself, Have I been immunized? Ask yourself, who is leading the charge to sway people from getting their shots?

At 10:02 AM, Technut said...

Yes i agree also get rid of the UN in America. As far as my guns are concerned the only way they will get mine is from my COLD DEAD HANDS!

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